Chapter 205
When Chen Bei was thinking, suddenly, another head emerged from the tall reeds by the lake, and then, a new big red bird slowly came out from it.

"Another one. Could it be that the lakeside is their nest?"

Thinking of this possibility, Chen Bei became a little excited. If this is the case, it would be great, and there is no need to look for it again.

The newly-appeared big red bird looks almost the same as the previous one. With long legs, it paces gracefully in the shallow water area, pecking at aquatic animals such as fish, shrimp, and snails.

Yun whispered to Chen Bei: "Why don't I sneak into that grassland to have a look and find their nests?"

Chen Bei shook his head, and said: "These big birds are very cautious, don't startle them, just observe carefully here and find out how many there are."

Now that Chen Bei said so, Yun and the others had no choice but to wait patiently. Fortunately, they were able to observe the two big red birds, which was not boring.

They observed in the bushes for two days and found twelve big red birds in total.

These big red birds would return to the reeds by the lake at night, but they would fly out to look for food during the day. After they were full, they would return to the lake and eat some fish and shrimp as snacks.

The next morning, when Chenbei made sure that all the birds had flown out to look for food, he immediately went to the reed field by the lake to check the nest of the big red bird.

"Come with me, Yun. The others stay where they are. If there are too many people going, they will be noticed by these big birds."

Both Chenbei and Yun are high-level totem fighters, they are more convenient to move, their ability to hide their breath is stronger than other totem fighters, and they leave fewer traces when they move.

When they act, the totem patterns on their bodies will turn dark red, and their aura will also be reduced to the lowest level, making it difficult for other animals to detect them.

Chenbei and Yun walked through the bushes and came to the lake, found the spot they had observed two days ago, and plunged into the thick and tall reeds.

Everything in this world seems to be relatively large. Even the reeds are as thick as bamboo, with a height of eight or nine meters. When people enter it, they seem to become much smaller.

Fortunately, there are often big red birds walking around this place. They are huge in size, and Chen Bei and Yun don't have to work hard to drill the small paths that they often walk through.

After walking for hundreds of meters along the path where the giant red bird came out, Chen Bei finally found several huge bird's nests.

Each of these bird's nests is as big as a house. The outside is woven with reed stems and leaves, and the inside is covered with a thick layer of reed flowers. On the reed flowers, there are some soft feathers.

Chen Bei climbed up to the nearest bird's nest and took a closer look inside. He didn't find any young birds or eggs, which made him a little disappointed.

Yun also climbed several bird's nests, and finally shook his head at Chen Bei, saying: "There are no young birds and no eggs, which means they haven't started laying eggs yet."

Chen Bei was not very disappointed about this. Now that winter has just passed, even though these big red birds have started to mate, they are not laying eggs so quickly.

"It doesn't matter, I found their nest, are you afraid that I won't be able to wait for them to lay eggs?"

"Let's go back first, don't be discovered by these big birds."

Chen Bei and Yun quickly left the bird's nest, walked across the lake, and returned to the woods.

"How are you, leader? Are there any baby birds?" asked the impatient totem warrior.

Chen Bei shook his head and said: "Not yet, but the weather is getting warmer, I think they should lay eggs soon."

Chen Bei thought for a while and said, "Starting today, some members of the hunting team will take turns guarding here until these big red birds lay eggs and hatch young."

Yun Zhengse said: "Yes!"

Chen Bei looked around again, and said: "This process may last for a month or two, or even longer, and our people cannot sleep in the woods every day. Very troublesome."

"Well, I think those reeds by the lake are very good. You go to the lake and cut some reeds, find a place with good concealment and build a thatched hut. When it is windy and rainy, there is also a place to hide. And somewhere to rest."

The lake is very big, and there are reeds all over the lakeside. It is very simple to cut some grass houses.

Moreover, this kind of reed stem is very straight, very tough, and the leaves are wide. The thatched huts built have excellent rain resistance and good warmth retention. It is a very good material.

The totem warriors of the hunting team were very moved. The leader was so kind to them and thought of everything for them.

"Come on, follow me to cut reeds." Yun waved his hand, and the hunting team immediately followed.

They walked to the lake, chose reeds far away from the range of the big red bird, cut them down one by one with stone knives, and then moved to a place with relatively high terrain and good concealment.

Chen Bei also participated in the process. They cleaned the ground first, then found some thick branches, spread them on the ground, and then spread a layer of reed poles horizontally, criss-crossing, which is equivalent to isolating the thatched house from the ground.

The advantage of this is that the ground of the thatched hut will not accumulate water or mud, and people can sit or lie on it directly without making another bed.

Then, they wove tall reeds together with vines that can be seen everywhere to form a conical wall, leaving only a very low and small entrance that people can bend over to pass through.

This kind of thatched house has a very simple structure, even without a roof, but it can be made quickly, with good concealment and good rain resistance.

The disadvantage is that the space inside is relatively narrow. Although they have made it as large as possible, it can accommodate up to five or six people inside. If there are more people, there is no way to lie down.

Another one is that there is no fire to cook in the thatched cottage, and the weather is still very cold. At night, it will be more difficult to not have a fire to keep warm.

Fortunately, the totem warriors of the hunting team have totem powers to protect their bodies, and the animal skins they wear are also very warm, so it's not a big problem to stay for a while.

It is already spring now, as long as we get through this period of time, the weather will gradually warm up.

In the evening, they had already built three such thatched huts, and Chen Bei also put in a lot of effort. The supporting pillars of the thatched huts were all brought back by him, and they were all relatively thick and sturdy young trees.

"Okay!" After finishing the last thatched hut, Chen Bei clapped his hands, looked at these thatched huts, and nodded with satisfaction.

These three thatched huts can accommodate fifteen people to rest at the same time, more than enough for so many people to watch the big red bird.

At this time, the sun had already set, and there was still a little sunset glow in the sky. The last big red bird had already returned to its nest.

Chen Bei stood in front of a thatched hut, looking at the sparkling lake, feeling the moist air in the wind, feeling very enjoyable.

"It's a great pleasure to spend a holiday in such a place."

After Chen Bei finished speaking, he laughed at himself. He is the leader of the tribe, and there are still a lot of things waiting for him in the tribe. Let's live a good life before thinking about vacations.

The other totem warriors didn't feel anything about it. They were used to seeing these scenes long ago, and similar scenes didn't feel much new to them.

It was getting dark soon, Chen Bei and the others ate something, and then took turns to sleep in the thatched hut.

Of course, as the leader, Chen Bei still has privileges, he doesn't need to watch the night, he just needs to sleep peacefully.

The next day, Chenbei asked Yun to choose fifteen totem warriors to stay here, and the others followed him back to the tribe.

Chen Bei said to Yun: "Every seven days, you arrange someone to replace the people who stayed here, and bring some food over at the same time, so that everyone will not be so tired."

"Don't worry, leader, I will make arrangements." Yun assured, patted his chest.

Chen Bei said to the fifteen totem warriors who stayed behind: "I have checked the vicinity. Except for this lake, there are no extremely dangerous beasts, but you still have to be careful. If you encounter danger, run away."

"Also, don't get close to the lake. This lake is very big and deep. There will definitely be fierce big fish or water animals in it. Once you get close, your life may be in danger."



"Okay!" Chen Bei patted one of the totem warriors on the shoulder and said, "These big red birds are very important to our tribe. I hope they will become our tribe's flying pets in the future, so that our tribe's people can Fight in the sky."

"As long as you keep watch until the big red bird lays eggs and hatch, and then notify the tribe to catch some young birds and go back to domesticate them, you will have made great contributions, and the tribe will not treat you badly!"

"Don't worry, leader, we will wait until the chicks hatch!" the totem warrior vowed.

"Okay, I'm waiting for your good news in the tribe!"

After Chen Bei encouraged them, he took the rest of the hunting team on the journey back to the tribe.

Although these big red birds are very important, as the leader, Chen Bei cannot personally guard the baby birds until they are born. There are still a lot of things waiting for him to do in the tribe.

The figures of Chen Bei and the others quickly disappeared into the woods.

The fifteen people who stayed behind had a clear division of labor. Five people looked at the opposite bird's nest, five people went to look for food, and five people took turns to rest.


In the middle, the spider tribe.

Five hundred giant spiders taller than humans gathered at the gate of the tribe, and on each giant spider was a totem warrior dressed in spider silk.

The leader of the spider tribe was a thick and wild man, and behind him was a large spider with intertwined red and black stripes.

The leader of the Spider Tribe stood in front of the five hundred warriors and shouted at them: "Our enemy, the Mang Tribe, has appeared again!"

"They burned our clansman to death, killed our warriors, and now even the elder's granddaughter may have been captured by them."

"This is a shame to our spider tribe, a huge shame!"

"Now, I order you to enter the Southern Wilderness, find the Mang tribe, rescue the green spiders, and kill them all!"

"Kill, kill, kill!"

The totem warriors of the Spider Tribe screamed crazily, venting their anger.

How many years have passed since the spider tribe became a big tribe, and they are the only ones who bully others. When have they been bullied so badly?
In order to wash away this shame, the people of the Mang tribe must be killed for revenge!

After agitating these totem warriors, the leader of the spider tribe called aside the high-level totem warriors who led the team to the Southern Wilderness this time.

This high-level totem warrior is named Six Eyes, because his battle pet is a black six-eyed spider, which is very scary.

When the leader of the spider tribe faced Six Eyes, it was obviously different from those ordinary totem warriors.

His face is no longer so confident, even with some worry.

"Six Eyes, this Mang tribe is probably much stronger than we know. I can't say too much in front of ordinary soldiers, but I must explain clearly to you."

Six Eyes nodded. As a high-level totem warrior, he was naturally not as simple as an ordinary warrior. He thought that the Mang tribe was really weak, and with this kind of people, the Mang tribe could be wiped out.

The leader of the Spider Tribe said: "The primary purpose of going to the Southern Wilderness this time is not to seek revenge from the Mang Tribe, but to ask you to explore the Southern Wilderness and try to understand the situation in the Southern Wilderness as much as possible."

"This matter is very important to the tribe and must be done."

Some haze appeared on Liuyan's face, and he said worriedly: "Boss, will what the witch said really happen?"

Not only the bee tribe, but the witch of the spider tribe also predicted that the weather will get colder and colder in the future, and the idea of ​​the tribe moving south has already appeared.

Ordinary clansmen don't know about this matter, but the high-level people in the tribe know more or less.

The leader of the Spider Tribe shook his head and said, "I don't know either, but not only our Spider Tribe, but also the Ant Tribe and the Bee Tribe also sent people to the Southern Wilderness."

"It is said that it is for revenge, but in fact, it is very likely that, like us, it is also taking the opportunity to check the situation in the Southern Wilderness and make some preparations for possible future incidents."

Six Eyes lowered his head and remained silent. He was unwilling to accept this matter from the bottom of his heart, but there were various signs that everything was going towards something that everyone didn't want to happen.

The leader of the Spider Tribe said: "The second thing is to find out the situation of the Mang Tribe. Our Spider Tribe has suffered so much from the Mang Tribe. It is impossible to just let it go. We must take revenge if we have the opportunity!"

"However, you can't rush to the front by yourself and let the other two tribes clash with the Mang tribe first, do you understand?"

"There is also the green spider. If she is still alive, if there is a chance, save her. You know how much the elder loves this granddaughter. He has begged me to save the green spider more than once."

Liuyan nodded, remembering these things in his heart, he felt the heavy pressure on his shoulders.

The leader of the Spider Tribe thought for a while, took off a stone knife from his body, put it in Liuyan's hand, and said, "This knife is for you. As long as you finish the work well, after you return to the tribe, there will be more More rewards!"

Liu Yan looked at the stone knife in his hand, and his mood improved a lot. This stone knife was much better than his own, and the leader was really generous once in a while.

The leader of the spider tribe said: "Okay, let's go!"

"Yes, chief!"

Liuyan inserted the stone knife into the animal skin belt, calmed down his mood, and came back to the five hundred totem warriors riding big spiders.

"set off!"

Six-eyed roared, and then rode his own big black six-eyed spider and walked in the front.

Behind him, the totem warriors of the Spider Tribe shouted and followed excitedly.

 Thanks for the 500 book coins rewarded by book friends "Life up to AI".

  Thanks for the 100 book coins rewarded by the book friend "Skeleton Curtain Call Sean".

(End of this chapter)

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