Ten Thousand Domains

Chapter 75 Banquet Protagonist

Chapter 75 Banquet Protagonist
that night.

The Lu family held an extremely grand banquet for Lu Han who had returned.

In a spacious hall, many people sat.

On the left are the elders of the Lu family, while on the right are some geniuses from the direct line.

Lu Hua and those two followers sat at the top, arousing the envy of a group of geniuses.

Lu Han is the arrogance of Tianmen, and many people have brilliant eyes, trying to get closer.

"Master Lu Han is the pride of my Lu family."

At the banquet, some people praised Lu Han unabashedly.

Lu Han just smiled slightly, and sneered at these flattery.

Although Lu Han acted arrogantly, some people were still willing to post this cold ass.

"Han'er, this time you come from Zhitianmen Hui clan, do you know what the content of the assessment is?"

Lu Zhan asked, he was being asked by Lu Feng.

Lu Han shook his head and said: "I don't know, every assessment is uncertain, and you will only know during the assessment."

Lu Zhan was slightly disappointed, and he also knew that what Lu Zhan said was true.

"Lu Feng is so arrogant, it doesn't matter if he doesn't participate in the reception during the day, and he doesn't even come to the banquet at night."

The queen said with a cold face, displeased.

This approach is clearly ignoring Lu Han.

"Perhaps the ninth brother really has something to do. I heard that this year he is the number one hunting in Wangcheng, and he will bring glory to my Lu family."

Lu Han was very generous.

"It seems that Senior Brother Lu, the ninth younger brother, is very proud. If it were me, I'm afraid I would have to be taught a lesson."

Zheng Long sneered and praised Lu Han without leaving any trace.

For this kind of praise, Lu Han nodded slightly.

Lu Zhan didn't say much, he just waved his hand to the maid to deliver the delicacies, and rescued Lu Feng.

The cleansing banquet had just begun when a figure with a long sword on his back slowly stepped in at the door.

It was Lu Feng who came, and he didn't come late on purpose.

It's just that he has been developing the eighth martial arts in the past half month, and he just broke through at night.

Lu Han swept Lu Feng slightly, and there was a fleeting chill in the depths of his eyes.

In the whole family, no one was late, and Lu Feng was late. In his opinion, it was disrespectful to him.

But with his scheming, he didn't say it clearly, but swept away Zheng Long from the corner of his eye.

"You are Lu Feng, Senior Brother Lu's ninth brother." Zheng Long jumped out immediately, and said coldly, "You dare to be late for the banquet, you are quite courageous."

He has followed Lu Han for several years, and from his words and deeds, and even his expression, he can understand what role he should play.

"You are Lu Han?" Lu Feng said.

"No, I am a follower of Brother Lu." Zheng Long said proudly.

"Since it's not Lu Han, nor my Lu family, what right do you have to accuse me?"

Lu Feng had a playful look on his face, this dog leg is well taken.

"I'll teach you the principles of life for Senior Brother Lu."

Zheng Long said displeased, it really is a thorn.

"I, Lu Feng, don't need you to tell me what to do."

The sword-like sharpness was released from Lu Feng's body, approaching Zheng Long.

"I heard that you are going to participate in the assessment of Zhitianmen, but I advise you to give up obediently, otherwise it will be bad if you die."

Zheng Longyin ****.

"Are you taking too much care, this is the Lu family."

Lu Feng said indifferently.

"Okay, Zheng Long is just reminding you."

Lu Han said slowly: "Father, in my opinion, the ninth brother is still young, so it's better to wait two years to take the assessment to be more confident."

"Han'er's words are reasonable, it's better to let Lu Feng enter the army for two years and then talk about the assessment." The queen agreed.

Now she also understands that it is impossible to assassinate Lu Feng, the only way to stop his growth is to waste his time.

A minute and a second on the road to martial arts is extremely precious, especially at Lu Feng's age, a minute and a second cannot be wasted.

"Two years is too long. Martial arts cultivation is only for the day and night. I think my strength is enough."

This is to deprive him of the opportunity to participate in the Zhitianmen assessment. In a few words, Lu Han is a hidden and deeply poisonous plan to suppress him with a conspiracy.

This kind of person is more terrifying than Lu Hua, their cruelty is hidden in their hearts.

"Don't be afraid that the wind will break your tongue. With your strength, you can only be at the bottom."

Zheng Long sneered.

"That's because your strength is too weak and too weak."

Lu Feng fought back, making Zheng Long's face bluish and uncertain.

"Since this is the case, Zheng Long, you should suppress your strength in the fourth level of Tongmai, and teach my younger brother well, and let him know the cruelty of the assessment."

Lu Han seemed to be standing on a cloud, looking down at Lu Fengdao.

"Brother Lu, don't worry, I will definitely teach you well." Zheng Long said confidently.

As soon as the words fell, everyone was full of interest, while Lu Zhan frowned, looked at Lu Feng, and asked his opinion.

"Teach me? In the same realm, one finger is enough?"

A strange look appeared on Lu Feng's face.

In his previous life, he was a strong man of the ninth rank of true martial arts. How could a mere Profound Mansion Realm be qualified to teach him?

"So arrogant." Everyone shook their heads.

Although he knew that Lu Feng's strength was not simple, but Zheng Long was not only a disciple of Zhitianmen, but also a strong man in Xuanfu Realm.

Even if Lu Feng killed Shao Han, Zheng Long was not something he could challenge.

"I want to see how strong Senior Brother Lu's family members are."

The proud Zheng Long was displeased to be so ignored by a martial artisan at the Tongmai Realm.

To be able to become an inner disciple of Zhitianmen, who is not the pride of this area.

"This move is called Heavenly Dragon Palm, a heavenly martial skill!"

All of a sudden, Zheng Long suppressed his realm at the fourth level of Tongmai.

With a palm blow, the situation changed, and a sky dragon gathered in his palm, as if flying in the nine heavens, making a dragon's proud sound.

Although Zheng Long's strength was suppressed at the fourth level of Tongmai, the power of this palm was around the strength of seven flying dragons.

"It's so powerful, it's a heaven-level martial skill, and the disciples of Zhitianmen are really extraordinary."

At the banquet, even several clan elders in the real martial arts realm were moved.

Thinking that his Lu family is a big family in the royal city, the most profound kung fu is only a top-grade earth-level martial art, and there is only one heaven-level martial art, which is the treasure of the family.

Sure enough, Zhitianmen is worthy of being the overlord of this area, and every disciple can have heaven-level martial arts by his side.

But at this moment, the dragon transformed from Heavenly Dragon Palm is showing off its might in the void.

Faced with this palm, Lu Feng's expression was indifferent, and he remained motionless, as if he had been frightened stupid.

"It's still too late for you to admit defeat."

Zheng Long was not in a hurry to make a move.

"With just this broken dragon, one finger is enough."

Lu Feng looked indifferent and said indifferently.

"I don't know the heights of the boy!"

Zheng Long was taken aback for a moment, and then a coldness emerged.

The Heavenly Dragon Palm swept away, bringing up a monstrous wave of air.

"Star Finger!"

Lu Feng's black hair was fluttering in the wind, his white shirt was drumming, and he raised a finger, and in an instant, a bright light condensed a massive amount of profound energy on the finger.

Pointing at the sky and the earth seems to be able to pierce the sky and land directly on Tianlong's palm.

The two attacks violently collided together, stirring up a wave of air that soared into the sky.

The Xing Luo finger is tricky to attack, pointing to the most vulnerable eyes of the dragon head.

Suddenly, the terrifying strength is the Heavenly Dragon formed by penetrating this profound energy.

Ka Ka Ka!
It broke from the position of the dragon head until it destroyed the entire dragon.

Zheng Long was shocked, he never thought that Lu Feng's explosive power was so strong.

In a hurry, he once again made a move of Tianlong.

A flash of light hit his arm, making a bone-shattering sound, but Lu Feng came close to him like a shadow, with his fingertips resting on his forehead.

All this seems to be a long time, but in fact it is only a few breaths.

Zheng Long broke out in cold sweat, trembling and not daring to move.

If Lu Feng used a little bit of profound energy, it would directly shatter his head.

At that time, even those in the Xuanfu Realm will not be able to escape death.

The expressions of everyone in the banquet were petrified, and they were so shocked by Lu Feng's strength that it was difficult to speak.

With just one finger, he defeated the genius of Zhitianmen.

In this way, if Zheng Long is in the same rank, he will be far inferior to Lu Feng.

"Who teaches whom?"

Lu Feng put down his finger and smiled.

Zheng Long had an ugly face, a disciple of the highest level, even at the same level, couldn't even catch Lu Feng's move, it was too humiliating.

clap clap!

Lu Han, who was sitting on the seat, clapped his hands at this moment, his elegant face was full of smiles, but there was a deeper coldness in his eyes.

Lu Han said: "Ninth brother is amazing, even Zheng Long is not your enemy in one move."

Seeing Lu Han's expression, Zheng Long sat back in his seat angrily.

"Everyone has seen Xiaofeng's strength. Today is a big happy event for my Lu family. Everyone, please take a seat."

Lu Zhan was deep in thought, alleviating the embarrassment in the banquet.

(End of this chapter)

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