Ten Thousand Domains

Chapter 8 Green Maple Mountains

Chapter 8 Green Maple Mountains
After returning to Lu's house, in the small courtyard full of snow, Lu Xiaorou was waiting anxiously for Lu Feng, fearing that something might happen.

"Miss Xiaorou, this is the silkworm clothing I bought for you. Wear it to keep you warm in winter and cool in summer." Seeing Lu Xiaorou, her heart felt warm, she took out a brocade box and handed it to Lu Xiaorou.

"Xiaofeng, where did you get so much money to buy silkworm clothes?"

Lu Xiaorou was surprised, the worst silkworm clothes in her memory cost ten thousand taels of silver, and although Lu Feng can practice martial arts now, he is not able to get ten thousand taels of silver in a short time.

Lu Feng smiled and said: "Miss Xiaorou, I have some secrets that I can't tell you for now, you just need to remember that today's Lu Feng is no longer the decadent Lu Feng of the past, and from now on he will live a good life. sufficient."

Lu Xiaorou took a deep look at Lu Feng, clenched the Canyi tightly, and then said: "A man should be self-improving, and the money must be spent on the blade. Only the strong can gain a higher status in the family. In the future, the money will be used for cultivation. .”

"Don't worry, sister Xiaorou, no one will bully my siblings from today on." Lu Feng said seriously.

"By the way, this is something sent by the empress."

Lu Xiaorou's eyes were soft, and she was happy in her heart. Xiaofeng had finally grown up. After thinking about it, she handed a blue cloth bag to Lu Feng.

"I see, Miss Rou, you can rest."

After saying goodbye, Lu Feng returned to his room and opened the blue cloth bag.

There are five square white stones in the cloth bag, and a bottle of Body Quenching Pill.

"You actually sent five profound stones, what's the purpose?" Lu Feng couldn't help but ponder.

The mysterious stone is the crystal of profound energy condensed between heaven and earth. The profound energy contained in it is more pure, which can help martial artists in the meridian state to speed up their cultivation. What is more precious is that the mysterious energy in the mysterious stone can help warriors break through bottlenecks, and it is also a trade for advanced warriors. currency.

But Xuanshi is more cherished, even a low-grade Xuanshi is worth a thousand silver, it is a luxury for the rich.

"No matter what tricks that woman plays, at least she dare not deal with me on the surface."

After pondering for a moment, Lu Feng ignored this and couldn't wait to practice.

During this process, Lu Feng discovered that it only takes dozens of breaths to refine a low-grade profound stone with black stone, and after refining the profound energy, it can reach the quality of a middle-grade profound stone, which made Lu Feng a little overjoyed.

Black Stone is indeed a fetish, and in this life, we must help him return to the peak and take back everything that belongs to him.

When a martial artist advances to the Meridian Realm and opens up a martial meridian, his body can hold profound energy, and then open up a profound palace. If there is a black stone, he can advance to the realm of the previous life faster without wasting time refining profound energy.

"Now use the elixir in your hand to break through to the sixth level of the casting body."

Lu Feng took out the pills that exude a medicinal fragrance one by one, swallowed ten pills at once, and immediately began to refine them with exercises.

The level of casting body is to firmly consolidate the foundation. The more powerful the physical body is, the easier it is to open up powerful martial arteries and hold more profound energy when it is in the meridian.

Taixuan Jiuzhuan is very mysterious and powerful, it can make Lu Feng's physique stronger, and at the same time he can bear more pills.

With the help of the first round of exercises, Lu Feng consumed half of the elixir in just five days. At the same time, his realm reached the peak of the fifth level of casting body, and with a little fire, he could break through to the sixth level of casting body.

"It's still far behind. "Taixuan Nine Revolutions" consumes too many resources."

Lu Feng pondered, and then called several buckets of hot water.

Today he wanted to take a medicinal bath, and sprinkled a portion of bone refining powder worth ten thousand taels of silver into the hot water. Immediately, the medicinal powder boiled in the hot water, emitting white smoke.

The foundation of this body is too weak, and it is difficult to truly strengthen oneself without some extreme methods, even with the Taixuan Nine Revolutions.

Lu Feng sat cross-legged in the tub to absorb the medicine, leaving only one head outside.

The scalding potion eroded Lu Feng's body, and he immediately grinned, his skin was as red as blood, but he didn't jump out of the wooden basin, allowing the potion to act on his limbs and bones.

Only by enduring this kind of suffering can one become a strong man, confront Mu Yan and restore the Heavenly Star Dynasty.

This kind of practice lasted for ten days in total. Apart from soaking in the medicine bath, Lu Feng also consumed all the elixirs.

"The sixth level of the casting body, it seems that if you want to cultivate to the ninth level of the casting body, you need at least several million silver pills."

Lu Feng got up from the tub, put on a clean dress, looked at himself in a bronze mirror, and nodded with satisfaction.

Now he is no longer as thin and thin as before, his body is obviously stronger, and his features are pretty and handsome.

"The Lu family is full of the queen's eyeliner, which is not good for me. I need to find a place where there is no one to retreat for a while."

Lu Feng's eyes were sharp, he clenched his fists tightly, and he already had an idea in his mind.

Before leaving, he bid farewell to Lu Xiaorou, went to the Universal Business Alliance, spent 20 taels of silver to buy a storage ring, prepared some necessities, and hurriedly left the royal city.

There is a huge rolling mountain range behind the royal city, running through more than a dozen countries like the Tianlin Dynasty in this area.

This mountain range is the Qingfeng Mountain Range, where there are many savage beasts. It is said that in the depths of the mountain range, there are monsters in the Heaven Martial Realm that surpass Zhenwu, and have the strength to easily destroy the Tianlin Dynasty.

However, thousands of years ago, the strong men of the nearby countries joined forces to seal the monsters of the Tianwu Realm in the depths of the mountains, clearing out a relatively safe periphery.

Lu Feng chose this place, within the five thousand miles controlled by the Tianlin Dynasty, even the Queen's hand could not reach in.

"As long as I don't set foot in the depths, I won't encounter Xuanfu Realm monsters. It's just a good time to hone my strength."

Lu Feng stepped on the Spiritual Shadow Step and disappeared into the mountains in a blink of an eye.

It was the time when the winter snow melted. In the Qingfeng Mountain Range, many towering trees had already pulled out their green branches, and many wild beasts came out to move around.

The terrain of the Qingfeng Mountain Range is complicated, with large tracts of forest everywhere, and there are a lot of wild beasts, thousands of warriors die here every year.

However, the abundant resources still allow countless warriors to go on and on.

Not long after entering the mountain range, a black bear looking for food came out nearby. When it saw Lu Feng, it opened its bloody mouth and rushed towards him.

"The black and brown bear in the Casting Realm, its bear bile is worth several hundred taels of silver, which is just for training."

Facing the two-foot-tall black and brown bear, Lu Feng smiled and walked away.

"Boom!" Lu Feng made an instant move, dodging the black and brown bear's attack, and slapped the black and brown bear's head with Jingtao's palm. In an instant, the skull exploded and he fell to the ground.

Although the black brown bear is terrifying, it is just a savage beast in the cast state, and it is extremely stupid. With the cooperation of Lu Feng's strength and speed, there is no threat.

Lu Feng took out a long sword shining with silver light, took out the bear bile, and threw it into the storage ring. As for the flesh and blood, he didn't pay much attention.

His ring is only two feet in size, and he can only take the most valuable things.

"I need more wild beasts to train me."

Lu Feng took out a few pieces of fragrant barbecue and threw them on an upwind hillside to lure the beasts around.

As the fragrance drifted out along the breeze, two leopards followed the fragrance and sprang out of the forest in just half a cup of tea.

"The leopard is not as strong as the black and brown bear in terms of defense, but it is extremely fast."

Suddenly, Lu Feng's figure flickered, and his palm moved towards the leopard seal.

The leopard was extremely vicious, turning into two golden afterimages, one on the left and one on the right, surrounding Lu Feng.

Brutal beasts are monsters that can be cultivated, and the savage beasts in the casting state already have some spiritual intelligence.

As for Lu Feng, his face remained unchanged, his speed was extremely fast, and his palm was imprinted on a leopard in a single shake, killing it on the spot.

As for the other leopard, kill it in the same way, all this only takes a few breaths.

"These beasts are still too weak to put pressure on me."

Lu Feng shook his head, and peeled off the skins of the two leopards in exchange for a hundred taels of silver.

It has to be said that wealth is everywhere in the Qingfeng Mountain Range, and killing a few wild beasts can be exchanged for hundreds of taels of silver, but this is a paradise for the strong and a cemetery for the weak.

For a period of time after that, he used bait to kill no less than a dozen wild beasts, and even attracted a monster of the Tongmai state. area.

The savage beast in the meridian state already contains profound energy in his body, and can launch attribute attacks. With his current strength, it is not worth fighting head-on with the savage beast in the meridian state.

(End of this chapter)

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