Ten Thousand Domains

Chapter 3580 Invincible

Chapter 3580 Invincible

Lu Feng did not kill Tie that day, but was disturbed by the initial mana, which made him escape. After a slight calculation, he discovered that after Tie escaped that day, everything was blank. He can't see it.

This feeling, as if a piece of history has been directly erased.

However, Lu Feng felt that there was nothing to be concerned about.

Now that the most important moment is approaching, any kind of heresy may appear in the initial gate. This is a normal thing, but no matter what changes you face, only strength is the fundamental.

"Hmph! You just admitted it!" the bear gritted his teeth.

"That's right, I don't even bother to explain to you. If you guys are honest, when I completely control the beginning and become the final winner, it will lead you to an eternal era. It's a pity that you have to rush If you jump out, I won’t let you go.”

Lu Feng looked extremely calm.

Although he was only one person, standing there, his aura was bigger than thousands of troops. These indifferent words showed his dominance and toughness, and all changes were under his control.

"Huh! Yes, surrendering to you may lead to an eternal era, but this beast wants to witness an era that belongs to the beast. You are the most powerful source in the gate of the beginning. Whoever gets you will have a chance to defeat the gate of the beginning. Door, no one is willing to give up this opportunity, we have no choice, instead of following the trend, we might as well go for it, if we miss it, this opportunity will never appear in the future!"

Wu Beast's voice sounded, his will was firm, and he clearly understood that the change in the initial gate had deflected the already doomed trajectory, and he could not see through anything that he could cultivate to his current strength.

"You're right, I can understand that many powerful existences are just like yours, but unfortunately, anyone who opposes me is my enemy, and I can't let it go. After all, I have to kill Clean, there is only one era in the future!"

Lu Feng understood their thoughts very well.

Some strong people may choose to build an eternal era with him, but more people will choose to control the power of eternity and destiny to fight against the beginning.

And all of this must be based on strength.

"Stop talking nonsense, you have trampled on the dignity of the king of angels, and you are the enemy of my angel family. No matter what, you cannot be let go. Before the final controller is decided, anyone has a chance, and you It's just one of them!"

The holy angel shouted loudly, and the holy light surged.

"Great Holy Art, Sword of Angels!"

The sixteenth pair of wings of the holy angel violently flapped, controlling the holy light. With this sword, he made an extremely brilliant blow. That seraphim was considered powerful, but in front of this holy angel, his magic power was completely weak More than ten times.

"Your sword is not as good as mine!"

But Lu Feng's face was terrifyingly quiet.

The optical brain system is calculating that he actually used the cloning technique to clone an angel sword, and he simulated the origin of the angel. With sword against sword, the moment the sword tips collide, there will be a magnetar The general aftermath floods out.

The strong force rebounded, causing the holy angel to fly backwards with a single blow.

"Holy Light of Glory!"

Although the holy angel was shocked, he stabilized in an instant. The holy light on his palm turned into a blow, and with his strong strength in the seventh realm, he saw waves of light surge, as if Came to the sanctuary of angels.

The angel family also dominated the initial year and was extremely powerful.

"Angel family, if your king of angels doesn't show up, you still want to fight with me? My opponent is not you at all!"

Lu Feng was expressionless, soaring into the sky, straight into the holy light, a pair of wings of light extended from his back, more brilliant and glorious than the holy angels, and not a pair, but a full set of wings There are so many pairs that I can't count them all.

This nothing becomes a one!

One turns into nothing, nothing turns into one, this is actually the power of one.

This is the power of the optical brain system. With its eternal ability, it can simulate any source, including the power of fate.

"What!" The holy angel was shocked. He saw that he seemed to be the strongest angel, and these countless pairs of wings were the symbol of dignity. He was like a fake.

"No, this is the power he simulated. The power of eternity encompasses everything. Since he killed Seraphim, he got his origin. All this is not real!"

The holy angel shook his head violently, persisting in disbelief.

"That's right, I did change this, but do you think eternity really only has the power of tolerance? If I say it's true, then it's true!"

With one move, Lu Feng shattered the holy angel's move. He punched him, causing the wings on his back to tremble violently, and countless feathers flew out. Each feather was condensed by the holy light. Countless angels can be born.

As strong as a holy angel, he is not Lu Feng's opponent. It's not that he is not strong. If he wants to deal with the seventh level of the Lord of All Ghosts, it is as easy as dealing with a child.

And in front of Lu Feng, it was as simple as dealing with children, without any effort.

Originally, Lu Feng's strength was not so powerful, but this time he went to the battleship, he not only got the optical brain system, but also calculated [-] kinds of supreme origin, the most important thing is to see the initial reincarnation, and understand more truths.

At his level, there is too little improvement in strength from foreign objects, only a clear understanding of the truth.

The holy angel flew backwards, spitting out holy blood, with a surprised expression on his face, "How is it possible, is his strength already comparable to the king of angels? No, why do I feel that he is stronger than the king of angels? I don't believe it, angels, instill strength and form an angel formation!"

After the other four angels heard it, they also knew the seriousness of the matter.

Immediately, the four angels were in all directions, and with the sword of the angel, rays of light immediately flowed to form a six-pointed star array. A force was instilled into the body of the holy angel, making the wings on his back seem to be completely solidified, and a powerful wave erupted. strength.

But at this moment, the holy angel was carrying the angel sword, and the eighteen pairs of wings were flapping, and the aura spreading out was several times stronger than before.

"Very strong! Is this the power of eternity? That holy angel's strength is not much weaker than mine, but he was forced out of the angel formation after several moves. This is a way for other angels to contribute their origin and forcibly improve their strength. Magic circle!"

Wu Beast's eyes are sharp, seeing through everything: "But it's a pity that two angels are missing, making the six-pointed star array incomplete, otherwise this holy angel will be comparable to the king of angels!"

The fox looked solemn, "Wu Beast, do we want to make a move?"

"No hurry, let us see how strong this eternal strength is. These angels are extremely proud, let them suffer a little bit!"

At this time when there were no beasts, Lu Feng stepped into the hexagram formation, and slammed his palm at the holy angel, sweeping away, invincible!
(End of this chapter)

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