Ten Thousand Domains

Chapter 31 Battle of the Top 4

Chapter 31
Two hours is enough for them to recover their strength.

During this period, the smell of delicious food spread throughout the entire Lu family, and pots of barbecued meat with oil stains were freely enjoyed by the group of teenagers participating in the assessment.

The noon sun was extremely hot, and that round of shining sun was like a golden crow that would never fall.

After eating, Lu Feng lazily leaned against a big tree, with a piece of grass in his mouth, narrowed his eyes slightly and took a nap.


The sound of the knife resounded, attracting Lu Feng's attention.

I saw that boy in sackcloth was still tirelessly practicing his sword skills in the martial arts arena. The sword was overbearing, like cutting mountains and rivers with force.

The boy in linen has a firm gaze, and it seems that only the knife exists in his eyes.

Two hours passed quickly, and the crowd gathered on the martial arts arena, looking forward to the next battle.

"Four arenas, 20 people in each arena, and the strongest one will enter the final four. Now you come up and draw lots."

The family elders of the True Martial Realm swept their majestic eyes at the 80 people who had advanced, and said solemnly.

"Red-faced old monster, those three condensate pills of yours will belong to me." Sun Zhen said confidently.

The red-faced old monster was not to be outdone: "It's better not to jump to conclusions until the end."

In fact, Lu Feng's performance in the assessment has already shaken him, and now he can only expect that Lu Feng will draw the strongest group.

While the two were arguing, the lottery was over, and Lu Feng's battle platform was the third.

On the huge third battle platform, stood twenty youths full of vigor, looking around proudly.

Lu Feng discovered that on the third battle stage, there were two strong men in the Tongmai state, and one was a young man with a face like a horse.

And another master who can open the veins is Lu Min.

As for Lu Hua being assigned to the fourth battle platform, the boy in sackcloth was the first battle platform.

"It's really unlucky to be assigned with Lu Kai, a lunatic. It seems that I have no chance for the top four."

"That's right. Originally, as long as I didn't meet Lu Kai, I would be sure to enter the semi-finals with my second-level meridian, but now I can only resign myself to fate."

In the first battle arena, apart from the boy in linen, there were three meridian-level geniuses, two of whom were second-level meridians, but they didn't have much confidence in facing Lu Kai.

The battle has begun, and the lottery is decided. Two-two duels will determine the four strongest people among the four battle platforms.

The afternoon sun was still hot, shining on the battle platform.

"Lu Feng vs. Xia Yan." On stage three, a law enforcer shouted.

Hearing this, Lu Feng walked towards the center with vigorous steps, and looked at a thin young man on the opposite side.

The skinny boy, like him, has the strength of the cast body. In the previous beast test, he killed a beast that was close to the channel, and his strength should not be underestimated.

"Ninth Young Master, please enlighten me." Xia Yan felt uneasy. Although Lu Feng opposite him was at the Casting Stage, his strength was definitely connected.

"Bengshan Fist!"

Suddenly, Xia Yan took the lead in launching the offensive.

Only in this way can you have a chance of winning if you take the lead.

Bengshan Fist pays attention to strength, with a punch, it seems that a small mountain in front of him has been crumbled, and a huge force rushed over in an instant.

With a movement, Lu Feng went to meet him. Under the sunlight, he drew an extremely long afterimage, slammed his palm, and suddenly grabbed the opponent's fist.

Xia Yan's complexion changed, he felt the huge force in his palm, and wanted to pull it out, but in the blink of an eye, Lu Feng threw him out of the ring with force.

The opponent was Casting Body Nine Layers, against Lu Feng who was in the same realm, he had no power to parry and won the first round smoothly.

"You defeated the Nine Layers of Casting Body with one punch!" the surrounding warriors said in amazement.

Then the elimination continued, Lu Min defeated one person strongly, and another martial artist also defeated the opponent, and the other battles also proceeded very quickly.

At the end of the first round, the ten players on stage three were determined, and their opponents were still selected by drawing lots.

Lu Feng didn't draw a strong meridian, he was still a young man with nine levels of casting, and he easily defeated his opponent.

After the end of the second round, there were only five people left standing on the stage. Due to the addition of one more person, the rules of Bidou changed slightly.

"You two confront each other." The law enforcer pointed at the two weakest teenagers among the five with a blank expression.

The two teenagers felt a little helpless, knowing that this was the intention of the family, sacrificing them, and letting the strongest members of the No. [-] battle stage face off.

The battle between the two was very exciting, and in the end one of them won by a narrow margin and advanced to the next round.

At this time, there were only four people left on the battle stage, and Lu Feng's opponent also came out, the horse-faced boy in the pulse-connecting state.

"Lu Feng, although you are very strong, you are only a cast body warrior after all, and this is your disadvantage."

The horse-faced boy actually had no idea in his heart, what he was most afraid of was Lu Feng's miraculous steps.

So if you want to defeat him, you have to grasp his trajectory.

And this year's horse-faced boy is over, this level of assessment is his last chance, he must seize this opportunity to make the family value him.

Lu Feng glanced at the horse-faced boy lightly, and said: "You only have two martial arteries, and your lack of profound energy is also your disadvantage."


The horse-faced boy didn't say any more, the cyan brilliance flickered under his feet, his speed suddenly increased, he raised his left palm, and the cyan palm print roared away.

This palm was struck extremely quickly, and the horse-faced boy was confident that Lu Feng would never be able to avoid this palm.

Seeing it, the palm print was about to fall on Lu Feng's body.

But Lu Feng went forward, and under the surprised gaze of the horse-faced boy, his two fingers joined together to form a finger sword.

With that pointing, it was like a peerless sharp sword screaming out of its sheath.

Of course, Lu Feng's martial arts are not limited to Jingtao Palm, this name is called Xing Luo Zhi, which is the famous martial skill of Star Emperor, but Lu Feng's current level is too low to display the power of Xing Luo Zhi.

As Xing Luo pointed to the center of the palm print, a buzzing sound resounded suddenly, and a surge of blue light enveloped the entire battle platform.

"It's all right." The horse-faced boy was surprised.

The profound energy of the first level of Tongmai is still too rare, and it is difficult to shake Lu Feng only by this level of attack, but the horse-faced boy suddenly changed his moves, and slapped blue palm prints one after another.

Standing in the center of the palm print, Lu Feng tapped out the star fingers one after another, as if standing in the universe and breaking stars one by one, chic and comfortable.

Black hair fluttered like a waterfall, and the skirts of their clothes were lifted by the strong wind. Many girls present looked straight and shouted Lu Feng's name.

"No, if this continues, my profound energy will be exhausted, and by then my advantage will be gone."

Realizing the crisis he was in, the horse-faced boy suddenly touched the ring on his middle finger, and a silver spear pierced the sky, stabbing towards Lu Feng at an incomparable speed.

The spear was extremely fierce, and the tip of the spear was shrouded in a hazy layer of profound energy.

Lu Feng was not in a panic. He heard the sharp wind from the tip of the spear piercing the air in his ears. He suddenly spun his feet, took out the black black sword he was carrying on his back, and received the spear with the scabbard.

Sparks flew from the black scabbard, leaving a faint white spot.

"Master Ninth, be careful, weapons don't have eyes."

The horse-faced boy stepped on his feet, his speed was like thunder, and a long spear danced vigorously, majestic, and stabbed at Lu Feng suddenly under the continuous shadow of the gun.

As long as Lu Feng is forced to show his flaws, then he can be knocked out of the ring.

But what surprised the horse-faced boy was that with his seemingly powerful attacks, every time Lu Feng could find the weakest point and catch it
"Sweeping thousands of troops!" The horse-faced boy swept his teeth, and swept away with his long spear wide open.

"Clang!" Lu Feng accurately hit the tip of the spear with his scabbard, raised his arm, and swept away the spear, his body suddenly passed by like a shadow.

The afterimage descended with a sharp breath, and the black scabbard touched the horse-faced boy's chest.

"I, I lost." The horse-faced boy looked downcast.

Fortunately, this was just a martial arts competition in the family, and Lu Feng did not draw his sword. If it was a life and death fight, he would have been a cold corpse at this moment.

After the defeat, the horse-faced boy jumped off the stage, leaving only the defeated opponents Lu Feng and Lu Min to compete for the last position on the third stage.

(End of this chapter)

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