Ten Thousand Domains

Chapter 3598 The Supreme Origin Of Insects

Chapter 3598 The Supreme Origin Of Insects
Killing the King of Angels was like doing a trivial thing casually.

All his essence was absorbed into his head by Lu Feng, instead of being turned into abundant energy to feed back to the monks in the eternal world, so that they could be promoted.

And in his head, sitting cross-legged was a villain, like a nascent infant, who was his replacement puppet, who immediately absorbed all the power of the King of Angels.

Lu Feng knew very well that if everyone absorbed all the energy of the King of Angels, several seventh-level statues would be born immediately, but this is not necessary. If he loses, everything will be over, and everyone will not live. Down, nothing will exist.

The replacement puppet can give Lu Feng an extra life at the most critical moment.

However, this replacement puppet also needs strong strength, otherwise it is useless.

Without strong power, if he was killed by the original reincarnation and directly destroyed everything, the replacement puppet would not be able to play a role, and he would be dissipated immediately.

"The supreme source of light, now I have several supreme sources in my body."

The benefits he gained from killing the King of Angels this time were too great. The King of Angels sacrificed all the angels and more than a dozen seventh-level statues, and everything he did became Lu Feng's wedding dress.

"Dead, really dead!" The Lord of Thunder and Punishment trembled and made an extremely difficult voice.

"Yes, he is dead, and more existences like the King of Angels will die in the future."

Lu Feng said lightly, as if what he killed was an ant, casually, "Follow me, now we go to the initial restricted area!"

Right now, although his strength has been greatly increased, he can't slack off a little bit. He knows that the return of the original reincarnation will bring great changes, and there will be more in the most important restricted area that are enough to strengthen The source of his strength.

He wants to plunder a lot, and even use all means to prepare for the final decisive battle. He will have a life-and-death decisive battle with the initial reincarnation, fate, and even some odd numbers.

He is very powerful now, but he also knows that there are still a few existences who can confront him. This king of angels is not the strongest in many selfless realms. Killing him is really nothing to be proud of matter.

He had a premonition that a decisive battle might break out in an instant.

Many ancient giants have already appeared, accumulating their own power.

In an instant, he took a step forward, and in his eyes, in the infinite depths, there was an extremely bright light in the dark space, emitting endless light, never extinguished, never dimmed.

That is exactly the initial restricted zone, which condenses the appearance of the initial gate.

The initial door presented by the outside world is only an appearance.

And this is the real initial door, the core!
He stepped forward at an unbelievably fast speed, and the distance was no longer enough to explain his speed, and he also felt that the space of the original gate, which was originally unshakable, was making the sound of concussion and explosion at this moment.

In the initial reincarnation, Lu Feng was anxious to transcend selflessness, and Lu Feng was also anxious.

Whoever gets to this point first can almost be said to win.


Suddenly, just as he was about to approach the initial restricted area, there was a ground-breaking explosion within the core, the portal shook violently, and countless substances escaped from it, among which was the most dazzling light like Dragging out like a comet.

"Huh?" Lu Feng looked at the ray of light: "This substance? It is also a supreme source, which is blocked in the depths of the original gate. It seems that the initial reincarnation has also entered, causing those supreme sources to be flooded. Let it out!"

Of course he knew.

This is because the initial reincarnation entered the core of the initial gate, causing shocks, and when he completely opened the restricted area, all the sealed sources inside would be revealed one by one, and there was no way to completely block it.

However, since he has encountered this supreme source, he will not let it go, and naturally wants to seize it.

To be honest, in fact, he has almost the same magic power as fate and the initial reincarnation, and if anyone wants to crush the other party, he must rely on more supreme origin.

At that moment, his eyes looked over immediately, uncovering the mystery of the supreme source, that is, seeing through its true origin. It turned out to be a bug-like thing, and the breath spread outward, transforming into countless Zerg races .

"This is actually the highest source of worms, comparable to the highest source of beasts, and worms have always been synonymous with terror!"

Insects have always been very terrifying things. Don't underestimate insects. Some insects are even more terrifying than those fierce beasts with teeth and claws. Whoever gets the supreme source of insects will have the means to manipulate the terrifying killer of the Zerg.

Often some inconspicuous bugs can kill beasts.

"The highest source of worms!" Sensing this aura, the queen mother of the Zerg race roared in shock in the eternal world: "I want this group of highest source of worms!"

In the initial long history, although some powerful Zerg powers were born, none of them could truly grasp the origin of the Zerg. Just like the Zerg Queen, there are a few existences like her.

She has obtained the supreme source of worms, and she can immediately achieve selflessness!

"Don't worry, I will collect the supreme source of this worm, let you become a giant in the realm of no self, and assist me to achieve great things!"

At this time, Lu Feng's eternal mystery was revealed.

The power of fate is domineering, and the source he obtained is absolutely impossible for others to use, but Lu Feng is different, eternity is tolerant and inclusive, and he can let the mother queen of Zerg use the power of the highest source without having to possess it.

Suddenly, a slight smile appeared on his face, and he grabbed it with his palm.

This supreme source of the Zerg race contains majestic power, comparable to giants in the realm of selflessness, but unfortunately, even giants like the King of Angels were beheaded by him, let alone just a group of sources, which immediately flew towards him come over.

Chong Zhi Gao resisted instinctively, but after feeling Lu Feng's breath, he became peaceful and peaceful.

However, just when Lu Feng was about to succeed, a sudden change appeared!

Suddenly, a group of gray brilliance condensed into a big hand to absorb it. This big hand contained not only one strand, but multiple strands. It seemed to be premeditated, waiting here to collect the highest source.

Surprisingly, this big hand cut off Lu Feng's mana when he grabbed it. In an instant, in front of him, he disappeared and was snatched away by others.

"Someone dared to snatch the Supreme Origin from my hands. He is brave enough. Let me see who it is?"

Lu Feng saw that the supreme source of insects was taken away, and he was not anxious. He looked at it with one eye, and saw a world with as many Ganges sands in the endless mist, and all these worlds exuded the power of ancient demon gods .

It was connected into a huge witch character.

"Witch? This is the world of witches, a stronger and older existence than the king of angels!"

When Lu Feng saw this witch world, a faint smile appeared on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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