Ten Thousand Domains

Chapter 7 Su Xue, You Are Not Worthy

Chapter 7 Su Xue, You Are Not Worthy
The inner courtyard of the Four Seas Business Alliance was crowded with crowds, feasting and feasting, countless warriors shuttled back and forth between the roads connecting the major shops, it was very lively.

"Universal Business Alliance, a place to sell good things." Lu Feng smiled slightly, he absolutely believed that "Wave Breaker" could be sold at a good price.

In the center of the Universal Business Alliance, there is a towering pavilion, which is the place to entertain distinguished guests.

"My dear guest, do you need any help?"

Just as Lu Feng walked in, a woman standing outside the attic walked up to him with a smile and asked politely.

Although this woman is only a small body caster, she has seen too many people, and knows that Lu Feng's dress is to conceal his identity, and there may be some hidden treasure.

But the Four Seas Alliance doesn't care about these, they only do business and dare to accept anything.

"My treasure is very precious, and ordinary people can't eat it. Let your supervisor come over, and I will discuss it with him personally."

Lu Feng knew some secret techniques that could change his voice. When his Adam's apple moved slightly, it became hoarse, making it difficult for people to tell his age from his voice.

Walking like a dragon and a tiger, he has a kind of domineering power, just like a mysterious big man, people can't figure out his details.

Indeed, as a prince in his previous life, his soul was filled with oppression, which was more imposing than ordinary real martial arts experts, and seemed extremely mysterious.

After receiving the 20 taels of silver, the maid showed joy. You must know that her monthly salary is only a few dozen taels of silver, secretly pleased with the generosity of this distinguished guest.

After thanking him, he hurriedly went to report to the steward.

Lu Feng was not in a hurry, he sat down on the chair made of golden nanmu in a graceful manner, and a maid brought him a cup of fragrant tea during the period.

Before he was made to wait for long, a vigorous old man in a gold silk robe came in, looking at the calm Lu Feng, not daring to inquire about his cultivation, and politely said: "I wonder if this distinguished guest has any good things to sell Give me the Universal Business Alliance."

"True martial arts powerhouse." The eyes hidden in the mask were sharp, fixed on the thin old man.

At the same time, a deep spiritual pressure was also suppressed.

The first four realms of Martial Dao are Casting Body, Tongmai, Xuanfu, and Zhenwu. In the Tianlin Dynasty, Zhenwu is already the top powerhouse. As for the Tianwu Realm above Zhenwu, the entire Tianlin Dynasty probably does not have any.

And this old man is a strong man of the first level of true martial arts, but Lu Feng can see that this man is over a hundred years old, his vitality and blood have decayed, and it is impossible to make another breakthrough in this life.

This is indeed the case, in such a small remote place, only mediocre people who have no hope of breaking through in this life will come here to take care of business.

Not only can he spend the rest of his life safely, but he can also save some treasures for his descendants.

"Such sharp eyes, this person is not simple."

The old man's heart trembled, and the look in his eyes was like a knife, which made his heart tremble. He immediately felt that this person was not simple, and his attitude was more respectful. Only Zhenwu of the same level could give him this feeling.

"I don't know how much silver taels an earth-level low-grade martial skill is worth in your Universal Business Alliance."

Lu Feng stood up gently, with a mysterious aura in his gestures, like a long-standing overlord, his eyes sparkled.

"I wonder if the distinguished guest can give the old man an appraisal of that martial skill."

The old man said, an earth-level low-grade martial skill can definitely cause a small sensation in Tianlin King City.

And the more contribution he can get if he earns silver taels for the business alliance as a steward of the business.

Lu Feng nodded, took out the excerpt of the Breaking Wave Knife from his sleeve robe, raised it slightly, and threw it to the old man.

The old man took it and immediately started to read it.

During this process, the old man became more and more frightened as he looked at it. This Wave Breaking Knife is not simple. Although it is a low-grade earth-level martial skill, judging from its mystery, this martial skill is the best among the low-grade earth-level martial arts.

Even if he is like him, a steward of the Universal Business Alliance, he only masters a few prefecture-level martial arts.

Seeing that the old man was shocked, Lu Feng smiled lightly and said, "How about this set of saber techniques?"

"Excellent quality is a rare martial skill!"

The old man put together the saber, looked at it for a while, and found the clue: "However, according to the old man's eyes, this set of martial arts seems to be missing a blade, and that blade is the core of the whole set of martial arts. powerful."

The old man frowned, there were only seventeen knives recorded on it, and only one was missing, resulting in the whole set of martial arts being only earth-level low-grade.

Lu Feng nodded, and replied: "That's right, it's missing a knife. This set of martial arts came from a poor family. I also feel very sorry about that."

The lack of the most important knife was done on purpose by Lu Feng. He knew how terrifying the complete wave-breaking knife would be. Those who know the goods will find that it can be called one of the top earth-level martial arts under the heavenly level.

If it was a complete wave-breaking knife, countless families in the royal city would go bankrupt and buy it, and it would also make countless people stare at him. With his current strength, it is harmful but not beneficial, and his disguise will be seen through in an instant.

If you have to eat food in one bite, being too impatient will lead to death. Lu Feng doesn't want to be killed because of greed just after he was reborn.

The comparison between the top-rank martial arts at the prefecture level and the low-rank ones is like the gap between Tongmai and real martial arts.

Based on his current needs, the silver taels sold for an earth-level low-rank is enough for the time being, and it won't be too late to continue selling even more powerful martial arts when he becomes stronger.

"It's a pity. If it's the full version, I'm confident that I can sell it for a sky-high price of hundreds of millions of silver taels, but this is far from it." The old man took a sip of his tea and said, "Please wait a moment, I will take it to find a buyer immediately."

"Okay, then I'll leave this set of knife tactics to you." Lu Feng was not in a hurry, and nodded.

The old man put away the saber, left the pavilion, and told the maid to treat him well, and he wanted a good price today.

For the rest of the waiting, Lu Feng closed his eyes slightly and rested his mind, without saying a word, always maintaining a sense of mystery, making it hard to figure out his details.

And he could also feel that during this period, all eyes were watching him, but Lu Feng sat still.

After a few hours.

The old man looked happy, walked towards Lu Feng excitedly, and said, "Haha, Mr.'s wave-breaking knife caused a great commotion. The top-level low-grade earth-level low-grade, many people are interested in it, and finally it was bought by Zhenbei King Su's family at a high price." I got a total of 300 million taels of silver, half of the handling fee will be drawn, and this VIP card will contain the rest of the silver."

"It was obtained by the Su family." Lu Feng searched his memory, and in his memory, the proud girl who was engaged to him was from the Su family.

However, he didn't care anymore.

At this time, the old man handed a copper-colored card with the Universal Business Alliance printed on it to Lu Feng's hand: "This is the bronze-level VIP card of my Universal Business Alliance. As long as you are in any branch of the Universal Business Alliance, you can deposit the silver in it." take out."

There are inscriptions engraved on the VIP card, recording assets, no one in the entire Dongxuan Domain can decipher the mystery of the VIP card, not even the holy warriors.

Originally, the bronze-level VIP card could only be owned by depositing 1000 million taels of silver, but the old man saw that Lu Feng was unfathomable, so he made an exception and gave Lu Feng a bronze-level VIP card.

Too much talk means nothing, Lu Feng took the VIP card and left the pavilion directly. Today's income has surprised him, so much silver can buy a lot of pills.

After leaving the pavilion, Lu Feng looked around and saw that no one was following him, so he changed his robe and mask and put on an ordinary attire.

"At this moment, no one knows that the Breaking Wave Knife came from me, but I can no longer sell my martial arts for a while, otherwise I can't hide the strength of my cast body fifth level."

The corner of Lu Feng's mouth smiled, this martial skill can only be sold occasionally, and then he grabbed the VIP card and went to the Zhongdan shop of the Universal Business Alliance.

Now that Lu Feng has 300 million silver taels in his hands, he is so rich that he directly searched for it in the alchemy shop.

First, he used 10 taels of silver to buy 20 dragon and tiger pills, and then used [-] taels of silver to buy a hundred body quenching pills, and also bought some precious bone refining powder.

These pills are enough for him to take for a period of time.

In addition, he also went to the utensil shop, saw a beautiful silk silk silk dress, and planned to buy it for Lu Xiaorou.

For Lu Feng, no matter how much money he spent on Lu Xiaorou, it was worth it. If Lu Xiaorou hadn't taken care of Lu Feng in the past two years, he might not have had the chance to be reborn.

"Sister Xiaorou will be very happy with this silkworm garment." Standing in the utensil shop, Lu Feng showed a bright smile while holding the silkworm garment as thin as a cicada's wings.

When Lu Feng entered the utensil shop, a man and a woman walked into the utensil shop while laughing and talking.

"Sister Xue'er, I heard that there is a new crystal silk silk silk dress in the utensil shop these few days. It's very good." The young man with red lips and white teeth, dressed in aristocratic attire, was handsome and extraordinary, and said to a shy girl beside him.

"Thank you Brother Lu Hua, that crystal silk silk gown is very expensive, asking for 10 taels of silver."

The girl was wearing a white mink fur coat, her black hair was like a waterfall, her eyes were like silk, and her skin could be broken by blows. She was a great beauty.

That young man was the seventh son of the Zhennan King and the second son of the Queen, Lu Cheng. At the age of 16, he was already a genius at the peak of the Ninth Layer of Casting Body, and that girl was Su Xue from the Su family who had made a marriage contract with Lu Feng.

Ever since Lu Feng became a waste, Su Xue immediately kicked Lu Feng away and got close to Lu Hua. She is a very realistic woman.

This time, Lu Hua brought Su Xue to the ware shop just for the crystal silk silkworm clothes. At the same time, Lu Hua decided to win the first place in Lingchun's big competition, and asked Zhennan King to abolish Lu Feng and Su. Snow's engagement.

At this time, Lu Hua walked into the utensil shop, and saw Lu Feng holding the crystal silk silk silk silk clothes at a glance. Can you touch a silkworm garment?"

Hearing the scolding, Lu Feng turned his head to look, and found that it was Lu Hua and that Su Xue, and immediately sneered: "I've already paid for this silkworm robe, so it's none of your business."

Lu Hua smiled contemptuously, and said, "You are just a piece of trash in the family. You can't even eat enough, and you have money to buy silkworm clothes. I think you don't want to make a fool of yourself in front of Sister Su Xue."

"This young master has indeed paid the silver taels, and this silkworm garment already belongs to him." The owner of the utensil shop is a real martial arts expert, and he saw the two fighting, and said indifferently.

"It's impossible. How could such a waste have so much silver taels?" Lu Hua couldn't believe it, staring at Lu Feng closely. During this time, he was accompanying Su Xue to practice in the Qingfeng Mountain Range, and he didn't know about Lu Feng's guardianship. .

"Is this related to you? Get out of the way." Lu Feng's voice was calm, he didn't bother to pay attention to Lu Hua, and turned to leave the equipment shop.

"Stop for me. I know all about you. So much money must have been obtained by stealth. As your seventh brother, I want to teach you a lesson."

Lu Hua stopped Lu Feng and did not intend to let him go. He wanted to humiliate this trash in front of Su Xue.

Hearing this, Lu Feng was extremely calm. If he wants to fight, he can fight. With his current strength, as long as he is not a strong meridian, he can fight.

There was a sudden silence in the air, and a smell of gunpowder exploded.

"This is my Universal Business Alliance. Fighting is not allowed. If you fight here, even if you are the shopkeeper of the prince, you will be thrown out."

The shopkeeper of the True Martial Realm snorted coldly, separating the two with a tyrannical aura.

The intervention of the shopkeeper made Lu Hua stare at Lu Feng coldly, not daring to act presumptuously in the utensil shop.

"Lu Feng, you and I are already in two worlds, there is no possibility of being together, you don't have to do some sneaky things for me, I will give you 10 taels of silver for this silkworm garment."

Su Xue frowned, and looked at Lu Feng with contempt, thinking that Lu Feng knew that she liked Canyi and bought it for her by stealing money.

In the past, Lu Feng often pestered her and begged her not to regret the marriage, but she was the daughter of the Su family. Now Lu Feng is not good enough for her, only Lu Hua is good enough for her.

"You think too highly of yourself, whoever said this is for you, it's for Miss Xiaorou, you don't deserve this silkworm robe at all, so don't be too sentimental."

Lu Feng didn't want to say much, he strode forward without looking at Su Xue, who was trembling with anger, leaving a handsome back, and left the utensil shop.

"Lu Feng, you dare to humiliate me even if you're a trash!"

Su Xue looked at Lu Feng who was leaving, stomped her feet angrily, stared at the back with a pair of almond eyes, there was a trace of disappointment in addition to anger, and the trash ignored her feelings.

This gap made it difficult for the proud her to accept.

"Xue'er, don't pay attention to that trash, it's just a silkworm garment. I, Lu Hua, will find a chance to teach him a lesson for you in the future."

Lu Hua tightly held Su Xue's slender and tender palm, a gleam of coldness was fleeting, and he was sneering in his heart, don't let him seize the opportunity, otherwise he will have to live or die.

(End of this chapter)

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