Ten Thousand Domains

Chapter 79 The Land of Chaos

Chapter 79 The Land of Chaos
The huge flying boat has been flying steadily in the void clouds.


The room where Huoyanzong and Heishuiguo were located suddenly became dark.

"who is it."

A grumpy voice asked in the room, carefully debating that it was Chen Dong.

At this time, a figure hidden in the darkness appeared before his eyes.

"Do you want to save face?" The figure said indifferently.

After Chen Dong thought about it, he immediately knew what he was referring to, and said angrily, "Of course I do."

"If you can do this for me, I will take care of you when you enter Zhitian Gate in the future."

There was no emotion in the voice of the figure.

After the words were finished, the figure left a note and left like a ghost.

The same scene also happened in the camp of the Black Water Country, and a powerful man also received this note.

Time passed, and finally arrived at the destination amidst a dull sound.

The gloomy world, the boundless mountains and land, forests, and many places are still shrouded in a lot of fog, which looks even more mysterious.

In front of him was a huge plain that stretched as far as the eye could see. A gust of wind brought a dull atmosphere, and it could be seen that there were many dead bones on this plain.

"here is"

When everyone in the flying boat stepped out, they were extremely shocked by the scene before them.

I have never seen such a magical place.

At this moment, Lu Feng also got off the flying boat, looking at the plain formed by the black soil.

He also found that there is not only one spaceship in this area, but several ships landed here.

With a casual glance, it took about 2000 days to get down from several flying boats.

"This is the place of your assessment, the place of chaos."

An old man wearing a black robe and a scruffy beard suddenly appeared here.

The old man was not good in appearance, but no one dared to laugh at him, because this old man was the strong man in the Heavenly Martial Realm in the flying boat.

Zhitianmen pays attention to following one's inclinations, and this outfit is no surprise.

Lu Feng's eyes flickered, staring at the old man.

A wave of power in this old man called out to the world, and there was a coercion like heaven and earth in a single word.

This is the power of the strong Tianwu, who can respond to the general trend of the world
"A place of chaos?"

Lu Feng frowned, he hadn't heard of it.

Only a small number of people have heard it, and their expressions all changed, revealing deep fear and fear.

Unexpectedly, the assessment this time would be conducted in a chaotic place, which is an extremely terrifying place.

The last time an assessment was held in Chaos Land was 100 years ago.

But only half of them came out alive, and half remained in the land of chaos forever.

Seeing that many people didn't know much about the chaotic land, the old man at the Tianwu realm blew his beard and signaled some people to distribute a thin booklet to everyone.

After receiving the booklet, Lu Feng scanned it.

During this period, his brow became more and more dignified.

Taking a long, deep breath, Lu Feng closed the booklet and finally knew where the place of chaos was.

The chaotic land has a long history, and it is filled with many thugs and some hunted forces.

A long time ago, a devastating war broke out in several states around Cangzhou, and the defeated ones fled here.

For a long time, many wanted villains and some hunted forces gradually moved into the chaotic land, forming a large force here.

Due to the uniqueness here, the order here is extremely chaotic.

Originally there was a force trying to wipe out this chaotic place, but just when it was about to succeed, a powerful force suddenly descended thousands of years ago, making this place even more mysterious.

"I don't know what the content of this assessment is?"

Except for Elder Tianwu, no one knew the content of the assessment before the assessment.

For example, the last assessment was to hunt and kill wild beasts in a mysterious place.

"In a month's time, hunt and kill [-] pulse-connecting realms on the periphery of the chaotic land, and you can pass this assessment."

The old man Tianwu announced the assessment rules, and all the geniuses below were discussing for a while.

"It's just that it's not difficult to hunt down twenty warriors at the meridian level. After all, the first level of meridian is also considered to be at the level of the meridian. With my strength at the seventh level of the meridian, there is great hope."

A refined man with seven layers of meridians said.

"You think too simply. Living too much in the chaotic land is a vicious person. Their combat power and weirdness far exceed that of outside warriors. It is difficult to kill them."

Someone sneered beside him.

And some people were frightened when they heard the words.

In a chaotic place for a month, let alone killing people, even surviving for a month is extremely difficult.

The old man of Tianwu continued to announce the rules: "Most of the outer circles are warriors with Tongmai, and there are very few warriors in the Xuanfu realm. As long as you are careful, it is not difficult to complete."

The old man Tianwu smiled, but many geniuses rolled their eyes.

You are at the Heaven Martial Realm, so it's easy for you, but it's dangerous for them.

"Hehehe, thank you old man, it's such a coincidence that you people from Zhitianmen are also here for the assessment."

A seductive female voice came from the void with an irresistible temptation, only to see a voluptuous figure approaching.

It was a beautiful woman, wearing a red veil, her chest was bare|exposing a large piece of white, and she burst out with a force that captured the heart, and the red veil could vaguely see her white|tender thighs .

A pair of jade feet are natural, and the red nail polish is even more seductive.

Many people were stupefied seeing this woman, and some even drooled.

"What a terrifying woman, this is the power of a powerful person in the Heavenly Martial Realm."

Lu Feng was in a trance for a while.

Fortunately, the strong spiritual force resisted this charm for him, so that he would not sink into it.

The difference from Ling Fei is that she is that kind of inseparable charm, elusive and unattainable.

But this witch is completely the kind of charm that wants to eat you up.

But he saw that Mo Ling beside him was fine, she was a woman herself, so naturally she would not be tempted.

But the fat man couldn't do it anymore, his eyes were obsessed, and he couldn't hold himself back for a long time, and was completely fascinated by this witch.

It was Lu Kai who surprised Lu Feng. He had a clear look, and the charm of the demon girl did not affect him at all.

"wake up!"

With a loud roar that merged with the momentum, the old man Tianwu woke up everyone.

"The demon girl in the Demon Heaven Palace has lived for two hundred years, and she still pretends to be an innocent girl. What kind of tricks are she playing with these young people? Do you want old cows to eat tender grass?"

The old man Tianwu was extremely tricky, making the woman in red look ugly for a while.

This old man Xie actually dismantled her in front of everyone. If this person was not extremely powerful, she might have to do it.

"Magic Temple?"

Lu Feng looked at the woman, it turned out that she was a warrior from Motian Temple, no wonder.

Motian Temple is a powerful sect in the Eastern Profound Realm, and the people in it practice more kinds of devil skills and evil skills.

The means of acting are not particular at all.

And the Motian Temple here is obviously just a branch hall, which is not in harmony with the Zhitianmen.

Every state is vast and boundless, and some powerful forces will establish branch sects to dig out talents to maintain their prosperity.

"Hmph, thank you old man, I don't have time to argue with you."

The demon girl raised her jade hand, and suddenly several black flying boats landed in the void, and thousands of young disciples came out of them.

Different from Qingfeng's side, these disciples are very strange, obviously because of their different cultivation methods.

"go in."

The old man Tianwu gritted his white teeth at the witch, and waved his hand.

Afterwards, a group of people rushed into the chaotic place.

"I hope that a few more of you from Zhitianmen will come back alive this time."

The enchantress smiled coquettishly, and ordered the geniuses from the Demon Heaven Palace to pour into the chaotic land.

(End of this chapter)

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