The Rise of Primitive Tribes Farming

Chapter 206 The Totem God of the Mysterious Forest

Chapter 206 The Totem God of the Mysterious Forest
After Chen Bei returned to the tribe, he would ask about the big red bird from time to time, but it took a certain amount of time for the big red bird to lay eggs, hatch, and grow up, so he could only wait patiently.

As the weather gets warmer, the spring planting of the Mang tribe is also in full swing. The vast arable land requires a lot of manpower, and no one can be idle.

Even children, as long as they can do a little work, are taken to work in the fields. Every day, you can see countless people working hard in the fields.

Chen Bei also did it himself for a few days, setting an example, and then he didn't go to the field again.

He is the leader of the tribe, it is enough to set an example if he can work for a few days, there is no need to work in the fields every day.

"Boss, boss, an egg is laid."

On this day, Chen Bei had just returned from patrolling the fields, and met a person head-on, and said to him excitedly.

"What's laying eggs?" Chen Bei had a guess in his mind.

"The big red bird laid eggs. We counted them. There were 32 eggs."

"Great, 32 eggs, successfully hatched will be 32 big red birds. When these little birds grow up and can live independently, they will be captured and domesticated directly in the tribe. Our Mang tribe will have flying battle pets!"

Chen Bei rubbed his hands excitedly, thinking of being able to fly into the sky with a big red bird, his heart became a little excited.

Chen Bei said to the totem warrior: "Continue to monitor those big red birds, and tell me immediately when the chicks hatch."

"Yes, chief!"

The totem warrior is leaving.

"and many more."

Chen Bei suddenly thought of something and stopped him.

The totem warrior turned his head immediately, and asked doubtfully, "Boss, do you have any other orders?"

Chenbei said: "You have worked hard for so long. You go to the breeding team to find the old deer to get a hundred catties of dried meat, and go to the garment workshop to find new clothes for each of the weavers, and bring them to the soldiers. It is the Horde's reward for you."

The totem warrior immediately smiled and said: "Thank you, leader, the leader has treated us so well."

Food, clothing, and housing are the most basic needs of a person. One hundred catties of dried meat and thirty sets of new clothes are very generous rewards.

Chen Bei said with a smile: "If you do things for the tribe with all your heart, the tribe will naturally not treat you badly, so go."

The totem warrior thanked again and again, and then excitedly went to get the dried meat and new clothes.

Chen Bei continued to walk towards the tribe. When he came to a courtyard, Chen Bei stopped and stood outside to look into the courtyard.


In the yard, seeing Chen Bei approaching, three half-grown wolf cubs surrounded him one after another, and excitedly pawed on the fence, jumping up and down non-stop.

Chen Bei threw some jerky into it, causing the three wolf cubs to scramble for each other.

These three wolf cubs were picked up by the tribe last year, when Chenbei agreed to let him try to raise them.

Unexpectedly, these wolf cubs were actually successfully raised by him.

Ever since these three wolf cubs settled in the tribe, Chen Bei was afraid that they would be too wild to be tamed, so he often came to have a look, and sometimes threw some dried meat in.

After coming and going, these wolf cubs became familiar with him, and every time they saw him, they would run over to ask for jerky.

"The more you keep it, the more you look like a dog."

Chen Bei smiled and touched the head of one of the wolf cubs, that wolf cub did not resist, and even showed a feeling of enjoyment.

Chen Bei teased these wolf cubs, and then returned to his small yard.

The vegetable patch in the yard has been turned upside down, and Chenbei has planted some seasonal vegetables on it, and tender seedlings have sprouted, full of vitality.

Chen Bei took a small hoe and went into the vegetable field to weed the weeds. These weeds always grow much faster than the vegetables. If they are not removed in time, they will cover the vegetables in a short time.


Busy days always pass quickly, and in the blink of an eye, half a month has passed.

The time has come to the second month of spring.

The weather is getting warmer and warmer, and all kinds of plants in the forest are sprouting out of paper, growing green leaves, and there are vibrant scenes everywhere.


One night, in the east of the Mang tribe, a burst of bloody light suddenly burst into the sky. It was so red that it was dazzling. There seemed to be something struggling in the bloody light, and an indescribable aura permeated the air.

"It's the direction of the mysterious forest!"

Chen Bei hurried out of his house, came outside, looked at the bloody light in surprise, and instinctively told him that something big happened in the mysterious forest.


In the altar of the Mang Tribe, a ball of fire rose into the sky, and when it rose to midair, it turned into a huge flaming rhinoceros, looking solemnly at the bloody light in the east.

The Flaming Rhinoceros said, "Do you want one more totem god?"

The move of the totem god alarmed the entire Mang tribe, and everyone walked out of the door, at a loss because they didn't know what happened.

At some point, Qingzhu came to Chenbei's courtyard, stood side by side with him, and looked at the two lights in the sky.

Qingzhu folded her hands in front of her naturally, and said, "If there are no accidents, a new totem god will be born in the mysterious forest soon."

"The new totem god?" Chen Bei looked at Qingzhu in surprise, because of the inheritance of the witch, Qingzhu knew more about the totem god than him.

"That's right, do you still remember the closure of the mysterious forest before? There are powerful plants in it that want to become totem gods."

"It now looks like it's clearly on the verge of success."

Qing Zhu frowned slightly, and said: "For our Mang tribe, I don't know if it is a good thing or a bad thing."

It was the first time for Chen Bei to see the birth of a new totem god. He was very curious about it, but he couldn't observe it closely.


On the other side of the mysterious forest, a terrifying plant grew rapidly amidst the bloody light. It looked like a vine, and countless bloody vines danced wildly, as if they wanted to pierce the sky.

"This totem god seems a bit strong!"

Chen Bei carefully felt the terrifying aura, and he found that this newly born totem god was at least as powerful as an intermediate totem god, which was very terrifying.

Chen Bei asked Qingzhu puzzledly: "Shouldn't the newly born totem god be weak? How could he be so strong?"

Qingzhu said: "This shows that this totem god has good talent and has stronger growth potential than ordinary totem gods!"

"Totem gods also talk about talent?"

"All souls talk about talent."

Chen Bei nodded, talent is indeed very important.For example, several captains in the Mang tribe are very talented in their respective fields.

To be a totem god naturally requires talent.


The sky suddenly changed color. Just now the moon was hanging high and there was no cloud in the sky, but now there was a strong wind, dense clouds, and terrifying lightning shuttled back and forth between the clouds.

Over the huge blood-colored vine-like plant, dark clouds were like mountains, pressing down mercilessly, and the blood light was scattered a lot.

The flame rhinoceros of the Mang tribe looked at the thick dark clouds with a look of fear on its face. Obviously, this kind of heavenly power gave it great pressure.

And the blood-colored vine in the mysterious forest didn't dodge at all, instead stretched all the vines straight, like blood-colored spears, fiercely piercing towards the dark cloud!

"So fierce?" Chen Bei was stunned, and dared to attack the sky.


The dark clouds in the sky seemed to be enraged, the terrifying and thick clouds rolled violently, and afterward, countless lightning bolts struck down along the bloody vines.

The entire blood-colored vine was shrouded in lightning, and many vines were cut off directly, and the burning smell could be smelled from a long distance away.

The blood-colored vines were chopped down continuously, and broken and scorched vines fell from the sky one after another.


In the end, a thick bolt of lightning struck down, and the blood-colored vine was directly smashed to the ground, and the bloody light dissipated, and the ferocious aura of the blood-colored vine just now disappeared.


The flame rhinoceros sensed it carefully for a while, shook its head, and then returned to the altar without making a sound.

On the ground, countless people peeked at each other, and no one knew what was going on in the mysterious forest.


Qingzhu sighed and returned to her yard.

Chen Bei stood there for a long time, he couldn't believe that the blood-colored vine failed, but the breath of the blood-colored vine did disappear.

Chen Bei decided to find time to investigate in the mysterious forest in the future.

There are a lot of good things in the mysterious forest, and it's reasonable to get some back when you're exploring!
 Thanks to the book friend "The River Crab Eyed My Name" for the reward of 100 book coins.

(End of this chapter)

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