Ten Thousand Domains

Chapter 3581 Sincerity is immortal [2 more]

Chapter 3581 Sincerity is Immortal [Two Updates]

With the help of the angel formation, the strength of the holy angel has been raised to a level comparable to that of the king of angels.

But Lu Feng didn't care about it, and rushed in directly, regardless of mana, what kind of behavior was this, it was equivalent to challenging the majesty of the King of Angels.

But the scene that happened after that made everyone's eyes widen. The mighty angel formation was easily destroyed under his palm. .

"Unfortunately, although this angel formation can improve your cultivation, you are not the real king of angels after all, and even if the king of angels stands in front of me, he will not be my opponent. It has already exceeded your imagination."

Lu Feng shook his head and sighed, he blew up the array of angels with one palm, and locked his eyes on an angel.

This angel has no holy light, but is dark and cold. Even the wings are black, exuding the color of hell. This is a special angel in the angel family. It is a fallen angel, an angel who fell into hell.

This fallen angel was locked by Lu Feng, screamed in fear, and flapped its wings to escape.

"Do you still want to run?"

Lu Feng couldn't follow his words, and just said three words in his mouth. The fallen angel was horrified to find that the surrounding void was solidified, and no matter how he flapped his wings, he couldn't move an inch, as if he was frozen in the air. in place.

"help me!"

The fallen angel uttered a cry for help.

"If the heart is eternal, sincerity is immortal!"

But two flashes of lightning shot out from Lu Feng's eyes, and he came to the fallen angel's side in a blink of an eye. The holy angel also saw the situation at this moment, and hurriedly turned around to save the fallen angel.

However, Lu Feng used the great eternity technique to make the heavens eternal. After he reached the seventh realm, the eternal power has no flaws, no weaknesses, and is completely infinite and perfect.

He raised his palms and carried a strangling storm. This fallen angel is also an absolute strongman in the seventh realm, but at this moment, his face showed panic and screams, and the whole body The body was destroyed.

Boom!A fallen angel disappeared in an instant.

"This! Is this the power of eternity? Oh my god, he killed the fallen angel in an instant!"

Seeing this scene, the Beast Ancestor named Fox shivered from the cold, and opened his bewitching red lips. This fallen angel was on par with her in strength, but facing Lu Feng, he couldn't even struggle. If you don't reach it, you will be killed with one palm.

"This is the power that can control the gate of origin!" Wu Beast looked shocked.

"You actually killed a fallen angel!"

The Holy Angel stood there dumbfounded, unable to accept all of this no matter what. Only at this moment did he understand the despair that Seraphim was facing. Originally, he thought that it would not be a problem for the Angels to face an eternity with all the strongest. .

But he was wrong.

"Now is just the beginning!"

Lu Feng's voice was still indifferent, and he outlined a phantom of a door with his hands, "The Gate of Eternity!"


In a black cloud, thunderbolts and thunder continued to shake, and the gate of eternity, which is comparable to the gate of the beginning, emerged. This gate fully demonstrated its supposed strength after Lu Feng's seventh realm. There are fifty sources that merge with each other.

"Not good, this portal!"

Wu Beast uttered a shocked voice: "How is it possible that facing this portal has the feeling that I am facing the gate of the beginning. Could it be that this eternal level has been promoted to a level comparable to the beginning!"

At this moment, the portal of eternity was suppressed rapidly, and fell like a meteor, hitting the body of the holy angel.

There was an explosion sound from the holy angel's body, unable to bear the power of the blow, the whole body exploded.

This door of eternity directly bombarded the holy angel, the ancient powerhouse, and his angelic vitality gathered in the distance again, but his face was pale at the moment, the holy light was not half as bright as before, and he made a tragic sound.

"Ah! Wushou, don't hesitate to take action. This person's strength has completely exceeded imagination. Do you still want to watch the fire from the other side? If my angel family loses, your big beast ancestors will not end well either!"

"Unite the angel family, let's deal with this eternity together, we can't let him continue to kill!"

Wu Beast couldn't calm down, he rushed forward, and he slapped it with a palm. In this vitality, he created countless beasts and turned it into a perfect palm.

According to the rumors, Wu Beast can use the power of any beast. He has not only the Nirvana technique of the Phoenix, but also the Shuttle Technique of the Peng. He is the most perfect beast. bright pearl.

"Beasts can create tens of thousands of beasts, but without beasts, you can use the power of tens of thousands of beasts. After the initial gate appears this time, you are destined to reach the realm of beasts, but it is a pity that you are against me this time. , will inevitably suffer heavy losses.”

Lu Feng's expression was calm, and there was a flash of electric fire on his finger, which passed through Wushou's palm print and landed directly on his body.

Crackling, crackling, the sound of thunder and lightning kept flickering, and Wu Beast was actually shocked by this electric flame. The more he urged the original power, the more violent the electric flame became.

"What a powerful eternal power, it turns out to want to assimilate my origin!"

Wu Beast didn't expect that just a flash of electric fire from Lu Feng's fingers could make him utterly embarrassed, and puzzled colors appeared in his eyes, and he said in confusion: "What kind of adventure did you get, I know that eternity And fate are the two strongest supreme sources!"

"It's okay to tell you, because I have already seen the original reincarnation body and realized myself." Lu Feng said lightly.

"What, the Gate of Origin has reincarnated!"

No beast was terrified.

Although he had already guessed that the gate of the beginning was very likely to be reincarnated, he was still shocked to get the confirmation from Lu Feng. All the masters knew about the changes in the beginning.

But if reincarnation, still have to pay a huge price.

You must know that after reincarnation, it is a new self, which also makes the initial gate become an unowned thing at this moment. Even if this initial reincarnation has a great possibility of returning to regain, there will be great risks in this.

However, he also realized the grim, unowned initial gate, the initial reincarnation, and there will inevitably be a life-and-death struggle after the initial gate appears.

"And the reincarnation of the original is none other than Master Haogu. I have already fought against him. This time, the original is still the original, but eternity is no longer eternal."

Lu Feng said lightly, with the brilliance of truth shining on his body, just like the emperor who reigns over the world, looking down at everyone, "Even if the initial reincarnation, it still can't prevent the eternal age from coming, this seat will go to the initial stage this time. The gate, a battle of life and death, and you are the sacrifices before the battle!"

"Haha, it turns out that the reincarnation of the Gate of Beginning is Master Haogu, reincarnation is good, reincarnation is easy to deal with!"

Suddenly a voice of laughter came, and a strong suction condensed into a vortex, "Everyone, this eternal strength is the strongest moment, let's not fight with him, increase his mana, wait until the initial gate appears , there will be many invincible existences to deal with him!"

(End of this chapter)

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