Chapter 207
In the middle of the Southern Wilderness, the site of the Tree Tribe.

There is only one stump left of the ancient totem tree that once soared into the sky, but even this stump is extremely amazing, it is really too big!
Red Flower came here again, this is the first time she came back after the Tree Tribe was destroyed.

A lot of weeds have grown on the ground, and this former tree tribe settlement has become a paradise for some small animals.

Safflower walked into a tree hole, which was already covered with spider webs, and the things inside were already dilapidated, and most of the usable ones were taken away by tourists.

Chen Bei and Hong Ye followed behind her without disturbing her.

Safflower took a branch, swept away the cobwebs carefully, lifted up the fallen things, wiped off the dust, and straightened them.

After working for a long time, the room in the tree hole finally looked much better.

Honghua sat inside for a while, and no one knew what she was thinking, maybe it was a memory from the past, maybe it was something else.

After a long time, Hong Hua finally sighed quietly, stood up, and said to Chen Bei and Hong Ye, "Let's go."

Beside the huge dead tree stump, six hundred totem warriors of the Mang tribe were resting on the ground, eating and drinking.

Honghua soon joined them, her character was very straightforward, even a little heroic, she laughed loudly, ate meat, and seemed very happy.

Not far away, Chen Bei and Hong Ye just watched her quietly.

Hongye sat on a huge dead tree root, kept looking at the red flower, and said: "She is always like this, the more sad she is, the more she doesn't want people to see it, and she has to pretend to be happy."

Chen Bei patted the dust on the roots of the dead tree, sat on it, and said, "Maybe she doesn't want people to see her weak side."

"Yeah, even if it's my elder brother, she seldom tells me what's in her heart."

Hong Ye looked at Chen Bei and said, "Boss, do you know? In fact, sometimes I am very jealous of you."

The old god Chenbei said: "There are too many people who are jealous of me, don't worry, I don't care."

Hongye was full of words, but was blocked by Chen Bei's words, almost holding back internal injuries, he turned his head away, not wanting to talk to Chen Bei anymore.

Chen Bei didn't care either, they didn't come out this time to have a heart-to-heart talk.

A few days ago, there was so much movement in the mysterious forest that the entire Southern Wilderness shook.

The mysterious forest is a treasure land. When the tree tribe was still there, they got a lot of benefits in the mysterious forest.

In recent years, the mysterious forest has been suddenly closed, and no one can enter, and naturally the benefits inside cannot be obtained.

It's different now, the new totem god of the mysterious forest suspected of failing to break through, was struck to death by lightning, and lost the protection of the totem god, the mysterious forest wine became a sweet pastry, a piece of mouth-watering meat.

As the strongest Mang tribe near the mysterious forest, they naturally wouldn't miss this opportunity.

Chen Bei immediately ordered [-] totem warriors, brought all the sacks, and prepared to go to the mysterious forest to get some good things.

The Mang tribe went to the mysterious forest, and they couldn't get there in one day. They needed to spend the night on the road. The best place to stay overnight was naturally the original site of the tree tribe.

Chen Bei said: "When we came here, the shaman had already done divination. This time, we will encounter a lot of troubles when we go to the mysterious forest. Let us be careful."

"Hongye, don't think so much, get a good night's sleep, tomorrow's journey may not be so smooth."

Chen Bei jumped down from the huge dead tree root, patted the dust off his buttocks, and joined Honghua's circle.

Chen Bei's soul from the previous life is well-informed, he told some stories to these totem warriors, and he quickly became one with everyone.

Beside the fire, their laughter and laughter continued.

Hongye sat alone for a while, and said sourly: "Isn't it just telling stories? I have also heard many stories."


There was nothing to say all night, and the next day, as soon as Dongfang turned pale, everyone from the Mang tribe set out on the road again.

More than 600 totem warriors almost merged with the forest when they acted, and did not make much movement.

This is the skill brought by long-term hunting, if you know how to hide yourself in the forest.

In the evening, the Mang tribe finally arrived outside the mysterious forest.

"Sure enough, the Wall of Thorns has been destroyed!"

From a distance, Chen Bei saw that there were many gaps in the tall thorn wall that once surrounded the mysterious forest, and it was obviously man-made.

Honghua picked up a neatly cut thorn from the ground, and said, "Someone arrived before us."

Hongye hurriedly said: "Let's go in quickly! We went late and all the good things were taken away."

Chen Bei didn't speak, he carefully observed several gaps in the wall of thorns, and listened to the movement in the mysterious forest, then shook his head.

"Let's not go in first, let's find a way to find out what's going on inside."

Chen Bei still had a deep memory of the previous scene. The blood-colored vine was so powerful that even the rhinoceros admired it, and it didn't look like it would fall so easily.

He knew very well that generally, totems like this kind of plant-based totems had terrifying vitality, and it was difficult to die completely.

For example, the ancient totem trees were all forced to perish together. Even the ancient trees were blown up, leaving a seed with some divine power.

Are the blood-colored vines really useless?
Chen Bei was skeptical when he thought of the terrifying tree roots he saw when he entered the mysterious forest.

If the totem god transformed from the blood-colored totem is really still alive, then the sooner he enters the mysterious forest now, the sooner he will die.

The Mang tribe spent the night outside the mysterious forest. Hongye complained about this, thinking that Chenbei was too cautious.

That night, the mysterious forest was relatively calm, and there was no movement.

After finally staying up all night, in the morning of the next day, everyone in the Mang tribe climbed to the tallest tree nearby and looked into the mysterious forest.

But the plants in the mysterious forest are too tall, taller than most of the trees outside, blocking the line of sight, making it difficult to see the situation inside.


Suddenly, a group of giant bees flew into the mysterious forest from a distance, and the totem warriors of the bee tribe were still sitting on the giant bees.

The people of the Mang tribe hid immediately, and were not discovered by the people of the Bee tribe.

Chen Bei's eyes turned cold, and he said, "The Bee Tribe, they really came after Nanhuang."

Honghua asked in a low voice, "Leader, what should we do now?"

"Wait a minute, since the bee tribe is here, other tribes are likely to come too."

The movement made by the mysterious forest was too great. Chen Bei believed that as long as the tribes in the central part entered the Southern Wilderness, they would definitely be attracted here.

As soon as Chen Bei finished speaking, he heard a dense sound of flapping wings from the sky, and a group of giant flying ants also came, and also flew into the mysterious forest.

"The ant tribe is here too."

The people of the Mang tribe hid themselves better. There are many people from these two tribes, and they have enmity with the Mang tribe. If they are found, they will definitely fight, two against one, and the Mang tribe will suffer.


Not long after, there was another dense noise, but this time it didn't come from the sky, but from the ground.

Hundreds of big spiders ran rampant in the forest, and countless small animals ran wildly along the way, and those who couldn't escape in time became the food in the mouths of these big spiders.

"Sure enough, the spider tribe is also here."

Chen Bei's eyes became colder, and the witch's divination was as accurate as ever. This time, the trip to the mysterious forest was really troublesome, and the three major tribes all came together.

Those big spiders didn't collide with the people from the Mang tribe, the two sides were far apart, and the people from the Spider tribe rushed into the mysterious forest without carefully checking the surrounding situation at all.

Hong Ye looked at Chen Bei with a complicated expression. He was quite critical of Chen Bei not letting them enter the mysterious forest yesterday evening.

Now, he was very fortunate that he did not enter the mysterious forest, otherwise, he would definitely run into people from the three major tribes.

In case of being besieged, even if you can get out, the loss will inevitably be huge.

Hong Ye carefully said to Chen Bei: "Boss, the people from the three major tribes have already entered, shall we still enter?"

Chen Bei rubbed his fingers on the handle of the knife subconsciously a few times, and said, "No more."

"Did you just give up like this?"

Honghua felt a little unwilling. She had feelings for the mysterious forest, so she naturally didn't want the contents in it to fall into the hands of the three tribes.

"Give up? No, I didn't say I would give up." Chen Bei said affirmatively.

Chen Bei's words made Honghua and Hongye a little puzzled, they didn't go in, they didn't give up, what exactly did Chenbei want to do?
Chen Bei saw their doubts, so he explained with a smile: "You guys will tell you a story called the fight between the snipe and the clam for the fisherman's gain..."

Chen Bei told the story, and then said to the surrounding totem warriors: "The three major tribes are not monolithic, and there are also many conflicts among them. They are usually restrained, but when faced with all kinds of conflicts in the mysterious forest Baby, can we still live in peace?"

"They will definitely fight!" Hong Hua said affirmatively.

"That's right, we're just outside, waiting for them to fight, and when they're almost done fighting, we'll be the fisherman again and snatch what's in the hands of the winner!"

"Isn't that easier than going in and picking it at our own risk?"

After listening to Chen Bei's words, everyone suddenly realized that the leader had this idea.

"Everyone spread out and pay close attention to the movements of the three major tribes. We not only want to grab the winner, but also don't let the loser go. They are all our enemies."


The more than 600 totem warriors of the Mang tribe immediately dispersed to observe the movements of the three major tribes from various places to ensure that when they left the mysterious forest, they could be spotted and followed immediately.


In the mysterious forest, the giant bees of the bee tribe landed on those tall plants.

Because it is spring, many plants are blooming, their flowers are very huge, and there is a lot of nectar in the flowers.

"Good place, really good place, really suitable for our bee tribe!"

The high-level totem warrior led by the bee tribe is named Wufeng. He rode the largest giant bee and landed in the middle of a huge flower. The giant bee inserted its needle-like mouthparts into the flower and sucked the nectar greedily.

These flowers are different from other flowers. After sucking this nectar, the giant bee became refreshed after the long-distance flight.

Seeing this, Wu Feng himself took out a long and thin hollow bamboo tube, and like a giant bee, it penetrated into the flower, sucking the nectar.

After taking a few sips, Wu Feng's eyes lit up, and he felt that the power of the totem in his body was activated a lot, and his whole body was full of strength.

"Okay, good stuff!"

Wu Feng said to the totem warriors of the other bee tribes: "Collect all the nectar and pollen for me, and don't leave anything behind!"


The giant bees in the bee tribe all start to suck nectar, which will be stored in their stomachs, a small part will be digested by themselves, and most of it will be converted into honey and brought back to the tribe.

The totem warriors of the Bee tribe also took out various containers to hold pollen.

Perhaps for other tribes, these nectar and pollen are nothing, but for the bee tribe, this is the best treasure.


There was a dense sound of flapping wings in the distance. Wu Feng from the bee tribe took a closer look and saw countless giant flying ants flying over.

"Why are people from the Ant Tribe here?" Wu Feng's face darkened, and he urged the totem warriors of the Bee Tribe to collect nectar and pollen quickly, while paying close attention to the flying ants of the Ant Tribe.

As for the ant tribe, they saw that the people from the bee tribe had arrived before them and had already started collecting nectar and pollen, so they became anxious.

The senior totem warrior led by the Ant Tribe was named Cheye. When he entered the mysterious forest, he was immediately shocked: "In the middle, if you find a plant like this, it will attract competition among several tribes. Think of it all over the place in this forest."

"This place is really suitable for our ant tribe to survive!"

Like Wu Feng, Qieye immediately fell in love with this mysterious forest. They all came to the Southern Wilderness with the same purpose. When they encountered such a treasure land, they naturally wanted to occupy it.

If the tribe can live in this mysterious forest and occupy these strange plants when they move south, then the tribe will not only not weaken, but become stronger!

Cheye yelled at the totem warriors of the Ant Tribe: "Hurry up, don't let the people of the Bee Tribe snatch all the good things."

The flying ants landed on those plants one after another, and their goals were different from those of the giant bees.

These huge flying ants directly bit the weak part of the strange plant. After tearing open a hole, they frantically sucked the juice of the strange plant, even the leaves.

Compared with those giant bees, these giant ants are more destructive. After being sucked from the juice, many strange plants hang down, obviously suffering a lot of trauma.

Just when the bee tribe and the ant tribe were plundering the mysterious forest resources, the people from the spider tribe also arrived.

Hundreds of big spiders entered the mysterious forest with the totem warriors of the spider tribe. They were very anxious because the spider tribe was much slower than the other two tribes.

The senior totem warrior of the Spider tribe, riding a black six-eyed spider, shouted to the warriors of the Spider tribe: "Quick, don't let them steal all the good things!"

Those big spiders brought totem warriors and joined the team to plunder the mysterious forest.

The targets of these big spiders are all kinds of bugs attached to those strange plants. These bugs live on the strange plants, and they are naturally extraordinary, no worse than the nectar or juice of the plants.

Of course, no matter which tribe's totem warrior it is, among the strange plants, the plants with magical medicinal effects will not be let go, either the whole plant or the most valuable part will be taken away.

The three major tribes are like robbers who entered the village to rob. Wherever they passed, those strange plants left only stumps and fallen leaves.

This day was a catastrophe for the entire mysterious forest. The strange plants that had lived here for an unknown number of years were devastated.

 Thanks to the book friend "Huang Aide" for the reward of 1500 book coins.

(End of this chapter)

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