Chapter 49
Along a bluestone path, many people walked together excitedly, looking forward to the sound of Miss Linger's piano.

Soon, a dense green bamboo forest appeared in front of Lu Feng's eyes, and a gentle breeze blew through it, mixed with a quiet fragrance.

There was a huge open space in front of the bamboo grove, and many people stood there quietly, and in front of the crowd, a figure was sitting there, with a Guqin made of purple crystal placed in front of it.

This figure is elegant and dusty, and a beautiful girl in a white dress is putting her jade fingers on the guqin.

The girl looked only fifteen or sixteen years old, her eyebrows were like willow leaves, her facial features were exquisite, especially her eyes were pure and free of impurities, like a fairy.

The young girl has a delicate appearance, and her temperament stands out from everyone else.

"When Miss Ling'er is playing the piano, you are not allowed to make any sound."

Beside Miss Linger, a maid said.

"Okay, I'm playing three pieces of piano music today, and now I'm starting."

Ling'er played the piano with both hands, her delicate and slender fingers attracted attention like suet white jade.

The strings of the qin were vibrated, and the sounds of the qin fluttered out of the guqin like jumping elves, causing many people to involuntarily close their eyes, carefully perceiving the mystery in the sounds of the qin.

Ling'er doesn't look big, but her strength has reached the point of four-layer Tongmai Tongmai, which can be called terrifying.

The sound of the piano played by her spread out in wisps of lavender light waves, which then affected everyone's mind.

In this quiet melody, everyone is very quiet, even the kind of rough can appreciate the emotion in the melody.

A piano sound was played quickly, and many people were still unsatisfied.

"It is indeed a good piano, this should be a meditation song, and the fatigue from previous practice has been swept away."

Lu Feng couldn't help stretching, no wonder this woman's playing the piano can attract so many people to listen.

The second piano sound popped out, as light as mountains and flowing water, with an indescribable charm.

The third piano sound popped out, making the listener feel as if he was in an open field, his body was full of ethereal, all the shackles were lifted, and he devoted himself to a mysterious and mysterious feeling.

This feeling grows from the soul, no wonder it can make warriors break through the realm.

"What a powerful piano sound, just like nature, high mountains, flowing water, lush forests, but there is still something missing in this piano sound."

At this moment, Lu Feng involuntarily opened his mouth, and with the help of the soul vein, he had a deeper feeling for the sound of the piano.

However, this sentence aroused public anger, and some people looked at Lu Feng angrily, and shouted: "How dare you say that Miss Ling'er's piano sound lacks something!"

"Yes, Miss Ling'er's piano sound is unique in Wangcheng, the most perfect."

Most of the people who yelled at him were young men, and they looked at Lu Feng with hostility.

Lu Feng was a little speechless. Isn't it just a sentence, so why did it cause such a big reaction?
And this moment.

The young girl sitting upright on the table showed a bit of surprise on her charming face, and she looked at the rather handsome boy below in amazement.

"Miss Ling'er, this person dares to insult your piano sound. I will teach him a lesson for you and throw him out of the bamboo forest."

One of them glared at Lu Feng, with terrifying profound energy fluctuating in his hand, he directly grabbed Lu Feng.

This person has the strength of the fourth level of Tongmai. Lu Feng punched out, and the two fists met, directly knocking this person into the air.

However, more people want to attack Lu Feng.

The girl shouted coquettishly, and those listening to the piano who wanted to fight stopped one by one with anger on their faces.

"This young master, the little girl's name is Mo Ling, I wonder what is missing from the piano sound that the young master said?"

Mo Ling asked.

"The sound of the piano is quiet. There are so many people, it's hard to say." Lu Feng smiled and pointed to these angry warriors.

Mo Ling nodded: "The three zither sounds are over today, everyone please go back."

Following the eviction order, many people left the bamboo forest full of regret.

"I don't know where this kid was blessed to be able to be alone with Miss Ling'er."

"Miss Ling'er, don't be fooled by this kid. She's so young and doesn't know how to play piano. I really want to teach him a lesson for Miss Linger."

Many people exchanged dissatisfaction when they left.

But at the moment, only Lu Feng, Mo Ling and the maid were in the bamboo forest.

"Ling'er, your piano sound is very concentrated, but it lacks a little rhythm, which leads to some defects."

Lu Feng smiled and said that the girl in front of him gave him a very good impression, not as unruly as he imagined.

"Rhythm?" Mo Ling asked puzzled.

"Yes, rhythm is simply like human breathing. Every breath is the rhythm of life, and there are rhythms in the sky and earth, but ordinary people can't find it. If you can control the rhythm, the piano is like life."

Lu Feng said.

In fact, he didn't understand Qin very well, he just dabbled a little.

In the previous life, there was a faction named Tianyin Qinfu who had good relations with the Tianxing Dynasty. That faction trained a group of qin players to play the qin for the Tianxing Dynasty. Under the influence of these zither sounds, Lu Feng also learned some knowledge about qin.

"The sound of the piano has life?" Mo Ling opened her mouth in shock, she had never heard such a statement from Qin.

"When you fuse with Qin, Qin has life."

Lu Feng said.

Mo Ling was thoughtful, as if he understood something.

"I think, Miss Ling'er, you should have a special physique in terms of sound waves." Lu Feng watched the girl carefully, and said with a smile.

After being sized up by Lu Feng, Mo Ling blushed, nodded and said, "Ling'er is born with a special sense of rhythm, but whether she has a special constitution or not, even my grandfather can't tell."

Lu Feng nodded, no wonder, if he didn't have this feeling, he would not be able to play such a beautiful piano sound at such a young age.

Afterwards, Lu Feng thought for a while and said, "If Miss Ling'er believes in me, you can try to open up this strange vein."

In his memory, there is a special strange vein recorded in Tianyinqin Mansion, named Tianyin Meridian.

This strange pulse can make the power of sound waves stronger, not only for playing the piano, but also for killing people invisible.

"Extraordinary pulse!" Mo Ling naturally knows the odd vein, and many warriors want to open up an odd vein that suits them in the Meridian Realm.

"That's right, that strange vein is amazing."

Lu Feng said.

Mo Ling is also very interested in this, which warrior doesn't want to open up strange veins.

Qimai is different from Wumai, Qimai will not store profound energy, but Qimai can increase the strength of a warrior in a certain aspect.

Mo Ling said: "That method is expensive."

Lu Feng smiled slightly and said, "As long as Miss Ling'er is free, she can play a few more piano pieces for me to listen to."

Lu Feng didn't want any reward, mainly because Mo Ling looked pleasing to the eye.


At this moment, a layer of terrifying air blasted suddenly in a bamboo house next to the bamboo forest, and it was instantly torn apart.

An old man with a black and gray face flew out of the bamboo house, with a puzzled look on his face.

"Strange, the method is obviously correct, but why did it fail?"

The old man wiped the black ash on his face casually, and said to himself.

(End of this chapter)

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