Ten Thousand Domains

Chapter 80 Night 1

Chapter 80 The First Night

The land of chaos is extremely vast, even at the outermost periphery, it is so large that it has no boundaries.

Some people choose to go forward in a team, so that they can take care of them in times of crisis.

But no one is so stupid that dozens of people walk together, otherwise they will definitely suffer a terrible price.

Here, they are likely to become prey, and those vicious people will not show mercy.

There is not only one entrance to the Land of Chaos, there are as many as five or six, and each corresponds to a different city.

At this moment, Lu Feng and the others also stepped into the land of chaos, feeling a chilling atmosphere.

There is no doubt that Lu Feng, Lu Kai, Du Fan and Mo Ling formed a small group.

In this team, Lu Kai and Du Fan are both at the [-]th level of meridian opening, Mo Ling is [-]% of the meridian opening, and Lu Feng is the lowest, with the [-]th level of meridian opening.

But everyone understands that in this team, Lu Feng's combat power is the most mysterious. Even Shao Han in the last battle of life and death did not force Lu Feng's biggest hole card.

The four of them randomly chose an entrance.

"According to the map, the nearest city, Black Rock City, is a thousand miles away."

Holding the map, Lu Feng said solemnly.

"There is a dense forest ahead, if the detour will increase the distance by three thousand miles, I am afraid it will be even more dangerous."

Lu Kai held the knife and said.

Once you make a detour, you will pass through more areas, in this unknown area.I'm afraid the dangers ahead will be even more dire.

Lu Feng nodded, and then said: "Fatty and I are walking outside, Lu Kai, you will guard Ling'er in the middle."

Although Mo Ling's cultivation is the highest among the crowd, her physical body is too weak, and she will be even more deadly if she encounters an attack. Her most important role is that weird and unpredictable sound wave power.

He is different, with blood vessels and a strong physique, he will not be hurt by ordinary attacks.

Lu Kai didn't doubt it, and nodded in response.

As for Mo Ling, with a serious expression on her pretty face, she took out a small purple guqin.

"Let's go, be careful."

Lu Feng took a deep breath, released his soul pulse, and a wave of spiritual power scanned the surrounding area several hundred meters away.

The squad took shape, advancing in a triangular formation, with Mo Ling guarding in the middle.

They didn't go fast, because the assessment lasted for a month, and the time was not tight.

After walking through a section of open flat land, the dense forest finally appeared in front of us.

In the dense forest, there are various towering trees and boulders, and there are thick black ancient vines clinging to it, which adds a bit of weirdness.

"Be careful, there are not only wild beasts in the dense forest, there may also be warriors ambushing."

Lu Feng reminded.

In fact, Fatty and the others knew that they should be vigilant without his reminding.

Stepping into the dense forest, a footprint suddenly appeared on the wet and soft ground.


A tiger with blue eyes and golden eyes smelled the smell of humans and galloped out of the dense forest.


Without Lu Feng's shot, a purple thunder slashed across the tiger and chopped off the tiger, exposing the internal organs all over the place.

"I didn't expect to encounter a big tiger just after stepping into the dense forest. It's bad luck."

Du Fan kicked the tiger hard.

"Let's go, the blood from this tiger may have attracted other beasts."

Lu Feng urged.

A group of people walked forward without any risk, and only encountered a few wild beasts that did not know whether to live or die.

In this way, they walked in the dense forest until it was dark, and they came to a small river, which was shaded by some trees nearby.

"Have a rest here."

Lu Feng said.

This dense forest is very large, and it is the hunting ground for many warriors in the chaotic land, so Lu Feng did not dare to light a fire, so as not to attract the attention of other warriors.

They took out some food from the storage ring, and after sharing the food, they leaned against a huge rock to rest.

"Get some rest, and I'll keep watch for you."

Lu Feng said that his mental power is very strong, and he can persevere even if he does not sleep for a long time.

Mo Ling said: "Brother Feng, I will accompany you to watch the night."

Lu Feng smiled, rubbed Mo Ling's head inadvertently, and said, "No need."

"Just listen to Lu Feng, let's sleep."

Du Fan said carelessly.

They are too unfamiliar with this dense forest, if they force their way at night, they may encounter some troubles.

Wild beasts are not afraid, but they are afraid of some warriors with ulterior motives.

The moon is setting and the crows are crowing, the wind is light and the clouds are light, and it is already late at night.

Lu Feng closed his eyes slightly, and his mental power swept around.

According to his estimation, he could walk out of the dense forest at noon tomorrow and arrive at a city in the land of chaos.

When you arrive at the city, you can inquire about the situation and make corresponding plans.

"Crackling." A sound of twigs being crushed by tiny mosquitoes and flies fell into his ears.


Lu Feng let out a low drink, and suddenly woke up Du Fan and the others.


Lu Feng stepped on the Spiritual Shadow Step and disappeared into the dense forest like a ghost in the night.

"Damn it, that kid has such a keen sense."

In the dense forest, there are five figures running fast.

Two of them are in Tongmai state, and the other two or three are in body casting state.

This time, too many warriors entered.

The warriors in the chaotic land already know that many geniuses come here for assessment, which arouses their greed.

You know, these geniuses are the best of every faction, and they possess a lot of wealth.


A ray of light pierced through the night and directly pierced the throat of one of them.

Seeing the death of their companion beside them, the remaining four gritted their teeth and ran even faster.

The blade was dazzling, and Lu Kai's speed was also extremely fast, so he simply and neatly eliminated the two of them.

The remaining two, although they are meridians, are only mere first and second level of meridians.

Lu Feng just waved two palms casually, and they ended up taking their lives.

At this moment, Mo Ling chased after him, with a flash of unbearable in his eyes.

After all, she was a girl, and this was the first time she had seen blood.

"If they don't die, they will cause even greater trouble."

Lu Feng patted Mo Lingxiang's shoulder and said.

These five people are scouts, letting them go will attract more hunters.

"Unfortunately, only two of them are in the Tongmai state."

With one blow, the two heads were chopped off by Lu Kai and put away.

"I'm afraid it's not safe here, let's leave first."

At this time, the sky had gradually brightened, and they continued on their way under Lu Feng's leadership.

The jungle is very big and very dangerous.

After walking for several hours, Lu Feng and the others saw several extremely miserable corpses lying in the jungle, all of them were geniuses participating in the assessment.

The farther you go, the more corpses of geniuses you see.

Along the way, I saw more than [-] corpses from the two forces of Zhitianmen and Motiandian, and the warriors of the chaotic place even stripped their clothes.

Lu Feng's face became more and more gloomy, which showed that geniuses like them who entered the land of chaos would face many dangers in this dense forest.

There is still a hundred miles away from passing through the dense forest, and there is an area entangled with stone forests and ancient vines in front of them.

The atmosphere was eerie and terrifying, and there was not even a bird chirping in this ancient vine forest.

"It's a bit weird here, everyone be careful."

Lu Feng used his mental power to scan, and found no trace of the warrior within a range of several hundred meters.

The three of Mo Ling nodded, held their weapons in their hands, and were always on guard against sudden attacks.

After all, this is a place of chaos, and nothing can be decided, and these desperadoes don't care about their identities.

Once careless, the end will be the same as those corpses.

 Today is the traditional Chinese Valentine's Day, why do I feel a little sad, hehe.

(End of this chapter)

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