Chapter 22 Exhale
"Why are you so sad?"

"No one was injured here, is it because there are few prey?"

After the hunting team came back, the people in the tribe talked a lot, because the faces of the hunting team were very ugly.

At this time, the fishing team had already returned, and the elder leaned on a cane, walked up to Yun, and said, "What's going on?"

Yun clenched his fists, and said through gritted teeth, "Our prey was snatched by the Black Snake Tribe!"

"Black Snake Tribe!"

The faces of the people around changed when they heard these words, because their original tribe was wiped out by the Black Snake tribe.

If they hadn't happened to meet Chen Bei, they would have all died by now.

The members of the hunting team next to him told the whole story of the incident, and everyone around them became angry, which was a great shame.

The elder was silent for a while, and said: "The leader did the right thing. When the strength is not as good as others, you should endure it, otherwise you will never come back alive."

"Only if you are alive, you have the chance to take revenge."

The elder patted Yun on the shoulder and said, "Go back and have a good rest. Our tribe will be stronger in the future, and we will definitely be able to take revenge!"

Chen Bei didn't speak at the side, but he saw everyone's performance.

He suddenly realized that this matter can't just be left alone, and he can't wait for a few years to take revenge, because the hatred in everyone's hearts is too strong, if they can't express their anger, there may be troubles.

"How to let them vent their anger without letting the Black Snake Tribe seek revenge?"

Chen Bei thought as he walked back, until he walked back to his wooden house, but he couldn't think of a way.

The gap between the two tribes was too great. If there was a conflict, the Mang tribe's family business that had just been accumulated would be wiped out.

"It's really nerve-racking."

Chen Bei put down the animal skin bag filled with salt and soil, and the animal skin bags of other members of the hunting team were placed on the green bamboo side, because Chen Bei said that it was what the witch wanted.

Qingzhu knew exactly what the salt soil was used for, because she was a witch, so there was no need for Chenbei to hide it from her.

After much deliberation, Chen Bei also felt that the trouble of finding the Black Snake Tribe would be nothing more than an egg hitting a rock, so he had no choice but to think about it, and went to bed directly after dinner.

In the past two days, he led the hunting team to run around and hunt, so he was actually quite tired.

At night, Chen Bei had another dream, but this time it was the totem god who appeared in his dream.

"Boy, won't you outsmart you if you can't beat them? They stole your prey, and you can steal their prey back!"

"It not only avoids conflicts, but also allows the people in the tribe to vent their anger. It's the best of both worlds..."

After dawn, Chen Bei sat up from the bed, and the words of the Totem God echoed in his mind for a long time.

"They rob, I will steal, everyone is equal, no one can take advantage of it."

After making up his mind, Chen Bei immediately got up and went directly to Qingzhu.

Because Qingzhu's divination was too accurate two days ago, Chen Bei wanted her to do another divination for him.

Qingzhu would get up very early every day, and when Chenbei passed by, she was already busy.

Chen Bei told Qingzhu his thoughts, and also pointed out that this was the instruction given by the Totem God last night.

Qingzhu didn't think there was anything wrong with the idea of ​​the Totem God. The tribesmen didn't talk about being upright, as long as it was useful, it was a good idea.

"Okay, I'll give you a divination."

Qingzhu took out another bone piece, which was engraved with some mysterious patterns, she put the bone piece on the fire and roasted it, muttering words in her mouth.

It was the first time Chenbei saw this divination method, he thought that Qingzhu would come out with a turtle shell or something.

But after thinking about it, there is no such thing as coins in this era, even if you use turtle shells, it is definitely not what you think, just put a few copper coins in it and shake it.

Chen Bei noticed that when Qingzhu was chanting the incantation, the flame suddenly rose a few inches, completely enveloping the bone fragment, as if a mysterious force enveloped the bone fragment.


Under the fierce burning, the bone fragments were slightly scorched black and cracked, and after the Green Bamboo incantation was finished, the flames returned to calm again.

Qingzhu carefully observed the cracks on the bone, and said: "The result of divination shows that you will be safe this time."

"Thank you, I'm relieved."

Chen Bei bid farewell to Qingzhu, went back and prepared a few short spears, carried them on his back, and took two stone knives, hung them on his waist, informed the elders, and then went into the forest alone.

It was already noon when the tribesmen discovered that the leader was missing.

Yun went to Chen Bei to discuss the next hunting, but found that Chen Bei's house was empty, and he searched everywhere in the tribe, but he couldn't find it.

Helpless, Yun had no choice but to find the elder and ask him.

The elder didn't even lift his eyelids, and said, "The leader has gone to avenge you."

"What? Elder, how many people did the leader bring?"

"He was alone."

"Elder, why didn't you stop him? The Black Snake Tribe is so powerful, if he goes alone, he won't even have a helper if he suffers a loss."

"Then how many people do you think he can bring to defeat the hunting team of the Black Snake Tribe?"

"This this……"

Yun was stunned by the elder's words. In fact, even if all the totem warriors from the Mang tribe were brought along, it would not be enough for the Black Snake tribe.

The elder looked at Yun meaningfully, and said: "In terms of age, the leader is much younger than you, but in terms of brains, you are not as smart as the leader together."

"Don't worry, the leader is more measured than you. In addition, the leader said when he went, if you come to him, I will tell you that the hunting team will go fishing with the fishing team for the time being. As for when to go hunting, wait for him." Come back and talk about it."

After the elder finished speaking, he didn't talk to Yun anymore, because in his opinion, Chen Bei's personal risk was inseparable from Yun and the others.

Yun bid farewell to the elder, and then turned around to find Lie. Since the leader told him to go fishing, he had to go fishing.

Besides, Chen Bei, after leaving the tribe, went directly to the forest where he met the hunting team of the Black Snake tribe.

At noon, he arrived at the place where the prey was robbed, and then began to carefully look for the hunting team of the Black Snake Tribe.

Just after winter, the food of the Black Snake tribe was very scarce, so the hunting team went out to hunt every day to supplement the food of the tribe.

Today, they're eyeing a herd of bighorn deer.

The big horned deer is the largest deer, and an adult big horned deer can weigh more than 1000 catties.

Its antlers are very strange, like a large fan of bone, wide and thick, very huge, almost as long as the body.

The big horned deer has delicious meat and a large body. Most importantly, the huge antlers are very useful, so the tribesmen like to hunt it.

When the Black Snake Tribe started hunting the big-horned deer, Chen Bei also quietly approached them, watching them hunt in the dark.

The hunting team of the Black Snake tribe quietly surrounded the herd of deer, and then all of them threw their spears out together.

"Whoosh whoosh..."

More than 100 spears covered the location of the herd of deer like a rain of arrows, and several big-horned deer were stabbed in the vital organs and fell to the ground on the spot.

The rest of the big horned deer were frightened and ran away one after another.

Among them, the largest male big-horned deer was stared at by the fangs. With a strange cry, he rushed towards the big-horned deer with a spear in his hand.

When Fang Fang was using the power of the totem, a black snake with wings appeared above his head, which should be their totem god.

The fangs avoided the big horns of the big horned deer flexibly, and then pierced the spear into the big horned deer's throat.

The male big-horned deer was powerless to resist in front of the middle-level totem warrior, and soon fell to the ground.

Fang Fang pulled out his spear, and said with satisfaction: "This is just the head of the big-horned deer, and it is a very good prey. I want to take these two big horns back and hang them up."

"Leave two people to guard the prey, and the others will follow!"

Fang Fang led people to continue chasing the fleeing big horned deer, and two totem warriors with relatively low strength stayed behind to guard the prey.

When Du Ya and others walked away, Chen Bei realized that the opportunity had come.

He quietly touched behind the two low-level totem warriors, turned the spear upside down and used it as a club, and with lightning speed, the two clubs knocked them unconscious.

Chen Bei didn't make the killer, because once the killer was done, it would definitely cause crazy revenge from the Black Snake Tribe.

"It was your prey just now, but now it's mine."

Chen Bei went straight to the deer hunted by the fangs, and then he carried the largest big-horned deer on his shoulders and ran away quickly.

Not long after, Fang came back with the hunting party, only to find that the two remaining people were lying on the ground, and the largest big horned deer was gone.

The members of the hunting team hurried forward to check and found that the two had just passed out, so they quickly woke them up.

"Who did it? Who is it?" Fang Fang grabbed a person and shook them vigorously.

"No... I don't know, I just remember that someone hit a stick from behind, and then I passed out."

"Trash, it's all trash!"

Poison Fang was so angry that he jumped, the big horned deer was his most satisfying prey, but now it was gone, and he didn't even see a person, it was really aggrieved.

"Forget it, Captain, fortunately, only one prey was lost, so let's go back quickly."

Under the persuasion of everyone, Fang Fang had no choice but to lead his team back.

In the evening, Chen Bei returned to the Mang tribe with the big horned deer on his back.


Chen Bei threw the big-horned deer on the ground, and people from the tribe surrounded him, including Yun and others.

"Look carefully, the prey of the Black Snake Tribe, I snatched it back!"

"Give everyone a sigh of relief!"

Chen Bei stood beside the big-horned deer with his hands on his hips. At this moment, he felt very elated.

"Is this really the prey of the Black Snake Tribe? Show me, show me."

"I want to see too……"

Everyone was boiling, especially the members of the hunting team. Everyone wanted to shout a few times. The leader's approach was too relieved.

The elder also stepped forward to look at the big horned deer, with a smile on his face. It is a blessing for the tribe to have such a leader.

Outside the crowd, Qing Zhu looked at Chen Bei who had returned safely, and made sure that he was not injured, so she let go of her worries, and she turned back to her wooden house to continue her work.

(End of this chapter)

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