The Rise of Primitive Tribes Farming

Chapter 19 Tribal Division of Labor

Chapter 19 Tribal Division of Labor
Time flies, and a month's time flies by.

The warm sunshine shone on the earth, and the biting cold north wind suddenly disappeared overnight, replaced by the warm spring breeze.

"Tick, tick..."

The snow on the roof finally melted, and water dripped down. In the Mang tribe, most of the wooden houses were leaking.

The elder moved a tree stump stool and sat at the door, watching the scene of melting snow happily, not at all depressed because of the water leakage in the wooden house.

"Well, winter is finally over, no one starves to death, no one freezes to death, it doesn't get any better than that."

In the past, every winter, a few people in the tribe would freeze to death or starve to death. Winter was a nightmare for most tribesmen.

However, a new tribe that was established less than a year ago, under the leadership of Chen Bei, was able to survive the winter safely, allowing everyone to have food, shelter, and clothing. If they hadn't experienced it personally, no one would believe it.

Chenbei's wooden house also leaked, so he also sat outside to bask in the sun with the elder.

"Elder, don't starve to death, don't freeze to death, just basically live. In the future, we must not only live, but also live well."

"I want everyone in the tribe to not only have enough food, but also have enough to eat, to dress not only warmly, but also to look good, to live in a house that does not leak water or wind, to go out, and to be able to tell others proudly, I am from the Mang Tribe!"

At this moment, Chen Bei is full of vigor and high spirits like a young man. He really thinks so, and will do the same, and he believes that he can do it.

After listening to Chen Bei's words, the elder became short of breath, and said in a trembling voice, "Chief, really, will there really be such a day?"

"Of course there will be such a day." Chen Bei said affirmatively.

"Good, good, good." The elder said three good words in a row, and then said: "Then I have to live well, and I must see with my own eyes the day when our Mang tribe is strong."

The old and the young sat at the door, basking in the sun, with longing for the future in their eyes.

Chen Bei sat for a while, Yun and Lie walked towards this side together.

They saluted the elder first, and then told Chen Bei their purpose.

Yun said: "Boss, the ice and snow are starting to melt now. I want to take the totem warriors to hunt in two days, so as to supplement some meat for the tribe."

Lie Ye hurriedly said: "It's time for our fishing team to go out. The fish in the pond are almost eaten up. If you don't fish anymore, there will be no fish to eat."

Chen Bei didn't agree to them right away. He felt that he should take this opportunity to clarify the division of labor in the tribe, otherwise it would be a mess and nothing could be done well.

"Well, you call everyone in the tribe to the altar, I have something to announce."

"Okay, let's go right away."

Yun and Lie didn't want to be idle for a day, and couldn't wait to go hunting and fishing right away.

Not long after, the entire tribe was assembled at the altar, even the witch.

Seeing that everyone had arrived, Chen Bei didn't say anything nonsense, and directly stated his purpose.

"Clan people, the long winter has finally passed, and our tribe also has totem warriors, so I will clearly divide everyone's duties so that everyone knows what they are going to do."

"Well done, the tribe will reward him, and if he does poorly and perfunctorily, the tribe will punish him, no one can be an exception!"

A clear division of labor can greatly improve the efficiency of work. Chen Bei is very aware of this, so his tone is very strict.

Qing Zhu stood beside Chen Bei. Although she didn't speak, standing here showed her attitude.

The elders were very interested in the "reward and punishment system" that Chen Bei said. In the past, the tribe would reward the brave and punish the weak, but it was not as clear as what Chen Bei said, and it was accurate to everyone and every task.

Chen Bei continued: "I divide the work in the tribe into five teams, hunting team, fishing team, gathering team, planting team and breeding team."

"The captain of the hunting team, I propose Yun as the leader. If you have any objections, you can challenge him to prove that you are stronger than him!"

Qing Zhu and the elder nodded slightly, proving that they agreed.

Yun stood in front of him with a confident smile on his face. This position belonged to him. Except for the leader, he was really not afraid of others.

Both Wu and the elders agreed, so what other opinions do those clansmen have?What's more, Yun's hunting ability and strength are indeed stronger than others.

"The fishing captain is Lie. Anyone who refuses to accept can also challenge him."

Lie stood up straight and looked around, but no one objected.

"The leader of the collection is Baicao."

A female tribesman in her 30s stood up. She was dressed in animal skins and had a very strong figure. She was the only female totem warrior in the tribe, and she was the perfect collection leader composed of women and children.

"Planting captain, Yan will be in charge."

Yan is a sturdy middle-aged man. Although he has not awakened the power of the totem, his strength is not to be underestimated. The most important thing is that he was always there when he opened up wasteland, and he was no worse than a totem warrior.

"The captain of the breeding is the old deer."

The old deer is one of the two old people who raise the green triangle sheep. He is younger than the other one, and the blue triangle sheep can be raised well, so he has contributed more than half of his strength.

After Chen Bei finished speaking, he deliberately paused for a while to let everyone remember clearly the leaders.

Afterwards, Chen Bei continued: "The hunting team and the fishing team each have nine totem warriors, and you can choose them yourself. The remaining two totem warriors will follow the collection team to protect the safety of the collection team."

As soon as Chen Bei finished speaking, Lie said, "Boss, our fishing team is not that dangerous, and we don't need so many totem warriors. Let's divide a few more people into the hunting team."

Chen Bei said: "What if I want you to go fishing in the river? You don't know how dangerous the river is?"

In the past, the fishing team was fishing in the stream, and they almost caught all the fish in the stream. If they wanted more fish, they had to go to the river to fish.

But the terrifying water beasts hidden in the river are no less than those in the mountains and forests. If you are not careful, you will be in danger.

Lie stopped talking. The tribal people have always been afraid of that river, because there are too many unknown things in the river, and they don't understand it.

Chen Bei said: "That's the matter. Let's talk about personnel distribution."

"Women over the age of 13 are under the care of the collection team, men over the age of 13 are under the care of the planting team, and children under the age of 13 are all under the care of the breeding team."

"Does everyone understand?"

For the time being, Chen Bei can only assign them a simple and rude division of labor, and then adjust some personnel according to the situation in the future to make the division more detailed.

"Listen to the leader."

"That's right, we will do whatever the leader tells us to do."


Everyone recognized Chen Bei from the bottom of their hearts, so no one had any other objections.

"Okay, everyone, after you go back, get ready. Three days later, the hunting team and fishing team will set off, and everyone else will do their own thing."

"That's it, let's go."

Chen Bei waved his hand, and the crowd left in twos and threes.

Qing Zhu didn't speak all the time, she looked at Chen Bei carefully, and found that Chen Bei was really different from most people in the tribe.

"Why, is there something on my face?" Chen Bei turned around and asked with a smile.

"'ll go back first."

After becoming a witch, Qingzhu showed a flustered expression for the first time. She felt ashamed of her performance, and a witch should not be flustered.

"Elder, let's go back too."

Chen Bei and the elder walked back together, both of them were in a good mood.

 This chapter might not be that interesting, but it's important.Thanks to the book friends who rewarded and voted.

(End of this chapter)

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