Ten Thousand Domains

Chapter 3597 The Supreme Origin of Light [2 more]

Chapter 3597 The Supreme Origin of Light [Two Updates]

The person who walked out of his body was also an old man, who looked exactly like the King of Angels, like a twin brother.

However, this old man was completely dark, with black air drifting away, exuding a cold smell, like an angel who had fallen into hell, full of evil.

"Fallen Angel." Lu Feng said quietly: "It's also the strength of the Selfless Realm, but you have hidden some means."

"Eternity, I originally didn't want the fallen angel to appear, because it was my last resort to hide, but you pushed me to a desperate situation. I have no choice but to fight you to the death!"

The king of angels gritted his teeth, and the hatred for Lu Feng could not be washed away by the water of nine days, and he said bitterly: "The avatar of my fallen angel is this king who killed a selfless, with his bones, countless angels It was forged from your soul, connected to this king's mind, I don't believe that you are so strong that you can kill this king!"

He used his last trump card!

Lu Feng could tell that the King of Angels usually displayed in front of outsiders was a serene, peaceful and benevolent, holy incarnation, but as long as he was a living being, he would have negative thoughts, and this fallen angel was the most evil thought in his heart.

"I will satisfy your wish and let you die without any regrets. I have never killed the No-Self Realm, and you will be the first one I killed, and it is also your glory!"

Lu Feng still said calmly, the eyes that looked at the King of Angels were looking at a look.


Hearing Lu Feng's disregarded words, he was also angry, and immediately roared, forming a handprint with the fallen angel's avatar at the same time, "Holy eye! Fallen eye!"

The eyes of him and the fallen angel opened at the same time, and blood flowed out, but at this moment, a sacred and depraved light beam shot out from their eyes, entangled together, and an unparalleled pressure erupted .

"It's such a strong pressure, this king of angels is actually fighting with the burning source!"

Even though the Lord of Thunder and Punishment was standing in the distance, he still felt a sense of trembling.

"King of Angels, it's useless. No matter how hard you struggle today, you won't be able to change your mortal fate. Since this seat controls eternity, you can't let people destroy it!"

At the moment when the two light beams came, Lu Feng's eyes suddenly opened wide, and the light beams shot out at the same time, carrying a strong will, and at the moment of touching, sparks burst into the sky, and ripples swept across.


The king of angels suddenly let out a terrible cry.

His and the fallen angel's eyeballs exploded at the same time, bloody and bloody, and entangled with eternal power, and it was impossible for him to recover, he was truly blind.

"Degenerate Realm! Sacred Realm!"

The king of angels had no choice, the two domains merged together, and immediately saw the emergence of a two-tiered world, the upper heaven and the lower hell, with holy angels and fallen angels flying, spreading faith.

"In vain!"

Lu Feng grabbed it with his right hand, and a brilliant color exploded out. His body appeared like a tower. It was the Eternal Heavenly Capital Formation, and he absorbed all the auras, whether it was sacred or evil.

Violent thunder swept out.

After the Lord of Thunder and Punishment took refuge in Lu Feng, he handed over his origin, so that Lu Feng could also use it. He saw that the thunder regrouped and exploded densely on the body of the King of Angels.

What made the Lord of Thunder and Punishment's eyes wide open was that Lu Feng actually exerted the most powerful power of the supreme source of thunder, and even he couldn't comprehend the profound meaning in it. It seemed that Lu Feng was the master of this supreme source. It's just borrowed.

"Angel Fusion!"

Boom!Under the desperate situation, I saw two angels fused together, making the king of angels half holy and half depraved, his body showed black and white colors, and a strange aura erupted.

This is his desperate move!

Once fused, his strength will be several times stronger than before!
But this trick also has a fatal weakness, that is, it will burn a large amount of origin every moment, that is to say, if he uses it this time, he will be weak for a long time, which is extremely disadvantageous in this final battle.

However, in this desperate situation, he had no choice but to struggle hard.

"I won't let you go. You forced me to pay such a huge price. In the future, even if I can't kill you, I will watch you die!"

This angel flew out suddenly, and the speed was almost unstoppable. The moment he jumped, the angel's wings fluttered rapidly, and even wanted to escape from the beginning that no one had ever left, and reach a mysterious world.

"I want to leave, it's impossible, kill!"

Intense murderous intent soared into the sky, Lu Feng raised his knife and lowered it, his eyes were cold, he locked on the King of Angels, immediately suppressed it, and immediately wanted to shoot the King of Angels down to Chaos.

But unexpectedly, suddenly his fused fallen angel flew out, burning blazingly, he abandoned this clone, actively burned all the power, and flew towards Lu Feng, this burst of power, almost no one can ignore it.

But Lu Feng didn't take a second look, the great gate of eternity appeared!
The moment the gate of eternity appeared, it suppressed all fluctuations. It actually sucked in this fallen angel clone. Even though the raging flames burned, it could only turn into the power of this gate, but it couldn't do any damage.

"Ah! This gate of eternity!" The King of Angels uttered a tragic cry.

This is a portal capable of competing with the initial gate, and Lu Feng immediately mobilized all his mana, making this portal expand infinitely, giving people the feeling that even the initial gate can't hold it, and it will be directly burst.

Although the king of angels flew out, at this moment, the gate of eternity hit him, causing all his matter to be wiped out, and finally disappeared completely.

In the same place, only a long river of radiance was left. The endless light without darkness is the supreme source of light.

Such a powerful master as the King of Angels was beheaded by him, which made the Lord of Thunder and Punishment feel dreamlike and unbelievable. You must know that the King of Angels is a giant who has dominated for several initial years. , the strength is immeasurable.

However, even such a powerful giant died.

"The Supreme Source of Light, very good, I need the Supreme Source most now!"

Lu Feng grasped it with his big hand, and the supreme source of light merged into his body.

Boom!It seems to be an impact that opened up the world, other external forces can no longer enhance Lu Feng's strength, only the Supreme Origin can do it.

Lu Feng understands very well that the most basic elements of the initial composition are fifty kinds of supreme origin. He gained one more, but at the beginning he lost one, which strengthened his strength, and weakened invisibly. The power of the original reincarnation.

 There are almost dozens of chapters left to finish, soon, thank you for your support, the new book has been preparing.

(End of this chapter)

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