Ten Thousand Domains

Chapter 3579 No Beast [2 More]

Chapter 3579 No Beast [Two Updates]

Wu Beast is a legend, possessing strengths that are extremely similar to Beast, but the one who talks to him is also a legend, and it turns out to be a holy angel in the angel family.

This holy angel exudes a platinum-like sacred brilliance, proud and noble.

Behind him, there are sixteen pairs of noble wings, and the No.18 pair of wings exudes a faint light, looming and about to fully appear.

There are seven holy angel kings in the angel family, and this holy angel is the first holy angel king. His strength and resourcefulness are not indistinguishable from beasts, and there are four holy angel kings following him.

Now, the Five Great Beast Ancestors and the Five Great Holy Angel Kings came to Tianwaitian aggressively, their purpose is self-evident, that is to find Lu Feng.

"No beast!"

The holy angel said coldly: "Both Tie and Seraph died at the hands of the Eternal. From this we can see that his strength is not inferior to ours, and we are actually going to find him this time. Taking a huge risk, but I have to go to him to find out his strength."

"Hmph! This eternity is just that the initial year appeared with the mother, and he didn't even have an initial year in cultivation. How strong can he be? There is also a limit. The combination of our five great beast ancestors is enough to tidy him up, haha, This time, you don’t need your angel family to take action.”

The bear sneered, apparently also wanted to control the power of eternity, and didn't want the angels to intervene and share the benefits.

"You fool, don't even think about it. If Eternity is as easy to deal with as you say, Tie will not die in his hands. Although Tie is ineffective, you are sure to kill him? Even Wushou It’s not necessarily a shot.”

The charming female fox sneered.

"You foxy son, it's really hateful. If you want others to destroy your prestige, even if I'm not his opponent, isn't it enough if there is no beast to fight?" Xiong said angrily.

"Okay, don't argue."

Wu Beast had a low voice and waved his hand: "Fox is right. Don't be careless when dealing with eternity. This person is the key to controlling the gate of the beginning. I suspect that the beginning is also reincarnated. The beast said, who gets eternity and destiny?" Whoever has the power, will be able to control the gate of the beginning and become the only supreme king!"

"It has been several initial years since the king of angels entered the gate of initiation, but this initiation will appear." The holy angel said.

"That's right, the beast has also entered the gate of the beginning. Our purpose this time is to make arrangements first, force the eternity to make a move, and figure out his methods. Only by knowing some of his spells can we know ourselves and the enemy and be invincible in all battles, and the eternity is still When we are not at our strongest, this is our good opportunity."

Wushou's eyes flashed, he was actually only one step away from the realm of the beast, but he couldn't break through, this time he also wanted to find an opportunity from Lu Feng.

"It is for this reason that when the two supreme sources of eternity and destiny are not in our hands, we are actually all allies, and there is no need to fight on our own."

said the holy angel.

"It's us joining forces to see the eternal strength together."

Both Wu Beast and Holy Angel have their own plans, and they understand that Lu Feng's ability to kill Tie and Seraph is definitely not a fluke, and if they face each other alone, they will suffer a lot of losses.

But when these two camps merged together, there was a sudden change in the beginning, and a majestic force came, almost blocking them, making all the time and space solidified, and there was a statue The great portals comparable to the gates of the beginning are also revealed.


The holy angel's eyes swept across, and he suddenly shot a holy light in that direction, killing all the strange things.

But a hand stretched out from the portal, gently crushed the holy light, and a powerful force swept over again, turning into a huge handprint and suppressing the two parties.

"What?" The holy angel was taken aback, and even he felt strong heart palpitations when the handprint came.

You know, his strength is almost at the peak except for those who dominated the initial year than him.

"Hmph, who is pretending to be a ghost!"

The bear roared, and suddenly his body changed. A huge savage bear rushed up, trying to counter the blow with its own body.

But I didn't expect that the bear just flew over, and the handprint lightly suppressed the bear, and the bear flew out, shooting hundreds of millions of light-years away. When I saw him again, the bear's body was covered with blood and flesh. I don't know how many were broken.

Before the real body appeared, he wounded the bear, one of the eight great beast ancestors.

Wu Beast's face was gloomy, and he shouted coldly: "Besides those beast-like existences that can easily injure a bear, there are only destiny and eternity, but I also know those many existences, and which of these two are you?" place?"

"This seat is eternal, don't you want to see my methods? You don't need to spend a lot of time, this seat can satisfy your wishes now."

A voice comes from eternity.

Then a person strode out from the portal, wearing eternal clothes, his body is not so huge, but that momentum seems to be able to fill the entire beginning, ruling the world.


Seeing this person approaching, Wu Beast and the holy angel's eyes were all the same.

They would never have imagined that this eternity would appear in front of them just after arriving in Tianwaitian, and what made them most unacceptable was that this person's aura was stronger than they had imagined.

"Yes, it is this seat."

Lu Feng said lightly.

When he captured the optical brain system, when he returned, he had already calculated that someone was going to deal with him with the supreme eternity technique, and his current strength is too strong. Compared with the initial confrontation, he has completely changed. A gate of eternity that is not weaker than the gate of the beginning.

For all the existences that have to deal with and calculate him, he will kill them in the bud.

Now, his power of calculation is also unimaginably strong. This optical brain system is the highest wisdom crystallization of mechanical technological civilization. It is a product other than the initial one. After being fused by him, it has evolved a lot more than before with the Great Eternal Technique. .

"Brother, since Eternity has appeared, let's suppress him together!"

That Xiong Gang said violently, and Wu Beast waved his hand, and said calmly: "Eternal, we came this time only to investigate the cause of Tie's death, did you kill Tie in the place of destination? After all, it is also one of the Nine Great Beast Ancestors."

Wu Beast knew that Lu Feng's appearance this time was to demonstrate his strength, if it wasn't for the burst of power that even he was afraid of just now, he would have shot directly.

And Lu Feng's indifferent and controlling temperament made him unable to figure out the details of this person for a while.

"You mean that Tie? This seat wanted to kill him, but unfortunately he escaped at the end of the initial interference. The Seraphim was indeed beheaded by this seat, but if you think he was killed by this seat, then This seat killed it."

Lu Feng smiled slightly, his expression extremely indifferent.

(End of this chapter)

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