Chapter 260
"If I were you, I wouldn't be so cruel to a girl."

Accompanied by an icy sound, a palm print came out in an instant, knocking that person back.

Immediately, I saw a sharp figure standing in front of the round-faced girl, smiling at her and saying, "It's all right."

Lu Feng had some impression of this round-faced girl named Liu Yuan.

"It's okay, thank you."

Liu Yuan breathed a sigh of relief, and looked at Lu Feng gratefully.

"Things looking for death, even one person dares to come to the hero to save the beauty."

The man had an angry look on his face, and suddenly, he slapped Lu Feng directly with a backhand palm.


Liu Yuan's complexion trembled, and she hurriedly shouted.

Lu Feng's face was calm, and his cold eyes suddenly stared at the man.

"act recklessly!"

Facing Lu Feng's cold eyes, he felt a chill in his heart, and suddenly the palm print trembled violently, and a green dragon seal flew away suddenly.

Lu Feng slowly stretched out his arm, and punched out violently while the strong wind howled.

A deep voice resounded, and the green dragon seal was instantly torn apart by the fist wind, and the man's face hardened in surprise, his shirt was torn apart by a gust of wind, and the blue light filled the air like a dragon rushing towards him.

Seeing such a change, Liu Yuan was terrified.

"The Qinglong technique of the Four Elephant Sect is quite interesting."

The corner of Lu Feng's mouth curled up into a smile, he didn't dodge or dodge, his fist was clenched tightly, dazzling light overflowed, the air trembled violently during the swing, and it swept away violently.


That punch shattered the light from the person's body, and there was a sound like heaven and earth cracking, and the person's body flew out, and then hit a rock, sunk deeply, and his chest was already flattened.

After spitting out a few mouthfuls of blood, he passed out,
Following Lu Feng's powerful punch, this area immediately fell silent, and countless gazes cast their gazes on them.

Liu Yuan was also open-mouthed, and the junior brother in front of her, whose realm was lower than hers, beat a genius disciple of the Four Elephant Sect into a dead dog in a few punches.

"Lu Feng!"

Feeling the majestic and galloping power of Lu Feng, the girls looked happy.

"Senior sisters, long time no see."

Lu Feng smiled and walked towards them.

At the same time, he looked at the Liuqin with closed eyes, thinking to himself that this woman is really bold, to choose to break through the real martial arts realm here.

However, this is also a helpless thing, these pools of water cannot be taken out.

With the help of these pools of water, almost 100% Liuqin talent can break through Zhenwu.

If it were him, he would also choose this bold method.

"It turned out to be just one person."

The man in black, the leader of Motian Temple, breathed a sigh of relief.

No matter how powerful he is alone, he can't turn things around.

"It's that kid!" Among the crowd, there was a tall man with anger in his eyes, his clenched fists cracking.

A short and fat man next to him laughed and said, "I heard that you, Zhou Qing, were teased by a kid earlier, could it be him?"

This short, fat man belongs to the Xuanwu sect of the Four Elephant Sect, and has always been at odds with the Qinglong sect.

"I found this place first when I went to Tianmen, and I hope you all leave quickly."

Lu Feng smiled at everyone.

And the women beside him stood behind Lu Feng, looking forward to him.

"Boy, I let you escape last time, but this time you actually delivered it to your door."

The tall man Zhou Qing stepped out immediately, wishing he could tear the nasty boy in front of him.

"It turned out to be you." Lu Feng smiled and said, "It's just a few golden spirit fruits. If you need them, I'll give them to you."

In the past few days, with the help of Xiaohu's special sense, Lu Feng has collected a lot of unique treasures here.

At this time, the coercion on Liuqin's body became more and more terrifying, the pink light and golden light intertwined in the lower abdomen, and a trace of the unique power of the true essence diffused, and the golden pool of water was only one thumb deep, and it was rapidly refining.

This phenomenon shows that Liuqin is very close to the Real Martial Realm.

"What are you talking about with this kid? When that girl breaks through Zhenwu, we will have nothing to do here."

The man in black snarled, and punched fiercely, and a demon dragon wreaked havoc amidst the magic tumbling.

When Lu Feng wanted to fight, the woman in the red skirt pulled out her hairpin, and a ray of light swept away.

After a while, the scuffle resumed, and the group of women formed a line of defense to protect Liuqin, and the ruthlessness of these women was terrifying.

Women are sometimes more ruthless than men, so they are not easy to mess with.

"Your opponent is me!"

Zhou Qing sneered, a blue vortex appeared, and a blue dragon arm suddenly struck.

The last time he was teased by Lu Feng, there was a fire in his heart that he had nowhere to vent.

At this time.

Looking at Liuqin who was about to break through, Lu Feng would never let this group of people bother him.

This group of beautiful senior sisters gave him a very good impression. Before coming, he wanted to protect him from the killing intent of the two sessions.

all of a sudden.

A fist print flashed out in an instant, turning into white light and bombarding Zhou Qing.

Blue dragon scales appeared on the blue dragon's arm, and it was like a blue dragon roaring between waves, and a dragon claw came up to meet it.

With a dull sound, the dragon claws grabbed Lu Feng's fist, and the sharp nails pierced into the flesh.

Lu Feng's face changed slightly, he opened his fingers, and the tyrannical force directly split the five claws.

Azure Dragon Seal!

The dragon chant shook, and a dragon seal was suspended between the flipped hands, as if suppressing the void, it fell down on Lu Feng fiercely.

"Let me see your so-called Azure Dragon Seal!"

The power of the eight real dragons erupted completely, and this area was suppressed by a heavy force, and then a punch carrying tremendous power directly blasted at the green dragon.

Bang bang bang!
The sound of continuous shocks exploded one after another, and a figure in the air shot straight away, tearing the green dragon into pieces.

This scene, like a demon god, left Zhou Qing dumbfounded.


Lu Feng shouted loudly, and a wave of white spiritual power pervaded away.

Under this drink, Zhou Qing was in a trance, his senses were greatly affected, and he could only vaguely see a figure bursting towards him.

Then, a huge force hit his chest.

Immediately, the whole person was thrown violently and hit a mountain wall.


Zhou Qing clutched his bloody chest, his viscera writhed, and he spit out a mouthful of blood mixed with visceral fragments.

And Zhou Qing's rapid defeat also made everyone's eyes tremble, and they all looked at that kid in surprise.

Lu Feng's expression was as usual, when he just broke through to the seventh level of Xuanfu, he was able to overwhelm Situ Hai and Liu Tian.

Now, with his realm completely consolidated, Zhou Qing, whose strength was almost the same as Situ Hai's, would naturally not feel too much pressure.

"Zhou Qing, your strength is not good enough." The short and fat man mocked.

Zhou Qing looked angry, and said: "That kid is a monster at all, if you have the guts, go for it."

"Hehe, let me show you the strength of my Xuanwu lineage."

The short and fat man's body was outlined with black lines of light, and a basalt phantom with the head of a snake, the body of a turtle and the tail of a dragon appeared behind him in this world.

The coercion that suppressed the world was even more terrifying than his Azure Dragon Seal.

Zhou Qing's face froze, he only fused a drop of Qinglong blood essence, but this short and fat man fused three drops.

However, seeing that kid was about to be defeated by this person, he was extremely depressed.

"Boy, I advise you to catch him without a fight, otherwise don't blame me for defeating you ruthlessly."

The short and fat man opened his mouth wide, and that shout came suddenly with majestic coercion.

(End of this chapter)

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