Ten Thousand Domains

Chapter 3628 God's Soldiers

Chapter 3628 God's Soldiers

Lu Feng did not expect that Martial Ancestor gave up everything and left the beginning with his will. Only at this step can he understand the difficulty of this step.

Such a picture appeared in his eyes, a great existence abandoned everything in the beginning, his will turned into a word of martial arts, breaking the original world, leaving a voice between the world.

"Eternity, the ancestor can give up everything, but you can't give up everything. There is eternity in your heart, and there must be eternity everywhere. If you give up you, it is not eternity. You must fight this battle. You can't back down. This is your destiny! "

"Yes, this is my destiny. I must fight and cannot back down."

The matter cannot leave, because the matter is all initially condensed, a part inside.

But the will is his own. At Lu Feng's state, if he abandons the physical body, the eternal world, and nothing, he can also leave the beginning just like Martial Ancestor.

But he couldn't do it.

Without the eternal world, without relatives and friends, eternity is not eternity, and he will lose all his mana.

At this moment, he seemed to understand a lot.

"His aura is even greater than the Martial Ancestor who left that day. It is irresistible, as if he is the only king, the most noble existence!"

The head of the twelve ancient god emperors is also the god emperor named Di Shitian. When he felt Lu Feng's breath, he felt that he was not noble, but humble and insignificant.

"Let's fight for eternity. I have been looking forward to this battle for a long time. When the Martial Ancestor left, and I was unable to take that step, I knew that this battle was inevitable. If you die today, I will die. This battle has long been doomed, and this god has been waiting for it for a long time!"

The god ancestor stood up abruptly, his noble body released a radiant light, he is the ancient god, the immortal god, there is only a strong fighting intent on his face, without any fear.

Years have finally come to an end.

"No problem, I will give you a chance to fight with me."

Lu Feng didn't say much. He knew that such an existence as the ancestor of the gods would not be able to subdue him. When he got the supreme source of the gods, it was the time when the ancestors of the gods fell, and Lu Feng also gave the ancestors of the gods the due respect. .

"Myth is coming!"

There was a boiling sound from the god ancestor's throat, and the fighting spirit was boiling.

He hadn't been so passionate for a long time, today might be his last battle, suddenly the mana surged all over his body, his god-like palms spanned the sky, and the brightest light of gods bloomed, descending on Lu Feng's head immediately.

"Although God Ancestor, you and I are opponents, I will also respect you. In this initial stage, there are not many opponents that I can respect, and you are one."

Lu Feng let out an eternity of exclamation, his Great Eternal Technique came out, for him, there is only one move for all kinds of changes and all kinds of supernatural powers, and he can use the same big hand to fight in an instant. The gods collided together.

The ancestor of the god can also be regarded as an immortal powerhouse, but when he met Lu Feng at this moment, his divine power also collapsed inch by inch.

At this moment, the God Ancestor also came over in one step. His realm was extremely high, only slightly worse than the Martial Ancestor who left through the air. When he arrived at Lu Feng's body, he pushed his hands, and the power of God bombarded him crazily, transforming him into an immortal immortal. The god of death.

"Eternal. If you can't kill the god today, it means that the god's realm has also reached, and you can learn from the Martial Ancestor to break through the sky and leave. Therefore, I will use all my strength in this battle!"

The god ancestor roared.

"Eternity embraces everything, but for those who do not want to merge into eternity, this seat can only destroy. The power of God will not wither, but will bloom again in the eternal year of this seat!"

Lu Feng sighed and said, he swung his hand away, and all the fluctuations stopped abruptly. The divine power of the ancestor of the god was not his opponent at all, and he hit the chest of the ancestor of the god with one palm.

The god ancestor was bombarded by Lu Feng, and his whole body was about to explode. He backed up again and again, and the blood of the gods swept across the sky.

Lu Feng walked again, each blow seemed to have no earth-shattering fluctuations, but it was a devastating attack on the god ancestor, making this earth-shattering existence almost impossible to resist, showing Lu Feng's invincible cultivation .

"No, the ancestor is not his opponent at all!"

"I finally understand why Martial Ancestor didn't stay in the initial stage with such a high realm. He knew that it was impossible for him to win the final victory!"

"Hmph! But it is impossible for eternity to destroy our protoss. Our protoss has stood for 49 initial years. In each initial year, there are a lot of talents and strong people like clouds. How could it be destroyed at this last moment? hands!"

"That's right, gathering all our power, this eternity can defeat us, but it is absolutely impossible to destroy us!"

These twelve ancient god emperors were also full of fighting spirit, choosing to live and die together with the god ancestors.

"Soldier of God!"

Following the voice of the ancestor of the gods, the twelve ancient god emperors immediately turned into twelve rays of divine light, and immediately condensed a divine weapon in the hands of the ancestors of the gods. With a slight movement, infinite divine light escaped. .

At this moment, the ancestor of the gods showed the power he should have as the ancestor of the gods.

Each of these twelve ancient god emperors is selfless, and they are all strong among selfless, comparable to dominating the existence of an initial year. Gained his now invincible mana.

"The twelve god emperors were all born because of this god. They all have the power of gods in their bodies. My strongest method is this magic weapon, but I have never used this magic weapon, even when the gate of the beginning suppressed Me, I have never used it, because when I use this magical weapon, it is when I am desperate!"

Shenzu is not reconciled to failure, he wants to use the pressure brought by Lu Feng to break through to the same level as Wuzu.

With a loud roar, his body was completely split open, and the divine blood stained his whole body, turning him into a blood man. Moreover, the divine blood was burning, and even the divine weapon in his hand shook violently. The source is also burning.

It can be said that he is desperate now, and he does not hesitate to use all costs.

This divine weapon let out a strong roar, and the ancestor of the god also used all his cultivation to strike the strongest blow in his life, and immediately saw that with the attack of this divine weapon, the entire initial Shake and experience a major earthquake like never before!

The sharp breath of God soared straight into the sky, as if even the door of the beginning had been broken through, and it could be seen that the door was shaking.

"Eternal, this is my strongest blow, either you lose or I die!"

The god ancestor stepped forward, as if he couldn't bear the power of this magic soldier, and his whole body was on the verge of falling. The blow from his lifelong cultivation made his blood almost drained at this moment, and he roared violently, infinite The divine light suddenly submerged, and the strongest blow came to the top of Lu Feng's head!

(End of this chapter)

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