Ten Thousand Domains

Chapter 67 Mo Lao's Power

Chapter 67 Mo Lao's Power
Once again, Wangcheng ushered in a bone-chilling winter, and the severe cold made the Wangcheng covered with many icicles.

The howling cold wind rolled up the snowflakes all over the sky and ravaged all over the royal city.

"I didn't expect it to snow already."

On this day, Lu Feng retreated for half a month again, hit the fourth level of Tongmai, and opened up the seventh martial arteries before leaving the customs.

"It's time to go back."

Lu Feng whispered, he hadn't seen Lu Xiaorou for a long time, and he must have missed himself.

Snowflakes as big as goose feathers fell on his body, and were immediately melted by a force.

Now he is already a martial artist with the fourth level of Tongmai Tongmai, his physical fitness is far beyond ordinary people, he only needs to wear a thin white shirt to resist the severe cold.

The small courtyard was covered with snow, and a beautiful figure in white sable fur was sweeping the snow in the courtyard with his head down.

Lu Feng smiled slightly, stepped into the small courtyard: "Miss Xiaorou, I'm back."

Lu Xiaorou's body froze, a happy expression appeared on her face, and she quickly raised her head to look at Lu Feng: "Xiaofeng."

After two months of retreat, Lu Xiaorou was overjoyed by Lu Feng's appearance, and hurriedly put down the broom.

"Did you miss me during this time?" Lu Feng teased.

Lu Xiaorou lowered her head, embarrassed to answer, but her actions showed that she missed Lu Feng very much.

"The young master is back, I'll heat you a pot of soju."

In the kitchen, Jiang Rui grew more and more juicy, and she was happy to see Lu Feng.

At this time, Lu Feng saw Lu Xiaorou's little hands were red from the cold, and couldn't help holding a pair of catkins in distress.

Profound energy surged, and heat flowed into Lu Xiaorou's body.

The small courtyard is extremely warm, and Lu Xiaorou enjoys this warmth very much.

"My ancestor, you have finally left the customs. If you don't come back to Master Mo, I can't explain it."

A middle-aged man with a bearded face outside the courtyard hurriedly stepped into the courtyard with a look of rejoicing.

Seeing someone coming, Lu Xiaorou blushed and quickly pulled out her little hand.

"Is there a problem?"

Lu Feng recognized this person as a disciple next to Mr. Mo, a second-rank inscription pattern master.

"Master has asked me to invite you to the Inscription Pattern Guild a month ago, and I haven't seen you until today."

Seeing Lu Feng, he was relieved. This month, he was scolded by Mo Lao every day, and his heart was extremely depressed.

"I see. I'll go to the Inscription Pattern Guild at noon. Why don't you stay and have a glass of shochu?"

Lu Feng already knew the reason Mo Lao was looking for him, it was nothing more than asking him to help refine weapons.

Coincidentally, except for dozens of profound stones, there was nothing on him, and he happened to go to blackmail Mr. Mo.

The middle-aged man thought about it, and it was not too late, so he agreed.

Soon, Jiang Rui brought a pot of boiling wine.

After half an hour, the two of them headed to the Inscription Pattern Guild together after making wine and drinking.

The bamboo forest of the Inscription Pattern Guild was covered with snow, and a melodious piano sound suddenly came.

The sound of the piano is full of rhythm, melodious and peaceful.

Lu Feng only felt that under the sound of the piano, he entered a kind of ethereal and magical feeling.

After a while, the piano sound ended.

"Ling'er, I'm playing the piano again."

Suddenly, Lu Feng's figure appeared behind Mo Ling, which surprised and delighted her.

Today's girl is exceptionally beautiful, wearing a purple fur coat, with a flushed face, full of the unique charm of a young girl.

Seeing Lu Feng's sudden visit, the girl was very happy: "Brother Feng, Ling'er has opened up the Tianyin vein you gave me last time a month ago."

When speaking, Mo Ling raised his head proudly.

It has been several months since we parted with Lu Feng, Mo Ling was naturally very happy when we saw each other again.

Lu Feng was slightly surprised, as expected, Mo Ling had a unique talent in the line of sound waves.

To know.

Opening up the Tianyin Meridian is not something that can be opened just by possessing a method, it requires a very strong comprehension.

There are very few people who can open up the Tianyin vein in Tianyinqin Mansion.

"Hmph, boy, you still know to come here, but the old man has been waiting for you for a whole month."

Mo Lao looked angry, but when he thought of Lu Feng's accomplishments in the inscription patterns, he couldn't get angry.

So much so that this look of beard blowing and staring looks extremely funny.

"Okay, let's refine the weapon quickly, the junior is still in a hurry to go back to practice." Lu Feng smiled.

Hearing this, Elder Mo calmed down a bit, and ordered Mo Ling to prepare the food and drink, and wait for him and Lu Feng to drink after they leave the customs.

What made Lu Feng slightly astonished was that Mo Lao actually wanted to refine the most difficult tower magic weapon.

During the refining process, the tension is extremely high, and if one mistake is made, the whole game will be lost, and no one dares to be careless.

Towers are different from weapons in that they are huge on the one hand, and have many inscriptions on the other.

In this way, the mental power of the inscription master was extremely consumed.

Few inscription masters are willing to do such a thankless task, unless someone spends a lot of money to customize it.

This is also the reason why Mr. Mo was hesitant to do it. Without Lu Feng's unique insight on the inscription pattern, he would only have half the success rate.

Seven days later, after a loud noise, a majestic cloud of weapons exploded, announcing the success of the refining.

After refining the magic weapon, Mo Lao took out 100 yuan of medium-grade profound stones and gave them to Lu Feng.

After all, Lu Feng gave him a lot of unique insights during the refining process this time, and he has also faintly comprehended the true meaning of the fourth-grade inscription pattern master.

But judging by his joyful expression, he can earn much more from refining this tower.

After leaving the refining room, Mo Ling had already prepared a table of meals.

"Normal people would not buy this pagoda. I don't know which big shot asked you to refine it."

Lu Feng asked.

Old Mo chuckled, and said with a mysterious smile: "Actually, it was refined by several princes in the palace, and one of the princes is the King of Zhennan."

Mo Lao looked at Lu Feng proudly, because the pagoda was successfully refined, he was also very happy at the moment.

The experience accumulated this time made Mo Lao want to try refining a pagoda independently.

"Father!" Lu Feng felt awe-inspiring.

The pagoda is engraved with third-order defensive inscriptions and attack inscriptions, like a war castle, even if a real martial arts expert wants to destroy the pagoda, he will have to pay a huge price.

As for the reason why Lu Zhan asked Mo Lao to refine the pagoda, Lu Feng also guessed something, it should be about Lin Baye.

After all, that day.

Lu Zhan's blatant rejection of Lin Baye's holy will has offended him, and his relationship with the royal family has become even worse.

This kind of contradiction is difficult to ease, and the princes will naturally not sit still, and will definitely make a lot of preparations.

Lu Feng took a deep breath, and said slowly, "Old Mo, if the royal family invites you to refine this magic weapon, I hope you will refuse them."

"The old man only knows how to refine weapons. The princes need more than just a pagoda. They don't have the time to care about the royal family."

Mo Lao took a sip of his wine, and took a deep look at Lu Feng. He didn't bother to participate in those battles between dynasties.

Since Lu Feng said so, he naturally agreed, because he had a premonition that Lu Feng's achievements in inscription patterns would definitely be higher than his in the future.

It is beneficial and harmless to make friends with him.

"Let's eat, rest for a month, the old man will build a pagoda."

Mo Lao pointed to the delicious food on the table.

"Old Ghost Mo, why don't you wait for your old friend for dinner, we haven't seen each other for several years."

At this moment, a stern voice suddenly came from outside the bamboo forest, and two figures were seen walking towards the sky.

A stern old man with a hooked nose in a black brocade robe appeared in the room, and coldly swept away Mo Lao.

And beside him was a young gentleman, holding a folding fan, as rich as jade, with a look of arrogance in his eyes.

"I don't welcome the two of you here. If you are wise, Ghost Hand, you'd better leave here obediently, otherwise."

Suddenly, Mo Lao got up, and a tyrannical force bloomed on himself, which caused the harmony between heaven and earth, and the majestic profound energy was suddenly suppressed like a giant hammer.

Lu Feng was shocked, Mo Lao was so powerful.

The ninth level of Zhenwu, and the initial comprehension of a little bit of power, also shows that there is a glimmer of hope to step into Tianwu.

(End of this chapter)

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