Chapter 37
Knowing that the fat shopkeeper was deliberately increasing the price, Lin Tian could only smash his teeth and swallow it in his stomach. He slapped the wad of bank notes on the table heavily, and almost roared: "Here is 100 million taels. I want coral."

After a while, the fat shopkeeper counted the bank notes, and gave the blood coral to Lin Tian with a humble|smiling face.

"Lu Feng, I remember you, don't let me seize the opportunity in the future, or you will definitely pay the price in blood."

Originally, this price could buy a million-year-old blood coral, because Lu Feng made him pay twice the price, so he added another amount of hatred to Lu Feng, turned around and left with a threatening word.

Naturally, Lu Feng would not pay too much attention to this kind of threat, and just ignored it.

"Shopkeeper, the materials this young master needs are ready."

At this moment, a young servant came over with a lot of materials.

"How much silver taels in total?" Lu Feng said.

The shopkeeper said with a smile on his face: "These materials don't cost money, they are free."

"No money!" Lu Feng was taken aback, apparently not knowing what tricks the shopkeeper was playing.

To know.

The at least several million taels of silver in front of him can be described as a huge business.

"It's inconvenient for me to say more specifically, but these materials do not cost money."

The fat shopkeeper's smile was as bright as a chrysanthemum, and the way he stared at Lu Feng made him a little hairy.

And at this moment, behind a curtain behind the alchemy shop, there is a figure looming.

The curtain was lifted slightly, and a gleam looked at Lu Feng with a smile, that figure was instantly caught by Lu Feng's keen eyes, and he immediately recognized who it was.

"It turned out to be her. She gave these materials to me. She casually sent millions of taels of materials. Her identity must not be simple."

Lu Feng pondered for a while, and the figure behind the curtain was Ling Fei, and it turned out that she was secretly helping her in all this.

"Boy, you are lucky to meet your sister Ling Fei today."

"I've stayed here for a few months. You kid makes me feel a little bit funny. Before you leave, let's take these things as parting reasons."

Behind the curtain, Ling Fei stretched her waist comfortably, looking extremely alluring, her red lips parted slightly, revealing her white teeth.

She didn't know why she wanted to help Lu Feng, but she could only say that Lu Feng made her look at him not to hate him.

She always had an intuition that she and Lu Feng would see each other again in the future.

At this moment, Lu Feng also put the materials into the storage ring. When he turned to leave, the fat shopkeeper smiled at him and said, "Young master, I know where the thousand-year-old golden elm leaves and golden elm roots you need have."

Hearing this, Lu Feng stopped immediately, showing joy.

These are the materials he needs.

This object is a precious ancient tree called the golden elm tree. According to legend, the golden elm tree has the effect of strengthening the body. If warriors get the sap from the golden elm tree, it can not only increase their own strength, but also strengthen the body for ordinary people.

It's just that golden elm trees are too difficult to grow, and golden elm trees that are less than a thousand years old are grass, while golden elm trees that have reached a thousand years old are a treasure.

What Lu Feng needed was not the sap, but its leaves and a root.

There are too many treasures in the liquid medicine to be refined, which leads to violent power, and these two things can neutralize the violent power in the liquid medicine, so that Lu Feng will not be exploded.

"Where is the golden elm?" Lu Feng asked quickly.

The fat shopkeeper chuckled, "The golden elm tree is in a family's home in an alley somewhere in the king's city."

The fat shopkeeper has a keen sense of treasure.

After coming to Tianlin King City, he soon found a golden elm tree in a very ordinary house, which surprised him.

It's just that the golden elm can't move, and it will die if it moves, so it has always kept this secret.

Today he learned that the big man took care of Lu Feng, so he told him the secret.


"How about I ask someone to get some for you?"

"No need, I'll go in person. There are still a few materials I need to ask the shopkeeper to get them as soon as possible." Lu Feng shook his head and said.

The fat shopkeeper nodded quickly: "Put it on me, and I will definitely get it for you in half a month."

Lu Feng thanked him, turned around and left the alchemy shop, and searched for the address according to the address given by the fat shopkeeper.

In an inconspicuous alley somewhere in the royal city, there are a series of buildings connected together, and many people are talking in the alley.

This is known as the slum area of ​​Wangcheng.

The people living here are ordinary people and some warriors with very low martial arts cultivation, which belong to the forgotten area in the entire royal city.

At the end of the alley, there is a remote courtyard.

Although this house is not small, it is already dilapidated. The depressions on the courtyard wall and the dilapidated courtyard doors all show the dilapidation of this family.

The courtyard door was tightly closed, Lu Feng pushed it, and found that it was locked inside, indicating that someone was inside the house.


Lu Feng knocked on the door, but no one opened it for him.

At this moment, in the courtyard, there was a dark-skinned and strong young man who was staring at the courtyard gate nervously holding a big knife full of gaps.

"Sister, Yi'er will definitely protect you, and won't let those bad guys take you away."

The boy murmured, and at the same time there was a handsome girl in the room looking at him worriedly.

But at this moment, Lu Feng frowned, and said, "Is anyone there?"

This small courtyard is exactly the family that planted the thousand-year-old golden elm.

"No matter who you are, get the hell out of here, you'll have to beat me if you want to attack my family and my sister!" The boy shouted loudly.

Hearing this, Lu Feng was astonished. It seems that this family still has some unknown stories.

But he was only here to get some golden elm leaves and roots, and he had no interest in his sister.

He didn't say much, and pressed against the door with a dark force in his hand, and suddenly a dilapidated iron lock that locked the hospital door suddenly fell, and the courtyard door slowly opened.

Lu Feng pushed and walked in.

But at this moment, an extremely fast figure was slashing at him with a knife, and the target was his head.

"Bang!" Lu Feng's eyes were fixed, and he grabbed the man's arm with a wave of his hand, and subdued him easily. With one force, the knife fell to the ground.

"Why did you kill me?"

Seeing that it was only a young man, Lu Feng asked calmly.

However, the young man who surprised him did not practice martial arts, but the outburst just now had the power of a forged triple martial artist.

"Because you want to take my sister away!" the boy gritted his teeth.

Lu Feng said: "I'm not here for your sister, you misunderstood."

"I don't believe it!" the boy said stubbornly.

"Yi'er stop, maybe we really misunderstood."

The girl in the room came out, seeing that Lu Feng's decoration and extraordinary noble demeanor were completely different from those who came before, and she knew in her heart that such a young man must have a noble and extraordinary status, how could she covet her from a poor family? girl.


The boy listened to the girl's words very much, the killing intent on his face gradually dissipated, and Lu Feng also let go of his hand at this moment.

"It seems that your family is in a lot of trouble." Lu Feng said with a smile, taking the golden elm leaves from others, if possible, he would not mind to help.

"Ahem!" There was a coughing sound in the room, and a pale old man came out with a cane, saw Lu Feng and said, "Girl, is there any visitor?"

"Well, Grandpa has a son here."

Seeing the old man coming out, the girl hurried to help him out.

After the old man was helped out, he sat on the stone bench in the courtyard, and Lu Feng was not polite, and directly sat on the stone bench.

(End of this chapter)

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