The Rise of Primitive Tribes Farming

Chapter 204 The fierce red bird

Chapter 204 The fierce red bird

Throughout the winter, when other tribes were suffering, the Mang tribe was busy.

In the past two years, the population of the Mang tribe has skyrocketed. With the increase of the labor force, the fields of the Mang tribe have become wider and wider, and the output of each workshop has also increased.

When the ice and snow melted and spring came, the Mang tribe already had 6000 people, including a large number of newborns.

The arable land area of ​​the Mang tribe has also reached more than [-] mu, a large part of which is wasteland opened up in the past two years.

With such a large area of ​​arable land, once all the food is produced, the Mang tribe can feed the entire tribe even if they no longer fish and hunt, but only rely on planting and breeding.

Of course, Chenbei will not be content with the status quo. The Mang tribe is facing many crises now, and he will continue to open up wasteland to bring more food to the tribe to feed a larger population.

Fortunately, when Chenbei chose the site for the tribe, it considered the issue of development. The place where the Mang tribe is located has a flat terrain and a large area of ​​wasteland along the river.

If the Mang tribe continues to open up wasteland, they don't need to cut down a lot of forests, and they can continue to extend outwards.


In the seventh year of the establishment of the Mang tribe, in the middle of the first month of spring.

In the forest to the southwest of the Mang tribe, Chen Bei and the hunting team were tracking a big red bird.

The thick snow and ice have all melted away, and the melting snow has brought a lot of water. There are gurgling streams everywhere in the forest, and the sound of water can be heard everywhere.

"Where is the big red bird you mentioned? Can you find it?"

Chen Bei ran with Yun for most of the day, but he didn't even see the shadow of the big red bird, feeling a little depressed.

Ever since he saw the Ant Tribe and the Bee Tribe have flying pets in the central region last year, Chen Bei has been thinking about adding a combat pet that can carry people to the Mang Tribe.

I have to have what others have, otherwise, wouldn't it be a big loss if we fight in the future?
On the other hand, the Mang tribe often goes out to do business with other tribes. If there is a huge flying battle pet like a giant eagle like the eagle tribe, it will be much more convenient to go out to do business in the future.

In view of these two reasons, Chenbei mobilized the entire tribe to look for large flying birds that could carry people.

During winter hunting, Yun led the hunting team to search everywhere, and finally saw a big red bird, and told Chen Bei excitedly.

According to him, although this big red bird is not as big as the big eagles of the Diao tribe, it is still very huge, and it is no problem to carry a few people.

However, because it was winter and the snow was too heavy, when Chen Bei followed the hunting team, the big red bird had long since disappeared.

After the winter passed, Yun led the hunting team out again. Fortunately, they encountered this big red bird again and tracked it for a day.

What's depressing is that when Chen Bei got the news and rushed over, he didn't even see the big red bird.

"I saw it looking for food by that stream a few days ago, why did it disappear?" Yun was also very depressed, he was afraid that Chen Bei would think he was lying.

"Let's look for it again."

Chen Bei still trusts Yun quite a bit. He believes that Yun is not lying, besides, so many people in the hunting team have seen it.

It can only be said to be a coincidence, just as he came over twice, the big red bird flew away.

This made Chen Bei laugh at himself thinking, could it be that he is too unlucky?
The group continued to walk forward, trying to find some traces of the big red bird's activities.

They followed the stream, because according to Yun's description, this big red bird likes to move around the water, catches fish and shrimp to eat, and also eats plant shoots and roots near the water.

They searched for a long time, and a large lake appeared in front of them, and the stream flowed into the lake.

The water in the lake is very clear, and there are many fish in the lake, swimming around in the water, and there are some big fish among them.

"It's a nice place. I've never been here before. I'll have to make a note of it."

Chen Bei took out a large animal skin roll from his animal skin bag, as well as animal hair brushes and paints, and marked the lake on the animal skin roll.

This scroll of animal skin is a map drawn by Chen Bei. He always carries it with him, and he will mark it on the map when he encounters important landforms.

"Leader, look!"

Just as Chen Bei marked the location of the lake with the animal brush, Yun suddenly cried out excitedly and pointed in one direction with his finger.

Chen Bei looked up, and saw a big fiery red bird flying over from the sky, landed in the shallow part of the lake, walked gracefully, lowered his head from time to time, and quickly pecked at the fish and shrimp in the water .

This big red bird looks very strange. It is about five meters high and has very long legs. The legs alone are estimated to be three meters high.

The neck is also very long, and there is a red flower-like feather on the head, and the beak is also very long and pointed, which looks like a curved awl from a distance.

"Why does this look a bit like a crane?"

Chen Bei muttered softly, this kind of big bird does have many similarities with cranes, for example, it has long legs, a long neck, and a pointed and slender beak.

But Chen Bei had never seen such a big and strange crane, he was not sure whether it was a crane or not.

But it's strange, Chen Bei didn't really care what kind it was, and quickly focused on the big red bird's broad back.

This big red bird is big enough to carry people, and it is not a problem to carry some cargo by the way.

Most importantly, it is good at flying, fast, and durable, making it an ideal flying companion.

In Chenbei's previous life, he often heard stories about immortals riding cranes. At that time, he never took it seriously. After all, a crane as big as the one in the legend can carry people to heaven and earth. Where can I find it?

But right now, Chen Bei witnessed this giant bird with his own eyes, even bigger than the legendary crane, which made Chen Bei very excited.

If this big red bird can be domesticated into a war pet, then the totem warriors of the Mang tribe can also fly and ride the big bird to other tribes to do business.

"Boss, what's the matter, I didn't lie to you, did I?"

Yun looked excitedly at the big red bird in the distance, he thought that this kind of big bird definitely met Chen Bei's requirements.

Chen Bei patted Yun on the shoulder and said, "Very good, you have made great contributions this time, and you will be indispensable to reward when you go back."

In the distance, the big red bird is still looking for food in the shallow water. Although it is huge, its movements in the water are very light. Its paws step on the water and it does not make much movement. It will not scare away the fish and shrimps in the distance. , looks very elegant.

Once it finds its prey, its movements will become very fast, and its sharp beak can pick up the fish precisely at once, then raise its head and swallow the fish into its stomach several times.

But it doesn't know that it has been targeted by the people of the Mang tribe, and it is trying to figure out how to get it back to the Mang tribe.

In the bushes, Chen Bei and Yun were discussing in a low voice.

"It is impossible to have only one such big bird. It is best to find its old nest and catch more young birds to domesticate."

"That's right, big birds are hard to tame. It's best to catch young birds."

"But it flies so fast, how can we follow it to find its lair?"

For a while, Chen Bei and Yun didn't think of any good solution, they could only stare at the big red bird and think about various feasible methods.

(End of this chapter)

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