The Rise of Primitive Tribes Farming

Chapter 25 Giant Mouth Flower

Chapter 25 Giant Mouth Flower

In the early morning of the next day, Qing Zhu found Chen Bei with a new animal skin roll with a tired face.

"Boss, this is the picture of herbs that I drew overnight. I drew some urgently needed ones. I hope the boss can help you find them."

Chen Bei took the animal skin roll, unfolded it, and his self-confidence was hit again.

I saw several kinds of lifelike plants painted on the animal skin roll, not only painted like, but also painted, and marked the characteristics with words on the side.

To be able to draw like this in one night, this kind of talent is simply monstrous.

But at this time, Qingzhu said again: "Time is limited, the painting is not very good, first let's use it first."

soon?Do you call such a good painting a good job?
Chen Bei felt his face was swollen by an invisible big hand.

Chen Bei held back for a long time, and finally said: "I will pay attention to the medicinal herbs, Wu, you should go back and rest first."

Qing Zhu could feel that Chen Bei was not very happy, and she thought that Chen Bei disliked that her painting was not realistic enough, so she could only swear in her heart that she would draw more carefully next time.

If Chen Bei knew what was going on in her heart, she would probably vomit blood directly.

After Qingzhu left, Chenbei took a deep breath, and said to himself: "She is a witch, she should be good at drawing, and she must not be able to compare with me in terms of strength, that's right, that's how it is, each has its own strengths. "

Chen Bei comforted himself, then took rattan baskets, stone hoes, stone knives, stone spears and other tools to the place where the collection team set off.

Outside the tribe, the collection and planting teams have all arrived.

After Chenbei arrives, he can set off.

Chen Bei walked in front of everyone, held up the animal skin scroll, and said, "I have the animal skin scroll painted by the witch here, which contains the herbs that the witch urgently needs. Everyone, take a good look at it. If you encounter it, take care of the whole plant." Dig it back."

When everyone heard that it was the herbal medicine that witches needed, everyone became serious.

In the mountains and forests, getting injured is a very normal thing, and the witch's herbal medicine is the best healing medicine, so no one dares to be careless.

Bai Cao read it first, she thought for a while, and said: "I have seen one or two herbs, so I should be able to find them."

The others also took turns looking at it, and keeping in mind what the herbs looked like.

As the saying goes, more people are more powerful, and it is difficult for one person to find them all. If there are many people, the chances of finding them are greater.

After everyone finished reading, Chen Bei put away the animal skin and said, "Let's go!"

A group of people walked to the forest, the dew was heavy, but it was not too uncomfortable to be isolated by the shoes.

Many people think that primitive people do not wear shoes, and Chen Bei also thought so before.

However, after he came to this world, he discovered that everyone also wears shoes, and they are "real" leather shoes.

Tribal people will use animal skins to stitch them into long boots and wear them on their feet, but the soles are soft.

Soft soles make less noise when walking in the mountains and forests, which is suitable for hunting.

Two totem warriors used stone knives to open the way ahead, while Chen Bei and Bai Cao were alert to possible dangers around them.

Half an hour later they came to a pine forest.

There are fewer weeds under the pine forest, and the view is wide. Most importantly, there are many pine mushrooms under the pine trees.

Baicao said to the collection team: "Okay, everyone collects separately, but don't get separated, and be careful."

The collection team is familiar with the road, and they have started to pick the pine mushrooms that grow everywhere on the ground and are almost continuous.

Pine tree mushrooms are dark red, dark blue, or yellow, and only grow under pine trees. They are one of the most delicious wild vegetables in this season.

It is delicious and easy to pick. These advantages make pine mushrooms very popular with the collection team.

Tribal people deal with the mountains and forests all day long. They are very clear about which mushrooms are edible and which are poisonous, so they basically don’t have to worry about picking poisonous mushrooms.

"Leader, you bring the planting team and follow me."

Chen Bei came here for the seeds, he must not be able to pick mushrooms here, so Bai Cao wanted to take him to another place.

Chen Bei followed the white grass to the edge of the pine forest, because basically few other plants can survive in the pine forest. When the pine trees grow up and cover the sky, it is difficult for other plants to find living space.

"found it!"

Baicao pulled a dead vine from an unknown small tree, and followed the dead vine to find its root.

"What is this?" Chen Bei looked at the withered vine curiously.

White Grass was digging on the ground with a stone hoe. After digging the soil, a huge root of a root plant was exposed.

The skin of the root tuber is purple-black and has a weird shape, and it looks like it weighs about seven or eight catties.

Baicao picked up the biggest root and said, "This is called foot potato. It can be eaten, and it can satisfy hunger. I think it is very suitable for planting in the ground."

Chen Bei took the root, very heavy and heavy, he nodded in satisfaction, and said: "The palm potato, it's not bad, it's a good thing."

"Does the foot potato grow a lot on the mountain?"

"It doesn't grow much, but it's big."

Chen Bei thought about it for a while, and he remembered that tubers and root plants can be planted by cutting them into pieces. The yams grow so big. If you dig a few more, you should be able to plant a lot of land after cutting them.

"Dig the rest back."

Chen Bei personally took a stone hoe, dug up the soil, dug up all the remaining small potatos, and put them into his rattan basket.

Baicao is obviously familiar with this mountain forest, and she soon found a few yam plants, and Chen Bei asked the planting team to dig them back and plant them.

"Boss, there is another good thing that is definitely suitable for planting."

White grass took Chen Bei to a hillside, and saw that there were all blackened vines on it, and since all the leaves had fallen off, nothing could be seen.

White Grass pushed aside the vines on the ground, and after digging a few times with a stone hoe, a round red ball-shaped root was found, but there were many insect holes on it.

"This is called a red cone. As long as it grows, there is often a large piece. Although it is not as big as the palm potato, there are a lot of them."

Chen Bei took the red cone, cut a small piece with a stone knife, and said, "Can I eat it directly?"

"Yes, a little sweet."

Chen Bei took a bite and found that it tasted a bit like the sweet potato from his previous life.

"That's good, Yan, you lead someone to dig all the red cones back!"

Chen Bei was a little excited. If it was really a sweet potato plant, it would be great. It has a high yield, is easy to grow, and has a good taste. It is very suitable for food.

"Yes, chief."

Yan immediately led people to dig, and many red cones had rotted after winter, but the problem was not serious, and there were quite a few that did not rot.

It took a lot of time to dig this area, Chen Bei didn't wait here, he continued to search other places.

The collection experience of white grass is very rich, and they know almost everything about the mountains and forests. In the following time, they found several wild vegetables suitable for planting and dug them back.

"Hey, what kind of flower is that?"

When Chen Bei walked to a mountain stream, he suddenly saw a very gorgeous flower, which was as big as a washbasin, with a strong fragrance.

Chen Bei walked over and watched the huge flower up close.

"Boss be careful!"

Bai Cao suddenly screamed, her face was anxious and frightened, but she was far away and did not arrive in time.

After the huge flower approached Chen Bei, the flower stem suddenly became longer, and the flower turned into a bloody mouth, biting Chen Bei's head ferociously.

If he was bitten, Chen Bei's head might not be able to keep.

Chen Bei didn't expect such an accident to happen, he didn't have time to react, and he punched the huge flower directly.


Fortunately, Chen Bei is an intermediate totem warrior, and he reacted very quickly. This punch hit the flower, piercing the whole flower, and the juice of the flower was scattered everywhere!
Chen Bei took the opportunity to retreat to the side, secretly screaming with lingering fear.

"Boss, are you okay?"

Bai Cao finally arrived, and she nervously checked whether Chen Bei was injured.

Chen Bei shook his head and said: "I'm fine, what kind of flower is this, why is it so powerful?"

Bai Cao said: "I'm sorry I didn't remind the leader in time. We call this kind of flower a giant mouth flower. It specializes in attracting prey with its gorgeous flowers and fragrance, and then bites off their heads and uses their corpses as flower fertilizer."

Chen Bei recalled the bloody mouth just now, and felt that the name Juzuihua was also appropriate, this thing is really too fierce.

At this time, because Chen Bei pierced the giant mouth flower, the huge flower drooped down and closed tightly, and the juice was still dripping down.

Baicao said again: "Although it is very dangerous, its flower juice has a very good healing effect. I guess, witches may like this kind of herb."

"Really? If that's the case, dig it back!"

The herbs that Qingzhu asked Chen Bei to search for were only a few common ones, and the rest hadn't been encountered yet. Since the juice of this giant mouth flower has healing effects, it would be good to dig it back.

The two worked together to dig up most of the giant mouth flower's huge root system.

Because of the severe injury, the giant mouth flower trembled a little during this process, but did not dare to move, and the flower was even more tightly closed.

After digging the Giant Mouth Flower, Chen Bei looked at the sky, it was getting late, and the two returned to the tribe with the collection team and the hunting team.

(End of this chapter)

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