Chapter 36
The person who came, wearing a golden dragon robe, walked in in a hurry, and walked to the counter where the blood coral was placed in a few steps, his eyes were burning: "Treasurer Li, the speed of your Universal Business Alliance is really impressive!" Efficiency, I didn’t expect to ship the blood coral here in a month.”

This person is the Seventh Prince Lin Tian who had a dispute with Lu Feng in Tingyu Restaurant that day, and he also came for Blood Coral.

Blood coral is not only beautiful in appearance, but if it is ground into powder and drunk, it can nourish the blood, and the older the blood coral, the more obvious the effect.

"It turned out to be the Seventh Prince. I'm sorry that this blood coral belongs to this young master. The 50-year-old blood coral you want is still in the background. I will send someone to fetch it later."

The fat shopkeeper had a shrewd smile unique to businessmen.

"Which son?" Lin Tian was a little displeased, which son dared to snatch the blood coral from him, and he turned his head to look at him immediately, and when he saw the man's appearance, he was surprised: "It turned out to be you, Lu family's Lu peak."

Previously, his eyes were all attracted by the blood coral, and Lu Feng turned his back to him, so he didn't notice Lu Feng.

It wasn't that the friends didn't get together, the scary woman in the Tingyu restaurant made him run away in despair, and then imposed this hatred on Lu Feng.

Seeing this, Lin Tian's fists were clenched, and his face was full of anger, as if he wanted to teach him a lesson.

"Do you want to do it here?"

There was no trace of fear on Lu Feng's face, but there was a slight smile on the corner of his mouth, and he didn't put Lin Tian, ​​the prince, in his eyes at all.

"Do you think I'm an idiot? You are not allowed to do anything in the Universal Business Alliance. Fortunately, that woman saved you that day, otherwise you would have been interrupted by me that day."

This anger was suppressed by Lin Tianqiang, the forces behind the Universal Business Alliance are so terrifying, if they fight here, they are looking for death.

"I don't have time to argue with you today, shopkeeper, are those materials ready? There is also this blood coral, I want to pack it away."

Lu Feng chose to ignore Lin Tian, ​​and the most important thing at the moment is to stimulate the Tongmai.

"Slow down!" Lin Tian shouted suddenly: "I want this blood coral."

"This." The fat shopkeeper showed embarrassment.

Seeing this, Lin Tian said again: "According to the rules of the Universal Business Alliance, this blood coral has not been traded yet, and I have the right to buy it."

He originally ordered 50-year-old blood coral, but now there are [-]-year-old ones, and it is self-evident which one is better.

Besides, his royal family is the richest in the Tianlin Dynasty, if he can take this opportunity to make Lu Feng suffer, Lin Tian is still very happy.

"After all, we must pay attention to a first-come, first-served basis." Lu Feng said lightly from the side.

Hearing this, Lin Tian stared at Lu Feng with eyes full of anger. He dared to compete with him for the blood coral. He was humiliating himself. This time, he wanted to smash Lu Feng to death with silver.

Looking at it, the fat shopkeeper immediately saw that there was a lot of conflict between the two, and then he thought about it, and a good idea came to his mind.

"My lords, there is only one century-old blood coral, why don't you discuss it, my Universal Business Alliance only does business and does not participate in disputes."

One sentence cleared everything up, and the fat shopkeeper Mung Dou's eyes shot out. He was in business, and the two of them argued more and more fiercely. In the end, he was the one who was proud of the Universal Business Alliance.

"That's fine, I'll bid 100 million taels of silver for this blood coral."

Lin Tian was proud and looked at Lu Feng proudly. A small cast body with a few 10 taels on his body was enough.

Generally speaking, the price of 70-year-old blood coral is between 100 and [-] million, and it is not worthwhile if it is high.


Lu Feng said calmly.

It is impossible for him to give up the blood coral. This thing is obtained from the sea of ​​death. It consumes a lot among warriors, and very few can be transported to the Tianlin Dynasty.

If he missed it this time, he might have to wait several months for the century-old one, which he couldn't afford to wait for.

So he didn't give an inch. If the money is gone, he can make money, but if the treasure is missed, it is not so easy to get it.

Lin Tian, ​​who heard Lu Feng's bid, almost didn't fall down, with a hint of anger on his face, this kid actually raised the price by 50, and immediately shouted: "I'll offer 160 million."

After finishing speaking, Lin Tian's face was full of distress. Although he is a genius prince of the royal family, his resources are limited, and 160 million is already most of his property.


But after his quotation just now, Lu Feng added another 20, and he acted extremely calmly, as if he didn't feel any distress at all, as if it was all water before the money was spent.

At this time, the fat shopkeeper was full of enthusiasm, adding a little more, which has greatly exceeded the value of the blood coral, and he can embezzle a little more silver taels privately, which is also an unknown rule in the Universal Business Alliance.

"Lu Feng, are you raising the price? You are a mere body-casting martial artist, and you can't get 180 million if you sell you!"

Lin Tian stomped his feet angrily, and cursed at Lu Feng, so much money is enough to buy two blood corals.

"The dignified prince of the royal family doesn't even have such a small amount of money, yet he dares to come to the Universal Merchant League to fight for blood coral with me. If you don't have money, give up as soon as possible."

Lin Tian's angry shout was as weak as hitting cotton, and Lu Feng's understatement words easily resolved it.

"200 million, I'll bet you don't have 200 million. If your price is higher than mine, this blood coral will belong to you!"

He said through gritted teeth that this was already his entire property, and he couldn't believe that Lu Feng had so much money on him, and what happened just now must have been caused by Lu Feng's price hikes to trick him.

This dispute also attracted many warriors in the alchemy shop, each of them showed playfulness, interesting, the two young masters were fighting.

"Two million and one million, shopkeeper, this blood coral is mine."

Lu Feng glanced at Lin Tian lightly, and this glance was a strong provocation to Lin Tian.

He must not have so much money, and he must still want to keep up with the price, so he will not be fooled by this one.

Thinking of this, a smile appeared on the corner of Lin Tian's mouth, thinking he had seen through Lu Feng's scheme, and Lu Feng would lose face if he had no money, and he might be thrown out by the guards in the business alliance.

"Since you insist on wanting this blood coral, so what if the prince gives it to you."

Lin Tian looked at Lu Feng in protest.

The fat shopkeeper was happy in his heart, and said quickly: "Two million and one million, this blood coral belongs to this young master."

"Where's your money, Lu Feng?" Lin Tian asked.

Lu Feng took out a cloth bag very calmly, the profound energy inside gushed out, opened it slightly, and let the fat shopkeeper take a look.

The fat shopkeeper swept a ray of spiritual thoughts slightly, and nodded in satisfaction. Inside were dozens of middle-grade profound stones.

At this moment, Lin Tian opened his mouth wide, as if he could swallow a big egg, with a look of disbelief.

Lu Feng is really rich, which obviously exceeded his expectations. When he was angry, he thought that he cheated him with 200 million, and felt a little more comfortable. This is the end of being right with him.

"Treasurer, then fetch the 50-year blood coral that the prince ordered."

Although he didn't get the century-old blood coral, his original purpose was not for this, and he said calmly to the shopkeeper.

The fat shopkeeper nodded, and quickly asked someone to take out a slightly smaller blood coral from behind the alchemy shop.

"The market price of this blood coral is 30 taels, right?" Lin Tian said, taking out a stack of banknotes from the storage ring.

The fat shopkeeper just wanted to nod, but at this moment a divine thought suddenly came into his mind, causing his fat body to tremble violently, and immediately changed his words: "This blood coral is one million taels."

Lin Tian was taken aback by the fat shopkeeper's words, and after realizing it, he said, "Sit on the ground and increase the price? The 50-year-old blood coral is worth this price, and the [-]-year-old blood coral is not worth it."

The fat shopkeeper sneered in his heart, who told you that you have offended a big man so desperately that the price increase was transmitted to him by that big man.

Then he said: "Recently, there have been frequent storms in the sea of ​​death, so the price has increased. If you don't want it, the Universal Business Alliance will not force you to have it."

The fat shopkeeper had an attitude of whether he wanted to or not, which was completely different from the enthusiasm just now.

Lin Tian looked angry, and there was nowhere to vent the anger in his heart.

This fat shopkeeper is a genuine real martial arts expert, and his princely temper does not dare to explode in the Universal Business Alliance.

 If you have recommended tickets and favorites, please give them to Shamao. Let’s take a look at it in the middle of the night today, thank you.


(End of this chapter)

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