Ten Thousand Domains

Chapter 66 Extreme Power

Chapter 66 Extreme Power

The blood is like a rainbow, and the halo of blood is obvious.

A faint blush appeared all over Lu Feng's body, and there seemed to be a terrifying power in his body, as if he could soar into the sky.

The Blood Wheel Meridian is a miraculous occult vein, and it can definitely be ranked at the top level of occult veins.

Its existence nourishes Lu Feng's blood energy and physical body all the time, and this strange vein runs through the whole body, which can store the power of blood energy.

The blood vessels are like annual rings, washing away round after round.

If Lu Feng's blood fails one day, the blood energy in this extraordinary vein will instantly replenish Lu Feng's deficient blood energy like a phoenix nirvana.

But there is a huge flaw, Lu Feng is only in the meridian state now, and consumes more than half of the blood essence in this pool to make this blood soul vein full.

If you squander it all, it will definitely be a great trouble to replenish it in the future.

Blood qi needs treasures like blood to replenish, and ordinary treasures cannot be absorbed by the blood chakra.

But Lu Feng was also extremely satisfied.

Luckily, Lu Feng participated in the hunting in the royal city this time.

If it weren't for this pool of rich blood essence, he wouldn't have mistakenly opened up the method of opening the blood chakra, let alone successfully opened it.

"All the blood essence in the divine blood pool has been consumed, you all leave."

The eunuch said in a sharp drake voice, his heart was extremely shocked.

One person actually absorbed most of the pool of blood essence, which even a true martial artist could not do.

Under the urging of the eunuch, the teenagers left the divine blood pool one by one.

At this moment, there are many people waiting outside.

Since the palace was built underground, they did not see Lu Feng's bloody scene.

"Xiaofeng, what is the function of the Divine Blood Pond?"

In the distance, Lu Zhan walked over with a smile on his face.

He has also heard about the sacred blood pool of the royal family and knows its function.

"The effect is great, and my physique has been significantly improved."

Lu Feng laughed.

"It's not just big, Lu Feng absorbed almost half of the blood essence in the blood pool by himself."

Du Fan muttered beside him.


Hearing this, everyone here exclaimed in unison, and looked at Lu Feng with curiosity.

When Lu Zhan was shocked, he quickly checked Lu Feng's body, and he was relieved when he found that he was fine.

His brows sank, and he asked: "Xiaofeng, tell me, how did you absorb the power of blood essence?"

He wasn't coveting Lu Feng's secret, but he was afraid that something would happen to him.

"Unintentionally opened up a strange vein, and that strange vein corresponds to the power of blood."

Lu Feng said half-covered.

"So it is, this is your luck."

Lu Zhan let out a sigh of relief.

He also knows the strange pulse, even he himself has a strange pulse, called Zhan Wumai, which can accumulate combat power and erupt with terrifying power.

This is Lu Feng's good luck, he will not ask.

At this time, Lu Zhan looked at Lu Kai with appreciative eyes, and said, "Lu Kai, your performance is also very good. The family will vigorously train you, so that you can participate in the assessment of Zhitianmen with stronger strength in the coming year."

As a branch genius, it is indeed not easy to reach this stage.

"Thank you, my lord." Lu Kai saluted.

"The future belongs to these young people. The only thing we old guys can do is to escort them behind."

King Zhendong sighed, at their age, there is little hope of breaking through Tianwu, so they can only pin their hopes on the younger generation.

"Tonight, my Lu family has a big banquet, all of you come to my Lu family."

Lu Zhan laughed.

It is a great joy that the Lu family won the first and second place in this royal city hunt, so it is natural to celebrate it more.

And this banquet is also full of other meanings.

That night, many families who had good relations with the Lu family all came to the Lu family.

However, some families did not come after receiving the invitation. It was obvious that they wanted to draw a line with the Lu family.

This time Lu Feng, Lu Kai and Du Fan are the well-deserved focus of the banquet.

What made Lu Feng smile bitterly was that many families proposed marriage, but Lu Feng declined all of them.

And when someone heard that Lu Xiaorou was Lu Feng's older sister, some people turned their heads and proposed to marry Lu Xiaorou.

But Lu Xiaorou rejected them one by one, blushing all the time looking at the energetic young man in front of her.

She was very ignorant of this feeling, she just felt that there was no room for other people in her heart.

It was extremely lively outside, but one member of the family had a very gloomy expression.

The queen's bedroom was in a mess, and there were shards of colored glaze everywhere.

"Lu Feng, why is your life so tough, it didn't kill you!"

The queen was furious, and the maid beside her trembled.

Just now, several sisters have been murdered.

Lu Feng came back alive, but Butler Li didn't come back.

All kinds of explanations indicated that Steward Li had died in the hunting ground.

Although Steward Li's cultivation is nothing, he is her confidant and the most loyal person.

After a long time, she gradually calmed down: "The news came from the hunting ground that the prince dared to confront His Majesty for Lu Feng. Now if he touches him again, I'm afraid he won't let me go lightly. We must think of another careful plan."

She is not a fool, so she naturally knows the pros and cons.

In any case, she is the queen of the prince of the Lu family.

The only option is to wait for the opportunity to kill Lu Feng.

A banquet that didn't end until late at night.

Lu Zhan and Lu Feng had a heart-to-heart chat next to a rockery.

"The news has come, Zhitianmen will hold an assessment in the first month of spring tomorrow."

Lu Zhan looked at Lu Feng with a loving face.

"It's a few months later than predicted, with a few more months to go."

Lu Feng nodded.

"Yes, there are still several months to go. During this time, I will arrange a forbidden place for you to practice."

Lu Zhan patted Lu Feng on the shoulder, extremely satisfied with the child.

After some heart-to-heart talk, the two bid farewell.

The Lu family was built on a profound energy vein, and Lu Zhan used his supernatural powers to gather the profound energy in the profound energy vein into a pool.

The dense blooming, the water in the pool is formed by the condensation of profound energy.

"Finally opened up the sixth martial arteries, the pinnacle of the triple meridians."

After practicing for two months, Lu Feng opened up two martial arteries consecutively, reaching the state of triple meridian opening in one fell swoop.

Sufficient profound energy surged in the martial veins, and each punch was the power of several flying dragons, which was several times stronger than when the Tongmai was at the second level.

The main reason is that every time Lu Feng opens up a martial arteries, he needs a lot of profound energy to open up the acupuncture points, which wasted a lot of his time.

This is still with the assistance of Black Stone, otherwise the time consumed would be even more terrifying.

"My strength has reached the strength of seven flying dragons."

Lu Feng had a strange expression on his face, every time he opened up a martial vein, the power of a flying dragon would skyrocket.

This made him suspect that when he reached the ninth level of Tongmai Tongmai, he might break the limit of the power of eighteen flying dragons and condense into the power of a real dragon.

In the previous life, no matter how hard Lu Feng tried, only the power of eighteen flying dragons could be condensed at the level of Tongmai Realm.

Because there is a rule blocking.


If you can break the constraints of the power of eighteen flying dragons in the Tongmai Realm and condense the power of a real dragon, there will be an unexpected benefit.

Countless geniuses want to condense the power of a real dragon in the Tongmai Realm, but as far as Lu Feng knows, it is difficult to produce a genius who breaks the rules in a hundred years.

As long as the genius who can break through the extreme does not fall halfway, he will become a strong one in the future.

"I don't know what unexpected benefits will come from breaking this extreme rule."

Lu Feng was overjoyed and continued to practice.

Next, Lu Feng did not choose to leave the level, but took out the materials to prepare a medicinal liquid, hitting the fourth level of Tongmai in one fell swoop.

Long before the retreat, Lu Feng asked the fat shopkeeper of the Universal Business Alliance and Mr. Mo of the Inscription Pattern Guild to raise precious materials for strengthening his body for him.

For this day.

The materials for preparing the liquid medicine were so precious that he spent almost all his savings.

A barrel of extremely hot medicinal liquid was placed in front of him, the scorching heat would frighten even a martial artist in the Meridian Realm.

But Lu Feng jumped in with no expression on his face.

Although there is a small bottleneck between Tongmai [-]rd and Tongmai [-]th, it does not exist for Lu Feng.

Strong mental power and experience in the first four realms of martial arts in his previous life made him feel like a fish in water.

The only problem is Taixuan Jiuzhuan.

Every step forward requires a lot of resources to temper the body, which is a consumption that even the entire Lu family cannot bear.

(End of this chapter)

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