The Rise of Primitive Tribes Farming

Chapter 24 Seeds and Plotting

Chapter 24 Seeds and Plotting

In the second month of spring, the weather gradually warms up.

A very large piece of wasteland has been turned over, and some tender grass has grown from the ground. From a distance, it is a piece of green, which is very pleasing to the eye.

The time has come to sow.

But Chenbei is facing a very embarrassing situation - that is, there are no seeds.

The tribe was only established last fall, and the stored seeds are pitifully small. Most of the edible fruits collected in winter are eaten, and the few remaining can only be planted on a small part of the land.

"Where can I find the seeds?"

Chen Bei felt very troubled. If the reclaimed land was not planted, it would soon turn back to wasteland.

"Or, follow the collection team into the mountains and see if we can find some seeds."

Chen Bei is a person who does what he says, so he immediately went to the leader of the collection team, the only female totem warrior in the tribe, Bai Cao.

Baicao started to get busy during this period, because the weather was warmer, and there were finally a lot of plants available for collection in the mountain forest. She would lead the collection team into the mountain every day.

Chen Bei found Bai Cao and told her about it.

"Boss, it's easy to collect seeds in autumn, but after winter, the seeds fall into the mud and it's hard to get them back."

Chen Beidao: "I've thought about this question, so I thought, can we just dig up the seedlings and plant them, or can we dig out the seedlings and plant them, or tuber plants, such as taro?"

"Let the planting team go with them and dig as much as they can. As long as they can be eaten, they will be dug back and planted. You just need to tell them what can be dug."

"I'll go with you too."

After listening to Chen Bei's words, Bai Cao said: "Okay, but I don't guarantee that I can dig a lot, because the weather is not warm enough now, and many plants have not started to germinate."

Chen Bei nodded, and said: "Then it's settled, I will take the collection team and set off with you tomorrow morning."

After Chen Bei went back, he told the captain of the planting team, Yan.

Yan readily agreed, and notified the members of the planting team.

In the afternoon, Qingzhu also heard the news that Chenbei was going to enter the mountain. She took a few rolls of animal skins to find Chenbei.

"Chief, I heard that you are going to take the planting team into the mountains to find seeds?"


Qing Zhu spread out the rolled animal skins and said, "I need some medicinal herbs to treat the diseases of the people in the tribe. When the leader enters the mountain, can you help me find it?"

Chen Bei looked at the animal skin scroll, and saw that there were plants painted on it, but the paintings were relatively abstract, only the biggest features were drawn, and the details were not clearly drawn at all.

If you look for it according to the painting on the animal skin scroll, the probability of finding it is too small.

It's like Chen Bei read some medicine books in his previous life, and there were black and white illustrations on them. If he didn't compare them with the real objects, he might not be able to recognize them at all.

And the plants in the green bamboo paintings are more abstract than those in the medicine books, and whether you can find them often depends on luck.

Seeing that Chen Bei was hesitant to speak, Qing Zhu said, "Boss, if you have anything to say, you might as well speak up."

Chen Bei said: "Do you know what these plants look like?"

"I know, there are records of them in the inheritance I got, and there are images of the real objects."

"Then can you draw in more detail, so that it's easier to find?"

"Boss, is there something wrong with my drawing?"

Qingzhu felt a little wronged. In the inheritance she got, there were paintings left by the previous witches. Everyone drew like this, and many of them were not even as good as hers.

Looking at Qingzhu's aggrieved expression, Chen Bei felt a little troublesome. He suddenly realized that his own requirements were too high. This is a primitive tribe!

Think about the murals of the primitive era that I saw in my previous life, they are much more abstract than this one, and people can't even imagine what the real thing looks like.

Therefore, there is no problem with green bamboo painting, at least in this era, because everyone draws like this.

However, it is very unreliable to find medicinal herbs with such a painting, and this is also a practical problem that needs to be faced.

"Well, Wu, if you don't mind, I'll teach you a painting method that will make it easier for people to recognize the things on the painting."

"What painting method?" Qing Zhu knew that Chen Bei could often come up with some useful things, so he was more interested in the painting method he said.

"Reality plus color painting."

"It's drawn like this..."

Chen Bei picked up a piece of charcoal from the firepit, pulled out a weed from the outside, explained to Qingzhu, and drew on a stone slab.

"For example, if I want to draw this weed, what my eyes see is what it looks like, so I draw it as it is, the shape of its leaf veins, the shape of its rhizome, and every detail must not be missed."

"Even its smell, characteristics, and where it usually grows can be written down next to it, which will help you find it."

"After the painting is finished, you can find the right paint and color it. For example, if the leaves are green, you can paint it green, and if the flowers are red, you can paint it red."

After Chen Bei finished speaking, he seriously drew the weed, but the imagination was beautiful, but the reality was horrible, and he could only roughly see that it was a weed.

Chen Bei suddenly felt a little embarrassed. His talent for painting was very poor. Although he knew that there was such a thing as realistic painting, he couldn't draw it by himself.

"Ahem, that's probably what it means. I've told you the method. Whether you can draw it or not is up to you."

Qing Zhu became interested in this painting method after listening to it.

There is nothing unusual about coloring, and many stone murals are also colored, but realistic painting is very new to her, and it is very attractive.

"Captain, is that so?"

Qingzhu also picked up a piece of charcoal, and then drew it on the slate bit by bit according to the appearance of the weed, which actually gave Chen Bei a lifelike feeling.

Is the painting talent so high?Chen Bei suddenly wanted to erase his drawing, because it was too embarrassing.

People are dead compared to others, and goods are thrown away when comparing goods. There is a painting of green bamboo next to it. Chen Bei's own painting is already ugly, and it is almost unreadable when it is set off.

"You draw very well. Remember, draw what you see. Details are very important. Well, I need to prepare some things. You can think about it when you go back."

Chen Bei said a few words in a serious manner, but in fact he just wanted to find a crack in the ground to get down.

"Thank you for the skills taught by the leader, I will draw a better picture of the herb, and I will bring it back to ask the leader to help find the herb."

Qingzhu's mind is full of drawing now, and he didn't delay at Chenbei's place, so he went back directly to study realistic painting.

After Chen Bei waited for Qing Zhu to leave, he wiped off the weeds he drew as quickly as possible, otherwise it would be too dazzling.

"Why is there such a big gap between people?"

Chen Bei muttered, and then began to prepare what he would bring to the mountain to collect seeds tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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