Ten Thousand Domains

Chapter 3871 Send all to heaven [1 more]

Chapter 3871 Send all to heaven

Li Yinyang soars up!
Xia Mang became the second generation headmaster of Dao Tianmen!
Although his realm is also the tenth level of mythology, his power is completely incomparable with Li Yinyang. Li Yinyang has suppressed the Three Thousand Great World for 1 years, making all the heavenly beings never dare to show their faces.

"From today onwards, this seat is the new headmaster of Daotianmen!"

Xia Mang looked at the entire Heavenly King World.

"Li Yinyang actually ascended!"

"This is unbelievable. Li Yinyang has just become a celestial being, and his lifespan is still a million years away. Although the resources in the three thousand worlds are poor, it is not difficult to support a celestial being to the peak. With a million celestial beings With a longevity of 50 years, it is not a problem for him to stay for [-] years."

"I didn't expect him to ascend so fast, and once he became a celestial being, he couldn't wait to leave the Heavenly King World!"

"The gates of the heavens have been opened, we all saw Li Yinyang soaring, this can't be fake!"

"The reason why the Dao Tianmen has overwhelmed the three thousand great worlds in these ten thousand years, and even the Heavenly Dynasty has been weakened by a head, relies on Li Yinyang alone. Without him, the Dao Tianmen is strong, but it is just an ordinary Nine Gates of Heaven, even And even weaker."

"Look, the Daotianjing inside the Daotianmen is still here like the sun that never sets."

"According to the rumors, Li Yinyang was able to learn thousands of great arts, relying on this mysterious Daotianjing, he didn't take the scriptures away, but left the scriptures here!"

"Hmph! I think we are all the strongest celestial beings in the three thousand great worlds, but because Li Yinyang didn't dare to take the lead, we thought he would stay for a few hundred thousand years. Fortunately, he ascended early!"

"This scripture is not suppressed by Li Yinyang, Dao Tianmen is not entitled to own it!"

The thoughts of countless heavenly beings collided in the void.

When those celestial beings saw Li Yinyang ascending to the heavens, they were ready to move. They knew in their hearts that the reason why Li Yinyang had infinite mana was mainly because of the Daoist Scripture. If they got it, wouldn't they also have invincible mana?

But instead of rushing into action, they waited a month later.

On this day, the breath of hundreds of heavenly beings descended on the Great World of Heavenly Kings.

"Everyone came to my Dao Tianmen at the same time. What's the important thing? Master has already ascended to the heaven, so I'm afraid I can't discuss with you."

Inside the Dao Tianmen, the new head teacher Supreme Xia Mang saw hundreds of heavenly beings descending at the same time, his expression was extremely calm.

"Haha, I naturally know that Li Yinyang has left. We are not here today to find him, but to find you."

A person wearing an imperial robe stepped out. He was the new emperor of the Heavenly Dynasty, Huangfu Heishui. He had been suppressed by Li Yinyang for ten thousand years. He was extremely aggrieved for ten thousand years. Now that Li Yinyang left, the three thousand worlds belonged to him again. When the Heavenly Kingdom was so powerful.

Thinking of this puts him in a great mood.

"Everyone, I'm afraid I'm here for the Taoist scriptures of our sect."

Xia Mang sneered again and again.

"As long as you know."

The person who walked out was wearing holy clothes, radiant and radiant, from the great world of the ancestors, and said with a smile: "Xia Mang, you are not Li Yinyang, and you can't suppress an era. Not only is there no benefit for you, but it will lead to death. This seat can promise that as long as you hand over the Taoist scriptures, everything will be let bygones be bygones. Your Daotianmen will still be the Nine Gates of Heaven. Can you stop hundreds of celestial beings?"

"That's really nice." Xia Mang laughed a few times: "But there is only one Bible, and you have hundreds of people, who should I give it to?"

"Xia Mang, don't play such provocative tricks. We are not children. How to distribute it has nothing to do with you. As long as you hand over the Daoist scriptures, the rest has nothing to do with you."

Huangfu Black Waterway.

"Yes, we can also comprehend together."

Hundreds of celestial beings persecuted at the same time.

"The Dao Tian Jing is the most precious treasure of our sect, and it is impossible to hand it over." Xia Mang's tone was sharp, "I would like to advise everyone, don't step into the gate of our sect, otherwise you can't afford the price!"

"Threatening us?"

These hundreds of celestial beings laughed: "Li Yinyang is gone, what are you left with?"

They stepped into the Dao Tianmen at the same time, and suddenly, a terrifying yin and yang aura came, which turned out to be the appearance of Li Yinyang.

He smiled and said: "Everyone, I already knew that after I ascended, you would come to Daotianmen, so I left behind."

"Li Yinyang!"

The faces of these existences changed at the same time, but then they said disdainfully: "It's just a primordial spirit left behind. Does this primordial spirit want to stop us?"

Huangfu Heishui also said: "Hmph, I admit that you are powerful, but your real body has already entered the heavenly realm, I'm afraid you will be beyond reach, and you won't be able to frighten us."

"Go directly!"

These hundreds of celestial beings have known for a long time that Li Yinyang will stay behind, but they are all celestial beings with boundless magic power. They are afraid of Li Yinyang's real deity, but the deity is gone, just a mere secondary, hundreds of them can directly kill .

"Then I can only send you all to heaven."

Li Yinyang seemed to sigh.

"Send to heaven!"

These days, people's hearts are shocked at the same time.

"The great way of yin and yang!"

Li Yinyang's magic power drew a circle with both hands, and suddenly, a door of heaven opened suddenly, and the breath of extradition was conveyed from it, and the terrifying power swept over hundreds of heavenly beings in an instant.

"He actually wants to send us all to heaven!"

These hundreds of celestial beings struggled desperately.

"Useless work."

Although these celestial beings are struggling, but Li Yinyang's mana is irresistible. The gate of heaven that he opened sent all these hundreds of celestial beings into the heaven in a short moment, including Huangfu Heishui.

In the past, when those celestial beings ascended to the heavens, they would be fully prepared. Those who had backers in the heavens would even contact the backers to guide them.

And this sudden sending into the heavenly realm made them unprepared at all, and they didn't know where it would come.

This move was too ruthless, it was killing people without blood. It is normal for those heavenly beings to die half of them unprepared once they entered the heavenly realm.

"Whoever dares to try to step into my Daotianmen will end like this!"

Xia Mang uttered a voice that shook the three thousand worlds.

In the entire Three Thousand Worlds, no one is shocked, and no one is afraid. At first, they thought that without Li Yinyang, Daotianmen would be a soft persimmon that anyone could squeeze, but they didn't expect Li Yinyang to leave behind such a terrifying backhand.

Actually sent hundreds of celestial beings into the heavenly realm.

Although some people still have thoughts, they dare not gamble. Who can be sure that this is the last resort of Dao Tianmen? ,

But at this moment, Li Yinyang is already in the heaven, in a world of eerie light and shadow, looking at an infinitely mysterious figure ahead, and said in awe: "Li Yinyang has seen the King of Destiny."

(End of this chapter)

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