Ten Thousand Domains

Chapter 74 Lu Hanzhang Clan

Chapter 74
On the stage of life and death, Shao Han separated from head to head.

A chubby head rolled down the stage of life and death.

Shao Han's hole card is the spiritual attack that is difficult to guard against.

However, the earth veins were restrained by Lu Feng's soul veins, making his most terrifying trump card useless.

"Oh my god! Lu Feng actually beheaded Shao Han from Heishui Kingdom!"

"This young master of the Lu family is really amazing."

Everyone in the audience was shocked, they all took a breath, and became very curious about Lu Feng.

"It's a serious problem. This son doesn't even listen to the emperor's brother, and he grows up very fast. Han'er is not so good at his age. It will be better in a few years."

The queen felt cold all over, and he turned and left the stage of life and death.

"Even a father like me can't see through it." Lu Zhan smiled wryly while being happy.

Since Lu Feng recovered from the severe poison, he seemed to be a different person.

He couldn't describe this feeling, it was as if he had changed his soul, it was unbelievable.

"People of the Black Water Country, hand over the captives."

Lu Feng put the sword back into the scabbard and looked at the gloomy old man.

"Hmph! People of the Lu family, don't let the old man catch you in the future, this time you won."

The gloomy old man's face turned cold, and he waved his sleeve robe, signaling to release the captives.

In a fair fight, Shao Han lost, and he had to pay the prisoners.

Otherwise, the strong men of the Tianlin Dynasty would not let him go.

"See the prince and young master."

As soon as he was released, the embarrassed Coach Lu knelt down in front of Lu Feng and Lu Zhan.

Coach Lu had to admire Lu Feng for having such strength and courage at such a young age.

"Get up, you were also captured because of the border war."

Lu Zhan nodded, and led Lu Feng away from the platform of life and death, and returned to Lu's house.

Although Lu Feng left, the voice of discussion never diminished.

This battle caused the arrogant Heishui warriors to restrain themselves a lot.

As for the real purpose of Heishui Kingdom coming to Tianlin, Lu Feng is not worried about it.

After this battle, Lu Feng continued to immerse himself in retreat, preparing to open up the eighth martial arts.

The assessment of Zhitianmen is getting closer and closer, and Lu Feng needs stronger strength.

On the tenth day of his retreat, the entire Lu family was already busy.

At the end of the new year, according to the custom of Tianlin, there will be a national celebration at the end of each year, which will last for more than ten days.

As the leading family in the royal city, the Lu family naturally attaches great importance to this kind of celebration, and it is extremely grand to hold it.

So the family began to arrange from several days ago.

The whole family, down to the slaves, up to the young master, made arrangements for this celebration.

Even in Lu Feng's small courtyard, Lu Xiaorou and Jiang Rui were also adorned with lights and festoons.

"In one month, Xiaofeng will leave the family."

In the courtyard, Lu Xiaorou was hanging a lantern with a worried expression on his face.

She also knows something about Zhitianmen.

Once you leave the Lu family, you can't just return to the family.

"Miss Xiaorou, is she thinking about Master Feng again?" Jiang Rui asked playfully.

Lu Xiaorou blushed: "No way, you little girl, don't talk nonsense."

Jiang Rui smiled: "I still said no, your face is red."

Lu Xiaorou was ashamed and angry, "Hurry up and make arrangements, we will give Xiaofeng a surprise when he leaves the customs."

The south gate of Wangcheng.

At this time, all the powerful members of the Lu family were looking forward and waiting.

Most of these people are the elders of the Lu family and some direct juniors.

"It's almost noon, and it's time for Han'er to come back."

When Lu Zhan's majestic voice came out, there was a burst of joy.

It turns out that today is the day when the first genius of the Lu family, Lu Han, returned to the family. After Lu Han joined Tianmen, this was the first time he returned to the family.

As the most proud genius of the Lu family, the family naturally wants to give Lu Han enough face.

The queen is also on the side, full of joy, Lu Han is her pride.

The scorching sun of winter is extremely warm, and everyone is not in a hurry.

"I heard that Brother Lu Han entered Zhitianmen six years ago, and he must be a strong person in the Xuanfu Realm now."

"That's right, Brother Lu Han's talent was number one in Wangcheng back then, but now that Lu Feng is also good, but still far behind Brother Lu Han."

A group of boys and girls were discussing on the sidelines.

Back then, Lu Han was a legend. He possessed a special physique and opened up a magical vein. He joined Zhitianmen early on, and it is said that his status is still very high.

When the queen heard these discussions, she raised her snow-white and delicate neck proudly.

Time gradually came to noon, but Lu Han's figure had not yet appeared.

"My lord, today is the day for Lu Han's Hui family to visit relatives, won't Lu Feng come out to greet them?"

Her son even came out to greet some powerful martial artists, but Lu Feng didn't come out, which was a great contempt.

Lu Zhan said with a smile: "Xiaofeng had retreated half a month ago, so the reception is unnecessary."

The queen looked displeased, and said coldly: "Han'er only returns to the family once every six years. As a disciple, don't you even have the most basic etiquette?"

"The queen's words are wrong. Xiaofeng will take part in the assessment of Zhitianmen in one month. Don't you know the danger?"

Hearing the queen's words, Lu Zhan's face darkened, and he said coldly.

"Hmph!" the queen snorted coldly.

At this moment, a purple cloud floated across the sky, and there were three figures vaguely above it.

"Senior Brother Lu, is this the Tianlin King City?"

On Ziyun, a young man with triangular eyes smiled and said.

"This is Tianlin."

Above the purple clouds, there was a young man in a purple robe, with sword eyebrows and star eyes, and a long sword pinned to his waist, with a gentle smile on his face.

It has to be said that from the outside, this person has no flaws at all, and he has an attractive personality.

And this person is the most proud genius of the Lu family, Lu Han!

The two people beside him are also disciples of Zhitianmen. The young man with triangular eyes is named Zheng Long, and the other thin man is named Tian Kun.

"The family that can cultivate Senior Brother Lu must be extraordinary." Zheng Long said flatteringly.

You know, Lu Han is only 24 years old this year, and he is already a martial artist at the seventh level of the Xuanfu, and he was accepted as a disciple by a Tianwu elder in the sect, and his status is extremely noble.

Although the two of them are also in the Profound Mansion Realm, they are only inner sect disciples, a level behind Lu Han, so they are willing to follow Lu Han.

"Han'er is back."

The sharp light flashed, and Lu Zhan saw the purple cloud in the void at a glance.


Ziyun descended slowly outside the city gate.

"Meet father, mother."

Lu Han walked down Ziyun with a smile, followed by two followers behind him.


The queen was overjoyed, and hurried forward to hold Lu Han's hand tightly.

The two followers also saluted respectfully.

"That's right, the seventh level of Xuanfu." Lu Zhan stared at Lu Han in surprise.

At such a young age, he has the cultivation base of the seventh level of Xuanfu, which means that he has a good chance of breaking through to Zhenwu before thirty.

This kind of talent is also the first person in the entire history of Tianlin. Even today's number one Lin Baye broke through to the real martial arts realm at the age of 35.

You know, the sooner you break through, the more energetic you will be, which will be of great benefit to your future breakthroughs.

"Mother, where's Lu Hua? Why didn't he come?"

Lu Han seemed gentle and refined, but he didn't even bother to take a look at the other juniors, so he just asked Lu Hua.

"Lu Hua can't come due to something, all this is due to your ninth brother!"

The cold light in the queen's eyes was fleeting, full of resentment towards Lu Feng.

Lu Zhan stared at the queen, snorted and said, "Hui, let's go back and talk about some things."

Afterwards, the group returned to Lu's house.

(End of this chapter)

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