Chapter 26 Planting
"Wu, look what good things I found for you."

Chen Bei carried the giant mouth flower to the front of Qingzhu's wooden house and put it on the ground.

Qingzhu came out of the wooden house, the animal skin skirt and her hands were still stained with paint, obviously she was painting animal skin scrolls again.

"Giant mouth flower, this is a very good medicine for healing."

A smile bloomed on Qingzhu's face, obviously, this was a surprise for her.

"So you know him."

Chen Bei originally wanted to talk to her carefully, but when the words came to his lips, he swallowed them again.

"Boss, the giant mouth flower is good, but it's too fierce. I plant it in front of the door, lest it hurt people."

Chen Bei thought for a while, and said, "Wu, what do you think about building a yard for you? Just use a wall to enclose a large area in front of the house."

"You can build a medicine garden in the yard, not only the giant mouth flower, but also other herbs, so that some commonly used medicines don't have to go to the mountains every time to collect them, and it can also prevent the giant mouth flower from hurting people."

Qingzhu's eyes lit up, and said: "Yaoyuan, this is a very good idea, this matter will trouble the leader."

Chen Bei said: "Then I'll go find someone tomorrow, and build a wall very quickly."

The next day, Chen Bei planted the dug seedlings in the ground first.

Then he found the stone tool master and the tribe's current free people, and asked them to build a wall for the witch.

When they heard that they were working for Wu, everyone was very active, some went to mix mud, some went to find stones, and some dug soil.

In just one day, a wall taller than a person was built.

The wall is made of stone blocks, and the gaps between the stone blocks are filled with a mixture of yellow mud and plant ash. In this era, such a structure is considered very strong.

There is also a wooden door in the middle of the wall. Although it is a bit crude, it also looks unique.

Chen Bei even paved a small path with stones in the yard, leading directly to the gate of the yard, so that it would not be so muddy when going out on rainy days.

Finally, Chenbei called the planting team over, turned over all the land in the yard except the road, and planted the giant mouth flower in the corner.

After everything was done, the planting team left, Chen Bei wiped off his sweat, and called out the green bamboo from the house.

"Wu, how is it? Are you satisfied?"

Looking at the brand new yard and the sweat on Chenbei's cheeks, Qingzhu said gratefully: "Thank you for your hard work, leader, I am very satisfied."

Chen Bei said: "It's still bare now. When it's filled with medicinal herbs in the future, I'll dig a few beautiful wild flowers for you and plant them. This small yard will be perfect."

"Listen to the leader."

Chen Bei picked up his stone hoe and said, "I have nothing to do, so I'll go back first. I've already handed over the herb map to Baicao. She is more familiar with plants than I am. I believe Wu will not be disappointed."


Seeing Chen Bei's back disappearing outside the door, Qing Zhu stood at the door of the wooden house and didn't go in for a long time.

Silent all night.

The next day, Chen Bei went out again with his stone hoe. The root plants dug back yesterday, such as yams and red cones, had not been planted because of the wall repair.

Chen Bei first found Yan, the captain of the planting team.

"Boss, the yams, red cones, and some yams that I dug back are all here."

In Yan's wooden house, there are one rattan basket of yams, one rattan basket of yams, and three rattan baskets of red cones, all of which were dug up that day.

The appearance of the rattan basket is similar to that of a back basket, and it can be carried on the back. A rattan basket can hold about [-] catties of things.

Chen Beidao: "Plant the whole potato and red cone directly, and cut the potato into small pieces. Each piece must have a skin, and then put it in the plant ash and roll it."

Chen Bei also did farm work in his previous life. He knew that these big root plants could be planted in pieces. As for the rolling grass and wood ash, it was experience.

He speculated that it might be to dry out the opening of the cut root plant, and the other one might be to kill bacteria and increase its survival rate.

Yan is an honest and honest man, he will do what Chen Bei says, and he will never ask questions.

He immediately did it himself, using sharp stone flakes, cut the yams into small pieces one by one according to Chen Bei's requirements, then took out a large amount of plant ash from the fire pit, put all the diced yams into the ash, and rolled them to ensure that every day A piece can be covered with plant ash.

After finishing, Yan called the members of the planting team, carried the seeds on their backs, and went to the field to plant.

In the vegetable fields outside the tribe, Chen Bei instructed the planting team to plant these root plants.

"Make the ridge first, and shovel the soil from the sides into the middle, like this."

While explaining, Chen Bei skillfully piled the soil into a field ridge.The advantage of doing this is that it is conducive to drainage, which is very important.

"Then sprinkle plant ash as fertilizer. Be careful, don't sprinkle it directly on the potato, just sprinkle it next to it."

Chen Bei picked up a piece of potato, placed it in the middle of the ridge, sprinkled plant ash on the side, and then covered it with soil.

"Taro and red cones are planted in the same way, do you understand?"

Everyone nodded and sighed in their hearts: As expected of the leader, he knows everything.

Chen Bei said again: "A group of four, two people are in charge of raising the ridges, one person spreads the ash, and one person puts the seeds. You can take turns, so that everyone will not be so tired."

"Go to work!"

When Chen Bei gave an order, the members of the planting team began to work according to Chen Bei's instructions.

Chen Bei looked at the side for a while, and corrected some mistakes. After everyone became proficient, Chen Bei breathed a sigh of relief, and sat down on the nearby rock to rest.

Now everything is just getting started, and he has to teach and do everything by himself. In the future, everyone will be proficient, and he will not be so tired.

Time passed in a hurry, and two months passed in a flash.

In the past two months, all the wasteland that has been reclaimed has been planted with things, some are tubers, some are wild vegetables, and they grow lush.

The fishing team has accumulated a lot of experience after fishing for a long time, and their understanding of the Lobster River has also increased a lot. The catches are increasing day by day, and the pond is almost full.

After several months of exploration, the hunting team had a certain understanding of the western mountains and forests, and brought back more prey each time.

The breeding team has also achieved great results.

The ewe among the two triangular green sheep has successfully conceived and will give birth to a lamb in a short time.

Now the leader of the breeding team, Lao Lu, takes care of the ewe carefully every day, just waiting for it to give birth to lambs. This kind of waiting process is full of expectations for him.

The colorful pheasants are also matured, and they are waiting for the hens to lay eggs and then hatch the chicks.

No matter how the first generation of colorful pheasants are raised, they are wild and difficult to tame.

The chicks they hatched are the hope of farming.They are in the tribe from birth, and they come into contact with people, and they will become real domestic colorful pheasants.

Before you know it, summer is here, and cicadas are singing on the trees.

Everything is getting better in the Mang Tribe.

(End of this chapter)

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