Ten Thousand Domains

Chapter 3870 Ascension to Heaven [1 more]

Chapter 3870 Ascension to Heaven

With a finger of consonance, the moment came like the sun in winter, a ray of light appeared, directly pointing on the seven forms of immortality.

All of a sudden, the Seven Immortal Forms seemed to be hit at the most vulnerable place, disintegrating layer by layer, even with the strength of the celestial beings in the Huangfu Realm, they could not prevent this collapse.

"What's going on here?" Huangfu Boundary asked in shock.

"This is the weakness of the seven forms of immortality. Although it is called immortal, what is immortal? Immortality does not exist forever."

Li Yinyang opened the mouth and said.

"This is impossible, the Immortal Seven Forms will have no weaknesses and will always be perfect!" Huangfu Jieyu shouted: "Invincible in battle, invincible in attack, invincible!"

Huangfu is invincible in all realms. He is a hero of a generation, even more powerful than Huangfu Lihuo. He suddenly transformed into an invincible hero. Countless immortal holy lights spewed out, and his power was condensed into a palm.

The hand of the ruler, the hand of God!
However, Li Yinyang is like a wave under the impact of the seven styles of Huangfu's realm, motionless, as stable as Mount Tai. His yin and yang hands carry all kinds of good fortune in the world, creating a world of yin and yang.

Even if the invincible momentum of the Huangfu Realm suddenly encountered Li Yinyang's strong force, it would be difficult to advance every step of the way. It would decline again and again, and the offensive would be blocked, making it difficult for the Huangfu Realm to stop it. Launch a more powerful offensive.

"The other side of the Shenzhou!"

Another dominant force emerged from the Huangfu Realm, and a long turbulent river appeared. On the other side of the long river, a hazy, illusory, and fascinating world appeared. There was the other shore, the other shore beyond life and death.

"The famous trick in Huangfu's realm, the other side of Shenzhou!"

"It is said that Huangfu's realm was learned in the other side of the world, and he also used this move to bombard and kill a celestial giant in the other side of the world!"

"Although Li Yinyang is powerful, but being shrouded by the other side of the Shenzhou, I'm afraid he will suffer a lot!"

"I have to admit that the Heavenly Dynasty is powerful, inherited from the Immortal Heavenly King, one of the most powerful existences among the Heavenly Kings!"

Many headmasters opened their eyes wide.

"Oh? On the other side of the Shenzhou? There is also a Holy Land on the other side of the heaven, but fate rules everything, and fate orders everything. Although I can't cultivate fate, I can feel the power of fate."

Li Yinyang was calm and calm.

His great yin and yang skills turned into two huge hands, grabbing the past from both ends, and saw that he actually crossed the other side and grabbed the world at the other end.

"The Great Law of the Other Shore!"

Huangfu Realm roared.


Li Yinyang shook his head, and then said: "You have cultivated to the realm of heaven and man in Huangfu Realm, and you have stayed in the Heavenly King's Great World for a long time, so you should not stay in this realm, you should abdicate as soon as possible and fly to the Heavenly Realm early, the Heavenly King's Great World It is not suitable for the cultivation of celestial beings, and it is against the rules for celestial beings to stay in this world, today I will open the door for you and send you flying to the sky!"

Before Li Yinyang opened his mouth, there was a surge of strong weather, and in the pure white holy light, a huge portal appeared, which was the gate of heaven.

"The gate of heaven, Li Yinyang is going to send Huangfu to ascend!"

Those headmasters roared loudly, although they want to ascend to the heavens in their practice, they will never ascend in this way. The heavens are a crueler world, and they don't have enough strength to go there and cannot protect themselves.

"This emperor has not yet reached the time of ascension!"

Huangfu Realm stretched out two big hands and forcibly closed the gate of the heaven.

"It's up to you!"

Suddenly, Li Yinyang displayed thousands of powerful techniques in an instant, forcing the Huangfu Realm to soar upwards, and suddenly a strong vision flashed out, the Huangfu Realm could no longer control it, and the whole person disappeared instantly gone.

Huangfu Realm did not die, but was forcibly sent to the Heaven Realm.

Of course, as the emperor of the Heavenly Dynasty in the Lower Realm, Huangfu Jieyu has the blood of the Heavenly King, so he will be attracted by the Huangfu clan soon.

"The Huangfu Realm has ascended to the Heaven Realm."

The eyes of many teachers were taken aback, and the faces they looked at Li Yinyang were full of fear, and then these teachers were sensible, and said at the same time: "Congratulations to the teacher Yinyang, from today onwards, there will be an additional one from the eight sects of heaven and earth. Nine Gates, Daotianmen."

"Headmaster mighty!"

"Headmaster mighty!"

"Headmaster mighty!"

The disciple elder of Daotianmen shouted loudly.

"From then on, Dao Tianmen inherits the orthodoxy of Destiny King."

After Li Yinyang presided over the ceremony, he also disappeared in one step.

The realm of Huangfu rose rapidly, and the Heavenly Dynasty soon registered a new emperor, named Huangfu Heishui, but this Huangfu Heishui was not as vigorous as the previous emperors, showing his sharp edge, and was completely suppressed by Li Yinyang.

The matter of Huangfu's ascension in the Realm was quickly passed on to the Three Thousand Worlds.

Many heavenly beings were shocked.

From today onwards, all those celestial beings disappeared, even the celestial beings of the Celestial Dynasty hid in the cave, hidden from the world, for fear of being seen by Li Yinyang and sent to the heavenly realm by him.

Li Yinyang is powerful in an era, not only in the Heavenly Kings World, but also in the Three Thousand Worlds.

Avenue Tianmen has also entered an era of rapid development.

Although the foundation of Dao Tianmen is weaker than other eight sects of heaven, and there are not many disciples and elders, there is Li Yinyang. As long as there is Li Yinyang, no one dares to offend the disciples of Dao Tianmen.

Moreover, Li Yinyang's luck is extremely strong, and he has repeatedly penetrated into the forbidden area of ​​life and death, bringing many rare treasures.

The disciples and elders of Daotianmen seem to be really shrouded in fate. They dare to break into any dragon's lake and tiger's lair, but they can't die.

Under such circumstances, the strength of the disciples of the elders increased day by day. In the 5000th year, the strength of the Dao Tianmen ranks first among the Nine Gates of Heaven, and because of the existence of Li Yinyang, it is known as No. 1 in the Three Thousand Great Worlds.

1 years later.

Li Yinyang cultivated to the realm of heaven and man.

"Xia Mang, I will ascend to heaven today, and from now on you will be the supreme teacher of Daotianmen."

Li Yinyang looked at a middle-aged man who had reached the tenth level of mythology and had a steady temper.

"Headmaster, you have just broken through to heaven and man, and you will have no problem staying in the world of heavenly kings for 10 years. Why are you rushing to ascend? I heard that the heavens are extremely dangerous, and heaven and man are nothing. Isn't it in the three thousand worlds?" .”

Xia Mang was startled, "Besides, I'm afraid I won't be able to bear such a big burden."

"No, you can afford it." Li Yinyang smiled and said, "In order to leave the Yin-Yang Realm, the Yin-Yang Mirror, and the Daotianjing, with these three treasures, even if I am gone, the Daotianmen can develop stably, and go In the heavens, I will naturally be guided, and I have already felt it."

"King of Destiny!" Xia Mang said.

"Not bad." Li Yinyang said.

"Then I will assist the head teacher to go smoothly in the heavens today."

Xia Mang said.

"King of Destiny, Yin Yang is here."

Li Yinyang looked at the sky, and suddenly he disappeared.

He soared.

(End of this chapter)

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