Chapter 48

After a day and a night.


A dull sound accompanied by a halo spread out as ripples.

The soul vein turned into a ray of light running through the mind.


Lu Feng was extremely excited, knowing that even with past life experience, it would be difficult to open up the soul vein.

This is due to the rebirth of his soul after thousands of years, which is countless times stronger than normal meridian warriors.

After the opening of the soul vein, the spiritual power has a qualitative increase.

The five senses have been greatly improved, and he can even capture some larger dust in the air.

This is a significant effect of the soul vein, improving perception.

The perception is strong, and it can even predict the enemy's movements during battle.

After opening up the soul vein, Lu Feng began to think about the next step.

"Although I have reached the strength of the first level of Tongmai now, there are still two months to go hunting in the royal city. By that time, there will even be a strong man of the fifth level of Tongmai. I must have some cards, otherwise I will suffer a lot."

For a warrior, it is not only his realm that evaluates his strength, but also martial skills.

Jingtao Palm can be regarded as mysterious among earth-level martial arts, but its explosive power is not very strong, and it will suffer a lot when meeting real geniuses or strong people.

But now that Lu Feng has reached the state of Tongmai, and with the assistance of the soul vein, he can try to cultivate more advanced martial arts.

"Heavenly Desolation Fist!"

After a long time, a martial skill of Tianhuangquan came to mind.

This martial skill was originally owned by a faction named Tianhuangmen, and later joined the Tianxing Dynasty and offered this martial skill.

It is said that Tianhuangquan was originally a holy-level martial skill, but it is a pity that part of it has been lost in the long years, and it can only be regarded as a heaven-level martial skill.

But even so, Tianhuangquan is still at the top level among the heavenly exercises, which is just suitable for Lu Feng's cultivation.

Tianhuangquan is divided into eight levels. Generally speaking, being able to successfully cultivate the first two levels in the Tongmai Realm is considered a talent. Only those evildoers can cultivate Tianhuang Shenquan to the third level in the cultivation realm.

The cultivation of Tianhuangquan is very domineering, and there is an unfathomable power in every punch.

It is said that if one punches to the eighth level, the sky will collapse, and the profound energy of dozens of miles will gather in one punch, which can be called terrifying.

However, Tianhuangquan is very powerful, but it is very difficult to practice, resulting in very few people practicing this martial art, and it is also because of this reason that Tianhuangmen gradually declined.

"The first level of Tianhuangquan, fists out of heaven!"

Lu Feng put his feet into the horse stance, and then, according to the formula of the first form, the profound energy of a martial vein in his body was as violent as a flying dragon, and a vortex of Zhang Xu condensed on his fist, even the profound energy in the stone chamber was extracted and released. Come.

The next moment, Lu Feng swung his fist violently.

Accompanied by a thunderous sound, the entire stone room shook slightly.


The Lu Family's Xuanzhong Pagoda was made according to the attack of a real martial arts expert, otherwise even one punch could break the Xuanzhong Pagoda.

The fluctuation dissipated, and a stone pit half a foot deep appeared in the stone chamber.

Regarding the power of this punch, Lu Feng nodded in satisfaction.

"Although this punch is powerful, it directly draws the profound energy of one of my martial arteries. According to my current state, I will be exhausted after three punches at most. Therefore, the Tianhuang Fist can only be used as a hole card."

Lu Feng still saw the disadvantages of Tian Huang Quan, which is unavoidable.

In normal battles with enemies, it is best to use Surging Wave Palm.

In the next half month, apart from practicing Tianhuang Fist, Lu Feng spent the rest of his time opening up a third martial art.

With the assistance of the black stone, the step of condensing the profound energy after the opening of the martial arteries was extremely fast, so it took only half a month for him to successfully reach the second level of opening the meridians, possessing the power of four ancient flying dragons.

"Fireball array!"

On this day, Lu Feng condensed the profound energy on his fingertips and tapped it out.

Like a pen, red threads of light shone in the void, and the complex threads turned into patterns and connected together in a way that fit the heaven and the earth.

After a few breaths, a ball of flame erupted, and those silk threads disappeared in smoke.

"The realm is too low. If you want to volley into the air, the speed is not only too slow, but also the power is too low."

Lu Feng stopped and said to himself.

After opening up three martial arteries, he couldn't wait to practice the inscription technique.

To know.

The inscription technique can not only be used to engrave arrays and refine weapons, but also can be used to fight and kill enemies.

If a powerful warrior also cultivates the inscription patterns, he can draw various formations in an instant and use them to kill people.

Of course, the current Lu Feng is still not good, he can only describe some formations with little power.

Although he opened up the soul vein, after all, his cultivation base is too low, and he has not yet produced a primordial spirit, and the production of a primordial spirit is a symbol of a strong person in the Tianwu realm.

This is like a dragon trapped in a shallow pit, no matter how powerful it is, it can't overturn the clouds and rain. Only by letting the dragon return to the sea can it display its supernatural powers.

Lu Feng is in this situation now, he has rich experience but not enough cultivation to support him.

"It will become more and more difficult to practice in the future. Cultivating inscription patterns can not only earn a lot of wealth, but also exercise my spiritual power."

The combination of the two made Lu Feng decide to restore the inscription patterns from his previous life.

But now he needs some materials to carve the inscriptions. After all, this body is not from the previous life, and he still needs a lot of materials to practice.

At the very beginning, when one wanted to practice inscription patterns, he used some spiritual jade and various materials full of profound energy to practice.

Thinking of this, Lu Feng left the Lu family and went to another prosperous place in the royal city.

In addition to the Universal Merchant Alliance, the distribution of the Inscription Pattern Guild in the royal city is also very prosperous.

The Inscription Pattern Guild is a force that spreads throughout the entire Eastern Profound Realm, but he has set up branches in every faction that has a true martial arts level.

They never interfered with the affairs of every faction. Part of the purpose of setting up a branch was to collect wealth, and the other part was to recruit the inscription geniuses of the entire Eastern Profound Realm.

Lu Feng went straight to the Inscription Pattern Guild. Although the Universal Business Alliance also had materials for sale, it was not as good as the Inscription Pattern Guild, a specialized guild.

Outside the inscription pattern guild, there are magnificent buildings and crowds of people.

Among them, warriors wearing inscription pattern guild costumes can be seen advancing one by one, and some have a star engraved on their chests, indicating that they are first-rank inscription pattern masters.

But even if it is a first-class inscription master, it is still a person worthy of respect.

Cultivating inscription patterns is not like practicing martial arts, they need strong spiritual strength to get started.

Apart from the strong ones in the Eastern Profound Realm, masters of inscription patterns are the most honorable group of people.

It is said that there is a third-rank inscription master in the inscription guild of Tianlin King City.

In the inscription pattern guild, there are many people in the spacious hall.

Some people came to buy materials, while others came to test their mental strength and learn from teachers.

Lu Feng wandered around, buying and buying casually, what made him stunned was that he spent several 10 taels of silver all at once.

Sure enough, cultivating inscription patterns is not affordable for ordinary people, which requires a lot of financial support. Even for a family like the Lu family, it is very difficult to train a few inscription pattern masters.

The Lu family also has a second-grade inscription master who makes offerings in front of the master every day.

It can be seen from this that the inscription master is precious and rare.

"Young master, today your spending has reached 50 taels of silver, you can go and listen to Miss Ling'er playing the piano."

At this time, a beautiful woman from the Inscription Pattern Guild said to him.

"Miss Ling'er's playing the piano?" Lu Feng asked suspiciously.

"This little boy doesn't know yet. Miss Linger's piano sound is like the sound of nature. It is said that many people have an epiphany and breakthrough after listening to Miss Linger's piano sound. It's a pity that only those who spend 50 taels of silver can listen to it qualifications."

A big man with a rough mine said to Lu Feng, with a longing look on his face
"Yes, Miss Ling'er plays the piano every three days, you must not miss this opportunity." The beautiful woman said again.

"I see."

Lu Feng stroked his chin with great interest.

He would like to hear how wonderful Miss Ling'er's piano sound is.

(End of this chapter)

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