Ten Thousand Domains

Chapter 3627 Goodbye God [2 more]

Chapter 3627 Goodbye God [Two Updates]

Under the wrapping of Lu Feng's great eternity technique, the wish bowl flew up in place, became smaller and smaller, and finally jumped around his fingertips.

The Bowl of Wishes can grant the emperor mana out of thin air, turning him from an ant into a giant dragon, but he is still not Lu Feng's opponent. It is no exaggeration to say that in this initial period, only Lu Feng can be qualified as Lu Feng's opponent Initial reincarnation and destiny.

"Wish bowl, big wish technique."

Lu Feng looked at the wishing pot that was beating on his fingertips, and thought for a moment, "If I'm not wrong, the big wish technique is just a powerful law. This wishing pot can communicate to the world beyond the original, and pass Come out with mana."

With a push of Lu Feng's mana, he muttered something.

Suddenly, under his magic power, the wish well was filled with water again, and immediately a majestic heavy rain began to fall in the eternal world, all of which were different from the initial energy.

After these energies entered the Eternal Realm, it was like Lu Feng cast the Great Eternity Technique, and countless masters were promoted immediately.

Almost in an instant, hundreds of people have reached the seventh level, countless people have reached the sixth level, even the weakest have the strength of the fifth level, it is simply a fantastic promotion.

"Eternity has fulfilled your wishes with the Great Wish Technique, which has improved your strength. Hurry up and unite together to activate the Eternal Chronicle!"

The mother roared, and she also got huge benefits, and her mana rose steadily, almost reaching the limit that Wuwu could bear.

"my heart Will Go On!"

In an instant, countless people in the Eternal Realm sat down piously. They were connected in their hearts, with yearning for the eternal calendar.

Lu Feng continued to use the big wish technique, and continued to get more benefits from the wish hole. With his palm, he seemed to go to another world from the mouth of the well. Every plunder was a large piece of wish crystal, which transported energy to the well. within eternity.

Under his ferocious plunder, almost in this short moment, there were hundreds of strong men in the seventh realm.

The wish also seemed to know that someone was casting an incomparable spell on the other side, seizing its energy, and bursting out with an angry will. Immediately, a devastating storm hit, and every one of them could kill the seventh. territory.

But these storms were all suppressed by Lu Feng's Great Eternal Technique.

The wisher seems to know that Lu Feng can't go on like this. Every time he spawns a seventh-level statue in the eternal world, it is actually the energy of the wisher that is consumed. Seeing that he can't resist Lu Feng's plunder, he just Self-destruction.

"If I make a wish to you, it's better for me to grab it myself. Although this short-term capture is very fast, it also makes my eternal world have thousands more seventh-level statues. Their hearts are eternal, and their faith lies in their hearts." It made me understand better how to go after the selflessness.”

The smile on Lu Feng's face became wider and wider.

"It's a pity, it's a pity, if it is possible to plunder the energy in the realm of desire indefinitely, it would be really terrifying to have tens of thousands of more statues in the seventh realm. In the 49 initial years, the seventh realm that was born at the beginning is almost as good as this." Some."

The mother said with regret: "It's a pity that the wish will destroy itself."

"Mother's addition of some seventh realms is actually not very effective in the battle. The initial reincarnation already knows how to get to the post-no-self, and now I have more than a dozen supreme sources, that is to say, there are still more than thirty. If I get it, if I want my mana to be promoted again, I have to get all the supreme sources in my hands."

While Lu Feng was speaking, he sat down completely.

He stretched out his hands, and his thoughts spread across almost every corner of the beginning. He was like a magnet, and immediately saw that the supreme source was attracted by him, even some existences in human form. .

"It's so easy to get the supreme source!"

The eyes of the demon ancestor and the demon ancestor widened.

But at this moment, as Lu Feng cast the incomparable great eternity technique, almost all the supreme sources scattered in the four directions gathered together, and each source was integrated into eternity, and one could feel his strength growing rapidly.

The supreme source is the original foundation, and Lu Feng's move is to seize the original foundation.

Now with his shot, he has already possessed as many as 22 supreme sources, counting his eternity, it is 23.

"The remaining 25 supreme sources are all in the same place, and that place is chaos. Naturally, the supreme source of destiny cannot be obtained now, and there is another supreme source that is still wandering outside!"

While speaking, Lu Feng suddenly circulated his mana!
Suddenly, I saw that as Lu Feng grabbed it with his big hands, the endless void was torn apart, and I saw twelve noble figures sitting in the same place around one person, and these dozen of them all exuded a sky-high glow. The purple light is the glory of God.

"What? Who?"

"It's such a strong aura. This aura has actually made me so strong that I can't even fight against it. What kind of master is this person!"

"It's not good that we were discovered, he was deliberately attacking us!"

These dozen or so people turned out to be the twelve ancient god emperors of the god ancestors!
Moreover, their cultivation bases are also earth-shattering, all of them have reached the realm of selflessness!

Compared with the former witch world, it is not so much stronger, it is not at the same level.

And among them is the ancestor of the gods, the ancient gods, and his cultivation has almost reached an unimaginable level.

"Eternal didn't expect you to be able to find the existence of this god. It seems that you are looking for me because of the supreme source of God in me. You have 23 supreme sources in your body, and the other 24 are in the hands of Chaos. "

Shenzu opened his eyes violently, and shot out two rays of divine light. The moment he saw Lu Feng, he didn't panic, as if he had expected it.

"Yes, I just need the supreme source of the god in you."

Lu Feng stepped forward and walked from one end of the world to the other, ignoring the distance in the void, looking at Shenzu and said indifferently: "Wuzu should have been with you, but I didn't feel his feelings." Breath, even in this beginning, there is no breath of him, it seems that he has left and disappeared."

"What you sensed is not wrong. Wu has already realized a crucial step. Wu broke the void, abandoned his body, abandoned everything, and broke everything with his own will. He has left the beginning and is no longer here."

Shenzu said: "The power of martial arts is infinite. Wuzu knows that he can't fight with you and your initial reincarnation and destiny in the beginning. This god also wants to leave, but I can't realize that step. I can only stay here. It seems that today This is my last battle."

"Martial Ancestor, you have already left the beginning, martial arts, martial arts, martial arts, martial arts, martial arts, martial arts!"

(End of this chapter)

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