Ten Thousand Domains

Chapter 32 Firefly and Bright Moon

Chapter 32 Firefly and Bright Moon

"Ninth brother, I admit defeat in this battle."

Lu Min giggled, and jumped off the ring without waiting for Lu Feng to say more.

In Lingchun's martial arts competition this time, she did not have to win.

Lu Feng smiled helplessly: "This is Miss Min."

The ending has come, the No. [-] platform Lu Feng won, and successfully advanced to the semi-finals.

The battles on the other three platforms ended one after another.

The most eye-catching thing is that young man in sackcloth, Lu Kai. His sword is extremely domineering, without any fancy.

A martial artist who was fighting against him was defeated after only holding on to one move.

Lu Hua also advanced smoothly. His opponent was a second-level martial artist who had developed three martial arteries. After a fierce fight, he narrowly won.

The winner of the second ring is a pure and lovely girl.

"In this competition, No. 1 can get five catties of the blood essence of the savage beast of the true martial arts realm, the Red Flame Lion, No. 2 can get three catties of the blood essence of the Red Flame Lion, No. 3 can get two catties of the blood essence of the Red Flame Lion, and They can all acquire an earth-level martial skill."

Before the finals, the elders of the True Martial Realm announced the rewards for the competition, which made many disciples gasp.

The rewards for Lingchun's martial arts competition this time are really generous.

Not to mention blood essence, just relying on the top three to get a ground-level martial skill is enough to make people crazy.

To know.

In the family, unless you have a deep status or show enough talent, you can only read the earth-level martial arts, and most people can only read the spiritual-level martial arts at most.

This is because prefecture-level martial arts are extremely precious, and it is impossible for the family to fully open them up, otherwise it is likely to leak out.

"For the blood of the Scarlet Flame Lion, we must at least enter the top three in this battle." Lu Feng said with fiery eyes and clenched his fists.

One of the treasures needed to break through the meridians is at least the essence and blood of the ninth-level beasts of the Xuanfu to open up the door of martial arts.

A scarlet flame lion can extract ten jins of blood essence, and these blood essences are extremely precious, definitely worth millions of taels of silver in the Universal Merchant Alliance.

"Now the competition begins, the four of you come to the stage to draw lots." said the elder of the True Martial Realm.

"Today I want to challenge you, Lu Feng, how dare you take up the challenge."

At this moment, Lu Hua took the first step, his eyes burning with fighting spirit, said.

The elder of the True Martial Realm frowned: "If Lu Feng agrees, I can meet your request.

"I agree."

Lu Feng agreed.

"In that case, Lu Hua and Lu Feng will fight."

The innocent girl beside her was obedient but frowned.

There are two battle platforms, one where Lu Feng confronts Lu Hua, and the other where Lu Kai confronts an innocent girl.

If Lu Feng a few months ago was a forgotten waste, then Lu Feng today will be a rising star.

Many people are looking forward to this battle. Both of them are the two excellent children of Zhennan King. Who will be stronger in the end.

Lu Zhan had no expression on his face, and was very unhappy about the confrontation between the two.

The queen's eyes were full of murderous intent, this battle Lu Hua would definitely crush Lu Feng's pride.

"You are just an ant in my eyes, you are just an illegitimate child of my father, and my mother is the queen, and my uncle is the current majesty, the gap between you and me is like the gap between a bright moon and a firefly."

Lu Hua said it almost through gritted teeth, with endless anger in his heart.

He dared to divorce Su Xue, and what happened was that when he went to Su Mansion recently, King Zhenbei was obviously indifferent to him, and even Su Xue refused to let him see each other.

All this was brought by Lu Feng, and his anger towards Lu Feng had reached a critical point.

"But all of this cannot be your strength. Even if Lin Boye is His Majesty today, you are still only a warrior in the meridian state." Lu Feng asked back: "In my eyes, you are worse than Yinghuo."

Lu Hua said angrily, "How dare you call my uncle by his first name, how dare you!"

When Lu Zhan on the high platform heard the words, his face was immediately displeased, and he shook his head in disappointment with Lu Hua.

Compared with Lu Feng, Lu Hua's heart and vision are far worse. Does he really think that the relationship between the Lu family and the royal family is really that friendly?

"Why don't you dare?" Lu Feng smiled.

"court death!"

Two fierce lights flickered in Lu Hua's eyes, and the crimson profound energy gushed out and gathered between his arms, and a fiery red figure flew out, killing Lu Feng.

"Is it just you?"

In an instant, the waves of fire surged, and Lu Hua had already come in front of Lu Feng. His hand was like a lion's bloody maw, and he struck fiercely, aiming to kill Lu Feng's head.

"Shocking Wave Palm!"

Surging Wave Palm is the most suitable for this kind of situation. A majestic palm is urged from the palm, and the muscles of Lu Feng's whole body bulge to transfer the strength to this palm.

The two collided directly and violently, setting off a terrible hurricane.

Although Lu Hua is still at the first level of Tongmai, he definitely has the strength of the second level of Tongmai when he explodes, and his violent fire attribute makes his attack more powerful.

After the exchange of fists and palms, there was a thunderous sound, and the bodies of the two retreated at the same time.

"Raging Lion Fist!"

Lu Hua's face darkened, and he let out a loud shout. The flames gathered in his right hand, and the terrible heat burned the air. At the same time, the speed was almost twice as fast under the blessing of profound energy, and he rushed towards Lu Feng.

Seeing this, Lu Feng spun his feet, and stepped out of the Spiritual Shadow Step. When the Angry Lion Fist was about to hit, he jumped up and landed behind Lu Hua.

The next moment, Lu Feng went close to him, pointing at Lu Hua's spine with a finger.

Sensing the cold murderous intent coming from behind, Lu Hua's face changed drastically, and he turned around hastily, blocking the finger with his arm.

"Boom!" A spray of blood exploded from between Lu Hua's arms, and a hole with thick fingers appeared, and the dark force pierced through his arm.


Lu Feng yelled loudly, his eyes flickered, and he stepped on the spiritual shadow step to the extreme, his whole body almost turned into an elusive afterimage, and the attacks rushed towards Lu Hua like a tide.

It is clear from the bottom that Lu Hua's body skills are not as good as Lu Feng's. In this case, even if he has a powerful attack, he can only be beaten passively at this moment.

With their eyes fixed on each other, everyone turned their eyes to Lu Feng's side. He was able to gain the upper hand against Lu Hua.

But one person's face became more and more gloomy, and that was the queen.

On the battlefield, the terrifying battle continued.

"Give me death!"

The profound energy all over his body burned violently, and he seemed to be transformed into a field of fire, and the flames turned into meteors and sputtered towards the surroundings.

As long as he can hit Lu Feng, the terrifying profound energy is enough to defeat him.

Lu Feng was extremely calm, he opened his distance to avoid the splashing flames.

"Lu Feng has the ability, you don't need to use body skills, and face me squarely."

Lu Hua was extremely aggrieved. If he fought head-on, he would be very sure to defeat Lu Feng with just a few punches.

But in the current situation, Lu Feng played him like a monkey, and couldn't even touch the corner of his clothes.

"Okay, I will satisfy your request."

Lu Feng stepped directly towards Lu Hua, and Jingtao clapped 25 times at this moment. The momentum and pressure were not inferior to that of a martial artist in the Tongmai realm.

"Haha, you are such an idiot, just let my flames burn you to death!"

Seeing that Lu Feng was really provoked, Lu Hua was overjoyed, and directly killed him with a flaming palm.

"Boom!" The flames gushed out, and Lu Hua burned the power of the flames along Lu Feng's pores and into his meridians.

He smiled, showing a sinister smile, his eyes were stern like a poisonous snake.

In this way, Lu Feng's meridians will be burned, and he will become a complete useless person at that time, and the glory will return to him at that time.

"Is this your plan?"

Lu Feng said coldly, the exercises started to work suddenly.

The black stone was refining the profound energy of heaven and earth, and a coolness surged in his body. The flame just made Lu Feng feel numb for a while, and it was not a serious problem.

After consuming so many resources, his physical body is more than ten times stronger than that of ordinary cast-level warriors, and this little flame can't hurt him.

(End of this chapter)

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