Ten Thousand Domains

Chapter 3626 Deprivation of wishes

Chapter 3626 Deprivation of wishes
Although the emperor has even more powerful power than Xi, in Lu Feng's eyes, the threat he brings is not as good as the witch of the day. It's just given to him.

The mirror is like a mirror, and it will be broken as soon as you hit it.

"Little bastard, you are still as confident as before!"

The emperor's face was ferocious, and he suddenly used powerful magic power. In his hands, colorful rays of light condensed out, which was the power of desire. Immediately, with his strong power of hatred, it turned into infinite power and rushed directly To Lu Feng.

"Great eternal technique."

Lu Feng looked at the emperor, who turned into an eternal substance.

With a light lift of his palm, the power of the emperor's wish was shattered, and his whole body was wrapped in his eternal aura, as if some kind of law had been extracted, and he saw his aura rapidly descending. .

"You actually want to deprive me of the power of wish in my body!" Realizing Lu Feng's intentions, the emperor shouted with bloodshot eyes, "God of wish, I want to make a wish to you, that is to have infinite power, I will kill this little bastard to repay your wish!"

The aura of wish buzzed and vibrated, that is, to see the infinite power of wish blessed to the emperor's body, making his cultivation base infinitely improved, and even the aura that erupted at this moment can be compared with the whole initial stage.

"You want to kill me too? It's up to you. You don't even have the qualifications for the bowl of wish."

Lu Feng sneered again and again, and he watched the wish pot raise the emperor's cultivation to the extreme, when his confidence was the strongest!
He made a move, covering the sky with one hand, possessing immortal mana, and caught the emperor in an instant!

At this moment captured by Lu Feng, the emperor clearly felt that he could not use all his strength.

Immediately, his face became distorted. The murderous aura from Lu Feng's body made his heart almost collapse, and he didn't want to die at the hands of this person again.

"Xi is also completely dead, and all the grievances between you and me should also end."

Lu Feng sighed leisurely, he directly crushed the emperor to death, this time he directly killed all his souls, the traces in the time, it is impossible to find him again, he will never be resurrected, he is really dead .

After killing the emperor, Lu Feng felt an ethereal feeling in his mind, and the road after selflessness was present.

Speaking of which, at the beginning of his rebirth, he had a strong hatred for the emperor, and there was an unbreakable cause and effect from the very beginning, and a trace of the emperor's substance was absorbed by the wish hole, so that the emperor did not die completely , it is impossible to resolve this cause and effect.

He is clear-eyed.

The reason why the Bomb of Wishes reborn the emperor and gave him a powerful cultivation base was to use the Emperor to make Lu Feng's heart unable to be fulfilled, but what the Bowl of Wishes never expected was that it was found by Lu Feng directly. Killed his chess pieces.

"The bowl of wishes communicates the world beyond the beginning."

Lu Feng turned his eyes to the bottom of the well, and found that there was a bottomless passage under the well, and there was a mysterious atmosphere everywhere.


The well water was gurgling, as if a great will had spoken to him: "The wishing pot, the great wish technique, is omnipotent and omniscient, as long as you make a wish on the wishing pot, the wish will come true." Your wishes will come true."

"Oh? Make a wish?" Lu Feng said lightly: "Is it true that any wish can be fulfilled?"

"The power of wishes is omnipotent, and any wish can be fulfilled." The wisher affirmed.

"This seat wants to get out of selflessness, and spy on the realm after selflessness, can you fulfill my wish?"

Lu Feng seemed to have made a wish.

"Yes, the Bowl of Wishes can satisfy all your wishes." The Bowl of Wishes said.

"This seat wants to kill the initial reincarnation, kill all the existence in this initial, and become the final winner, can you also achieve it?"

Lu Feng said again.

"Yes, as long as you make your wish piously to the bowl of wish and reflect you in the bowl of wish, your wish will come true."

The way of wish.

"Haha, the wish of the wish, the wish of the wish, even I can't believe this wish, you actually dare to believe it brazenly, are you stupid or I am stupid, can it really be that I can't see through your origin?"

Lu Feng laughed loudly: "The so-called great wish technique is just some kind of powerful magic power. I can also be the incarnation of wish. A mortal asks me for immortal life, and I also give it to him. Someone wants to ask me for immortality." If you want a strong strength, I can also achieve it, turning stones into gold, changing the world and all kinds of things, I am omnipotent, these tricks of yours can deceive others, but they cannot deceive others, as long as you make a wish on the wish box, all souls will be Controlled by you."

"The power of wish is omnipotent. If you want to overcome your initial reincarnation and destiny, you have to make a wish." Zhidong continued.

"Very well, I do have a wish now, which is to refine the altar of your wish, to communicate with the altar in the beginning outside the beginning."

Lu Feng didn't believe it at all, he only believed that he was omnipotent, and suddenly the big hand transformed from the Great Eternal Technique directly grabbed the object of wish.

"Wishes are omnipotent, and there is nothing that cannot be fulfilled by a wish."

The wish bowl always repeats the four words omnipotent.


The Bowl of Wishes made a loud noise, as if it was angry because of Lu Feng's provocation, and suddenly a stream of well water was colorful, but pure as glass, rolling like a tornado, and it also condensed into a strong wish big hand.

When the two collided, an unbelievable wave erupted, and the desire unexpectedly withstood the blow.

"The wish came, and I made a wish to let everything in this beginning belong to the wish."

"I made a wish to let this eternal power return to the wish."

"I made a wish to weaken this eternal mana to freezing point, and to make all these things come under the control of wishes."

"I make a wish that all those who disrespect their wishes will be punished as they should be!"

This wish made one wish after another in succession, as if it was some kind of spell.

Immediately, Lu Feng felt that this strange power of desire did not know what law was used, and immediately saw his aura descending crazily, and his strength could not be exerted at all.

He seemed to be a blasphemer, to be punished immediately and severely.

"The power of desire, there are indeed some methods. Maybe you are omnipotent outside the beginning, but in this beginning I am omnipotent, omniscient, omnipotent, eternal power, great eternity, my wish, except myself, No one can achieve it!"

Lou Feng's mouth let out loud voices, wave after wave.

His great eternal hand crossed the void and directly grasped the wish. The eternal power enveloped the power of the wish, making all kinds of fluctuations disappear at this moment.

(End of this chapter)

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