The Rise of Primitive Tribes Farming

Chapter 18 The Last Cold of Winter

Chapter 18 The Last Cold of Winter
In the fourth month of winter, the weather became colder, and even the big river in front of the Mang tribe was frozen over.

In this weather, except for the totem warriors, the rest of the people would basically not go out, and hid in the wooden house to warm up.

But the fishing team can't rest, because they regularly catch some fish from the pond for everyone to eat.


Wearing thick animal skins, Lie lifted a large stone weighing hundreds of catties and threw it into the frozen pond. The stone hit the ice layer and made a dull sound.

Since the pond is not very deep, two-thirds of the water has condensed into thick ice, leaving only a relatively deep place in the center where there is still liquid water, where the fish are crowded and hidden. Almost buried himself in the mud.

"No, the ice is too thick to break open."

The ice layer was nearly two feet thick, and the water in the entire pond had condensed into a large block. When a stone weighing more than 100 kilograms was thrown down, there were only some marks on the place where it was hit, but the ice layer did not break.

Everyone in the fishing team rubbed their hands and shaved the ice bit by bit with sharp stones, but the effect was not very good.

"Captain, what should I do? I don't know when I will be able to catch the fish."

The ordinary members of the fishing team were shivering from the cold, and only the totem warriors could carry it. The weather was too cold, so going on was not an option.

Lie frowned into the word "Chuan". No one thought that the ice layer was so thick that it was hard to break open like a rock.

Lie struggled for a long time, and finally said: "I'll invite the leader, the leader has a lot of ideas, and there must be a way."

If it wasn't for the fact that the ice layer was too difficult to break open, Lie actually didn't want to bother Chen Bei, because it would make him seem incompetent, and he couldn't even break through an ice layer.

Lie hurriedly went to invite Chen Bei.

Chen Bei went to the pond and took a look. Sure enough, the ice was so thick that it looked like a whole stone wall, and the sky was still snowing.

"I'll try."

Chen Bei lifted the big rock, pointed the sharp tribe down, and activated the power of the totem, and the breath of the whole person became very powerful.


The big rock hit the ice, and the ice of the whole pond shook, and a big pit appeared on the ice, and ice shards splashed everywhere.

"The leader is mighty!"

Everyone in the fishing team cheered. Only the leader could make such a big noise.

However, Chen Bei took a look at the stone, and found that the place where it was smashed was not broken, but there were only some cracks.

Everyone in the fishing team also stopped cheering in embarrassment, and then everyone fell silent. Could it be that even the leader couldn't be smashed?
In fact, using a sharp stone to chisel bit by bit, it will definitely be able to be chiseled in the end, but it will take a lot of time, and it is very difficult in this kind of weather.

"That won't work, you can't rely on brute force."

Chen Bei wasn't too disappointed, because he knew that when the ice layer condensed into a whole, the force would actually be dispersed by the whole ice layer when the stone was thrown down, making it difficult to have an effect.

Chen Bei thought about it for a while, and at first he thought of pouring hot water, but because the stone pots in the tribe are not big, and the weather is so cold, it takes too much hot water to melt the ice.

Chen Bei stared at the ice for a long time, then at the stone, and finally a flash of inspiration came to his mind.

"Yes, with hot stones!"

After the stone is burned red by fire, it will gather a lot of heat, and the temperature can reach seven to eight hundred degrees. Burning a lot of stones and throwing them into the pit made by smashing should be able to melt the ice layer smoothly into a hole.

"Bring wood and stones, and build a fire here!"

When Chen Bei gave an order, everyone in the fishing team immediately started to move. Although they didn't know what Chen Bei was going to do, it would be nice to have a fire for a while.

There is no shortage of firewood in the tribe. There are forests all around. Before the snow fell, the tribe stored a lot of dry firewood.

Soon, piles of firewood were moved over, and many stones were moved over.

Chen Bei first placed the stones neatly on the ice layer, and then spread a thick layer of branches and leaves on the stones, so as to prevent the fire from being wet by the melted water after it burned.

Finally, Chen Bei piled up a large amount of firewood, went to a nearby wooden house to get kindling, dug a hole in the pile of firewood, put the kindling in it, and lit the dry firewood.

The fire was smoking first, and then under the blessing of the wind, the pyre quickly burned blazingly.

Everyone sat around the fire while warming up and waiting patiently.

As the fire burned, the stones below were gradually heated up, and the ice layer began to melt. The melted water was isolated by the stones and could not extinguish the fire.

The ice layer melted little by little, and finally it melted faster and faster, and the stone sank little by little.


Finally, under the burning of the fire, this small piece of ice was melted, and the melted water gradually submerged the stone, and the burning fire fell and was extinguished.


The ice layer was melted until it was only a little thin, unable to bear the weight of so many stones, it shattered directly, and the stones fell down.

The school of fish below panicked, but the location was too small and the fish were too dense to escape, and a few fish even jumped up and bounced around on the ice.


The crowd cheered one after another, and everyone's admiration for Chen Bei increased a little.

Seeing that the members of the fishing team were actually catching them with their hands, Chen Bei laughed and scolded: "Going back to get a rattan basket is faster than you using your hands. How many can you catch with your hands? Isn't it too cold?"

Lie kicked the members of the fishing team one by one, and said, "Didn't you hear what the leader said? Hurry up!"

The man was not angry, and ran back with a smile to get tools to catch fish.

Lie caught the biggest fish and offered it to Chen Bei, who didn't refuse. He passed a wooden stick through the gills on both sides of the fish, and carried the big fish back.

"Spring should be here soon."

Chen Bei has been counting the days and counting the time. Winter is about to pass. Now it is the fourth month of winter. After the extreme cold, spring should arrive.


The cold winter is still not over, but the heavy snow has fallen even harder in the last time.

Unlike the Mang tribe, this winter, the other tribes in the forest are very difficult.

The Black Snake Tribe, which is tens of miles away from the Mang Tribe, is one of them.

Before winter, when Chenbei was looking for salt, the hunting team he encountered was the hunting team of the Black Snake Tribe.

The Black Snake Tribe was already in crisis of food shortage.

"Wu, there's very little food left. Two clansmen died of starvation yesterday, and three died of freezing. If this continues, even more people will die."

The leader of the Black Snake Tribe stood in front of the Black Snake Witch with a sad expression on his face.

The Black Snake Tribe is a tribe with 600 people, which is relatively powerful among the small tribes.

A large population means more food is needed. They failed to store enough food before winter, and now they are facing the danger of starving to death or freezing to death.

The witch of the Black Snake Tribe is a black and thin old man. Almost every place on his face and body is covered with black totem patterns, making him look very pervasive.

Black Snake Wu said: "Persevere, winter will soon be over, as long as the ice and snow melt, we can always find food."

The leader hesitated for a long time before saying, "But during this time, many people will starve to death."

The black snake witch was silent for a while, and said: "Their souls will return to the embrace of the snake god, and their bodies will save the tribe from starving to death."

"Wu, you mean..." The leader's expression became even uglier.

Wu didn't answer, but he had actually expressed his attitude.

"I see."

The leader left the house where Wu lived with a heavy heart. If he was asked to deal with other tribes, he would not hesitate to use harsh methods, but the members of his own tribe were different after all.

(End of this chapter)

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