Ten Thousand Domains

Chapter 3596 Light and Fall

Chapter 3596 Light and Fall

The five fingers were like five divine seals, immediately blocking the King of Angels.

"What! You can really block me with one hand!"

The light that the king of angels turned into was rushing around and couldn't leave, so he had to make a horrified voice: "It's impossible, I control the source of light, the light is invisible, and it shuttles between fingers, no one can stop it, hate it , What method did you use!"

However, just as he was roaring, Lu Feng's great eternity technique came in, and the high gate of eternity suppressed everything, bringing a long river of eternity, composing a magnificent era of immortality, and immediately fell down.

The mystery of the laws contained in this portal is comparable to that of the original gate!

As the portal descended, the King of Angels looked more and more anxious. The Supreme Source of Light was also very powerful, but compared with the Eternal Source, it was still so much worse that he had almost no strength to resist, and his whole body was exploding again and again.

"The kingdom of angels!"

The king of angels felt a severe threat and knew that he could not let Lu Feng continue to be trapped. Immediately, a torrent of angels rushed out, showing the power of faith, and finally turned into a country, trying to break the mystery of the Great Eternal Art.

His entire angel also turned into a ball of straight light, the intense light beam almost hit beyond the beginning, and immediately struck like a divine sword.

The King of Angels uses the source to activate the swordsmanship. The source of light is him, and he is the source of light. When he reaches the level of oneness, he immediately sees that Lu Feng's Great Eternal Technique is almost about to be broken by him.

"Eternity, although I was trapped by you for a moment today, I have learned many mysteries of eternity through fighting with you. This is the same powerful rule as the beginning. path of!"

The King of Angels laughed loudly. He was worthy of being a top powerhouse, but he actually had a refraction of a brilliant vision, which belonged to the mystery of eternity. After being absorbed and comprehended by him, it seemed that he was about to walk out of a different path.

"The King of Angels is really hard to kill. Although Eternal's strength is unbelievably strong, it is still too difficult to kill the King of Angels!"

Seeing the changes that took place in the King of Angels, the Lord of Thunder and Punishment felt a little regretful, he was just a little bit short of killing the King of Angels completely.

"Even if you understand the future path, it is impossible to escape. If I want to kill you, you will never be alive. The eternal age is the general trend, and no one can stop it. You are just a part of this trend." A rock, vulnerable to a single blow!"

"My will is the sky, the earth, and the omniscient and omnipotent God!"

A loud voice came, and Lu Feng stood there, calm, but the aura seemed to be bigger than the whole beginning, with a force beyond the realm of selflessness.

With a big wave of his hand, he saw that the King of Angels was about to rush out, and immediately shot out a rune that no one could understand, which was the road after the selflessness.

His imposing manner and strength are too strong, even ten kings of angels can't match him.

Boom!The King of Angels just broke through the Great Eternity Technique, but then he was horrified to see a palm slapped on his body, click, click, the huge power almost wiped out his light body, and the angel wings on his back were about to break off up.

The majestic aura swept over again, and the King of Angels was spitting out his origin.

Although he struggled hard and even realized the future path, Lu Feng's realm is more mysterious than him, and his origin is stronger. He is still not an opponent. The gap between the two is also very huge. How can he resist? Can't do it.

"The Gate of Eternity!"

When the King of Angels vomited blood, Lu Feng stepped forward, and the door of eternity opened, and a vortex appeared on the door, as if communicating with a mysterious and yearning era.

Rumble. Under the pressure of the eternal gate, the King of Angels was obliterated inch by inch, and his light became increasingly dim. He knew very well that if he was accepted by Lu Feng into this eternal gate, he would never be able to escape. out.

With strong ambitions, he would absolutely not allow this to happen.

"What a means! You want to obliterate the king's angel substance!"

Feeling that his aura was getting weaker and weaker, the King of Angels couldn't calm down anymore, and roared: "Angel sacrifice, No.19 pair of angel wings, completely formed!"

At this moment, four angels separated from his body, these are the four holy angels.

"No, great king of angels, you can't sacrifice us, we are all your children, the most loyal people to you!" An angel screamed.

"King of Angels, you promised to lead us to the next initial year!"

The holy angel's catalog is tearing apart.

"You are all born of this king. Now that this king has encountered difficulties, I can only sacrifice you. In the future, I will create a family of angels, including you!"

The king of angels did not waver, and directly sacrificed the four holy angels, and suddenly a thick angel was burning, and the No. The strength of the stock is far more than doubled just now!

"What a cruel heart, he sacrificed his own children without changing his face!"

The Lord of Thunder and Punishment also felt a chill.

"Eternity is what you persecuted this king. Originally, this king didn't intend to do this. I will count this account on your head. The light of the angel, the source of faith, kill!"

Under Lu Feng's persecution, the King of Angels exploded with unprecedented strength. He also knew that even if he had nineteen pairs of wings, as long as he did not step out of selflessness, he would not be able to fight against Lu Feng.

So this is his escape plan.

Facing the King of Angels fleeing for his life, Lu Feng just glanced indifferently and remained unmoved. Although his strength had doubled, in Lu Feng's eyes there was still not much difference, and he still had strong confidence that he could beheaded him.

The two universal forces collided in mid-air immediately, and the mana of the Selfless Realm was extremely powerful. If it weren't for this strange world within the Gate of Beginning, then the entire world would be plunged into complete destruction. middle.


However, Lu Feng cast another spell, and immediately saw the rain-like eternity descending, turning into water droplets, breaking through the defense of the King of Angels, and bringing this time and space into his laws.

dong dong dong dong!

The original bright body of the king of angels was pierced with hundreds of holes at this time, and even the nineteen pairs of wings representing angels seemed to have turned into rags, and the mana of the whole person was leaking out quickly at this moment.


Lu Feng raised his palm horizontally, raised the knife in his hand, and slashed down violently. It was predictable that once the knife was slashed, the body of the King of Angels would definitely be split in two, and he would no longer have the power to resist.

"This king will not die here!" The king of angels yelled, his body split open suddenly, and another person walked out: "Divine opposition, light and depravity!"

(End of this chapter)

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