Chapter 23 Lobster River

That night, the big-horned deer was eaten by everyone, and Lupi Chenbei gave it to Qingzhu.

Deerskin is softer and more comfortable after treatment, and it is especially suitable for making animal fur clothing. As a tribal witch, green bamboo should of course be worn better.

As for the two huge antlers, they were used as trophies and hung on the wall of Chenbei's wooden house as decorations.

After everyone's discussion, the hunting team decided to temporarily abandon the mountain forest to avoid bloody conflicts with the Black Snake Tribe.

Wait until the Mang tribe becomes stronger, then seek revenge from the Black Snake tribe and take back what originally belonged to them!
The Black Snake Tribe hunted in the east, and the hunting team of the Mang Tribe could only hunt in the mountains and forests to the west. This basically guaranteed that the hunting teams of the two tribes would never meet again.

The western mountain forest is also very vast, but the prey is slightly less than the eastern mountain forest, which is also unavoidable.

Fortunately, Chenbei has never put all his focus on hunting. The Mang tribe has a variety of food sources, so it is not a big problem to have less prey.

The next day, Chenbei planned to go to the fishing team to have a look. There should be a lot of good things caught in the river.

By the river, the fishing team was collecting the fish baskets set up yesterday, and one after another the fish baskets were pulled up.

Chen Bei walked towards a member of the fishing team and asked, "How was the harvest?"

The team member hugged the fish basket and said excitedly: "Boss, we caught some strange prey. Look, this is it."

Chen Bei looked into the fish basket, good guy, a big dark red lobster that is more than a foot long and as thick as an arm is waving its pincers to show off its might.


Chen Bei never thought that there would be big lobsters in the river, and they were not small in size.

"Boss, is this edible?"

"Of course you can eat it, it tastes good."

"Great, I caught a few fish yesterday, even bigger than this one. Its pincers can kill other fish, and everyone doesn't know if they can eat it, so they keep it in a small pond."

"I'm going to tell the captain right now."

The team member ran away excitedly holding the fish basket, ran to Lie, and repeated Chen Bei's words.

Lie quickly walked to Chen Bei's side and said, "Boss, what kind of big lobster is this, can it really be eaten?"

"Of course, in many places, it's even a rare delicacy."

"That's good. I'm afraid it's poisonous, so I dare not eat it. Since the leader said so, I'm relieved."

Chen Bei said: "When you go back, send me some big ones."

"Okay, I will definitely pick the biggest one for the leader."

Thinking that such a big lobster can be eaten openly, Chen Bei felt a little excited, maybe it was because he was too poor in his previous life.

At this moment, several team members in charge of fishing not far away discovered that a big fish had taken the bait.

"Quick, quick, pull up."

One of the totem warriors yanked the fishing rod, even using the power of the totem, but the big fish in the water was so strong that it was difficult to pull it up for a while.

"The rope is about to break!"

As soon as the totem warrior finished speaking, the rope was torn off with a "snap", and the big fish in the water ran away with the hook.

"The rope was still not strong enough, so such a big fish just ran away."

The totem warrior threw the fishing rod on the ground annoyed, feeling a little depressed.

Chen Bei walked over, picked up the fishing rod and looked at it. This fishing rod was as thick as an arm. It was made of a small tree with great toughness, and it was only used by totem warriors. Most people thought it was too big.

The fishing line is a kind of rattan skin, which is peeled off and woven into a rope. Generally, fish weighing more than ten or twenty catties can be caught, but the rope cannot bear the weight of the fish no matter how big it is.

Chen Bei patted the totem warrior on the shoulder, and said: "Don't be depressed, go back and think of a way, weave a stronger rope, and catch it next time."

The totem warrior said with a bitter face: "Boss, the fish in the river is really too big. I have pulled many ropes in the past two days. Seeing that the fish is hooked, but I can't pull it out, it's very uncomfortable."

Chen Bei thought for a while, and said: "After you go back, you can try to use different bark or rattan bark, peel it thinner, and weave a few more strands. The rope you weave should be much stronger."

"Yes, chief, let's go back and try."

The totem warrior changed a fishing rod and continued fishing, while Chen Bei walked towards the place where the net was cast.

Whether it is fishing or putting fish baskets, it cannot be compared with casting nets.

The real weapon of fishing is the fishing net. Even if the fishing net is relatively primitive, its function is not comparable to other fishing gear.

"Drag, hurry up."

On the bank of the river, the totem warriors in charge of using the fishing nets were pulling in the nets, and several people dragged a large net to the bank.

The rivers that have never been fished are amazingly rich in fish resources.

With this net, at least hundreds of catties of fish were caught. These fish jumped in panic in the net. Chen Bei even saw a few big lobsters trying to break the net with their sharp pincers and escape.

But they had no chance of escaping, and the net was quickly dragged ashore.

"Hey, what kind of fish is this?"

Inside the fishing net, a cyan crab as big as a washbasin kept waving its pincers, pinching several fish to death, more fierce than a big lobster.

Chen Bei walked over to have a look, and was amused, and said: "This is called a big crab. It's rare to see such a big crab."

"Boss, can I eat it?"

The tribal people only care about whether they can eat or not. As for other things, they don't care much.

"It can be eaten, but the internal organs and gills must be removed. I will teach you how to eat later."

It is more troublesome to eat small crabs, because there is less meat, and after removing the inedible parts and shells, there is very little that can be eaten.

But a crab as big as a washbasin can be full just by eating meat.

"It's good if you can eat it. Such a fierce guy must be delicious."

When hunting in the mountains and forests, the tribal people found that the more ferocious the prey, the higher the energy contained in the meat, presumably the same is true for the prey in the water.

Afterwards, they divided the fish in the fishing net into carnivorous fish and herbivorous fish, and threw them into the prepared rattan baskets respectively. Someone specially carried these fish back to the tribe, some of them would be raised in the pond, and some would be eaten on the same day. Lose.

For example, carnivorous fish, because they are too fierce, will eat other fish, so most of them will be eaten on the same day.

And herbivorous fish have a gentle personality and can be raised in ponds. They only need to cut some grass for them, and they can be raised to eat slowly.

Chen Bei watched for a long time by the river, and was generally satisfied with the performance of the fishing team.

Experience is all accumulated. Compared with the hunting team's mountain hunting, the fishing team is seriously lacking in experience. It is already very good to be able to do this, and the rest depends on the accumulation of experience.

When Chen Bei was about to go back, Lie walked up to him and said, "Boss, why don't you give this river a name?"

It is indeed necessary to choose a name. You can’t just call it that river all the time, can you?

Chen Bei touched his chin, thought carefully for a while, and remembered the big lobster he had seen before.

"Let's call it Lobster River."

Chen Bei didn't bother to worry about it, so he simply made his name with the first fish he saw.

"Lobster River, that's a good name. From now on, this river will be called Lobster River. Thank you, leader."

The name of the river was decided in this way, and Lie expressed his satisfaction.

"You continue to fish, pay attention to safety, I will go back first."

"Okay, go slowly, leader." Lie waved to Chen Bei's back.

Chen Bei walked straight back to his wooden house, Lie was indeed reliable, not long after Chen Bei came back, a big lobster as thick as two arms was brought over.

"Steamed or boiled?"

Chen Bei looked at the big lobster tied up with a straw rope, and finally decided to steam it.

Because steamed meat is tenderer, it tastes better.

Chen Bei put a few wooden sticks into the stone pot to form a simple water-proof shelf, then put a big lobster on the shelf, covered the pot, and started to steam.

Chen Bei also made a sauce with salt and some spices, put it in a wooden bowl, and then dipped the meat of the big lobster to eat.

"Unfortunately, there is no soy sauce."

It is a pity to eat big lobster without soy sauce, and I always feel that it lacks a little taste.

Afterwards, Chen Bei laughed at himself again, and said, "It's bloated, it's really bloated, the tribe has just had enough to eat, and they actually want soy sauce."

After the big lobster was steamed, Chen Bei tasted a little to make sure it was not poisonous, and then called the elder and Qing Zhu over to taste the delicacy from the river together.

"This is... shrimp?"

Unexpectedly, Qingzhu actually knew each other.

"Have you ever eaten a big lobster?" Chen Bei asked curiously.

Qingzhu shook his head and said: "There are many things in the inheritance I got, among which it is mentioned that some tribes live by the water, and shrimp is also one of their foods."

Chen Bei nodded, just like reading and watching TV in his previous life, he had seen many things from books or TV, but had never seen or eaten them himself.

Chen Bei peeled off the shrimp shell, removed the shrimp intestines, tore up the crystal clear shrimp meat, held it with chopsticks, and ate it with the sauce.

"See? Just eat like this."

The elder picked up a pair of chopsticks, feeling very uncomfortable. In the past, everyone ate with their hands.

Chen Bei saw the embarrassment of the elder, so he picked up a chopstick, sharpened it with a stone knife, and said, "Elder, it's the same to stick it to eat."

The elder took the sharp chopsticks, stuck them on a piece of shrimp meat, followed Chen Bei's example, dipped some sauce, and put it in his mouth.

"Well, good, delicious."

Because the elder is relatively old and his teeth are not very good, sometimes he can't chew the animal meat, and he has to stew it for a long time.

Shrimp meat is relatively soft and easy to chew, which is very suitable for his taste.

Chen Bei smiled and said, "Elder likes to eat it, let Lie Duo send you some big lobsters in the future."

"Okay, thank you leader."

The elder stopped talking and concentrated on eating shrimp.

Qingzhu is very quick at learning things. She saw Chenbei using chopsticks, and after trying it a few times, she knew how to use chopsticks.

After Qing Zhu ate the shrimp with chopsticks, he was full of praise. This food is really delicious, very delicious, and has a completely different taste from animal meat.

The three most powerful people in the Mang tribe were all overwhelmed by the deliciousness of the big lobster.

(End of this chapter)

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