The Rise of Primitive Tribes Farming

Chapter 221 Jumping into the Lava

Chapter 221 Jumping into the Lava
Not long after Chen Bei and the others went in, the stinger also chased after him. He looked inside, but the curved passage prevented him from seeing what was going on inside.

"I don't like this place very much, but do you think you can escape like this?"

Stinger didn't hesitate too much, because he didn't feel that there was any threat to him in the valley, but he didn't like the sulfur smell in the air.

Holding a black bone spur in his hand, Poison Stinger followed in the footsteps of the Rhino King into the valley.


The hot spring valley is surrounded by mountains on three sides, and they are all big mountains. After entering it, it feels as if it is isolated from the world.

This place was previously occupied by rhinos in winter, but now it is occupied by some wild boars and other wild animals in winter.

It is now spring, and the weather is getting warmer. All the beasts in the hot spring valley have gone to places with more food outside. There are only some small animals such as gray-haired rabbits in the valley.

After entering the hot spring valley, Chenbei saw the stream flowing with hot water again, and the pungent sulfur smell emanated from these hot spring water.

"Dong dong dong..."

The rhinoceros king was still running. After arriving here, it seemed to be refreshed again, and its speed was much faster than before.

The small animals in the valley ran away in panic, avoiding the oncoming rhinoceros king.

The further you go in, the more heat in the stream, and the rarer the vegetation. There are bare stones on the ground, reddish-brown soil, and bright yellow natural sulfur stones scattered in the soil.

When the rhinoceros king ran to the hot spring at the end of the stream, the water temperature was already very high. The water surface was bubbling and tumbling, almost boiling water temperature.

A heat wave mixed with water vapor and a strong smell of sulfur came over the surface, making Chen Bei feel a little uncomfortable.

He is not afraid of heat, but he doesn't like the pungent smell, because he is a high-level totem warrior with a very keen sense of smell.

When faced with irritating smells, the sharper the sense of smell, the more disadvantaged you will be.

After the Rhino King ran here, he finally stopped, panting heavily.

"Why did you come here?" Chen Bei got off the Rhino King's back and asked the Rhino King.

It looked like a dead end here, with tall mountains on three sides, and there was no way out at all.

The Rhino King raised his head and pointed his chin at the mountain in front of him.

Before Chen Bei had time to think about what the rhinoceros king meant, he saw the stinger had already appeared.

"It ran very fast, and it took me so long to chase!"

Stinger was full of resentment, if the giant bee hadn't been injured, he wouldn't have had to chase so hard.

When Chen Bei ran before, he had already taken back his bone spear, so what he was holding now was not a bone knife, but a thick bone spear with a longer distance advantage than the bone knife.

He closed his lips tightly, and didn't respond to Stinger's words, because at this moment, it was futile to say anything, and it was time to desperately.

The poisonous stinger looked around, the pungent sulfur smell, the scalding hot spring, even the ground was hot, all these made him very uncomfortable.

He hates this environment, very much, so he wants to kill Chen Bei and this hateful rhino quickly, and then return to the bee tribe with Chen Bei's head.

"It's over, you can die in peace."

The poisonous stinger is holding a black bone spur, and the dark totem pattern on the face looks even more weird, just like a black poisonous bee, which may sting someone with a poisonous needle at any time.

At this moment, the rhinoceros king bit Chen Bei's animal fur coat on the back waist, and then rushed forward with him.

In front of it is a high mountain with many exposed boulders. It is extremely difficult for the Rhino King to climb such a mountain, but it climbs up resolutely.

"Where are you taking me?"

Chen Bei was very puzzled. With such a huge body, the Rhino King must not be able to climb the mountain. Moreover, the higher it goes, the steeper the slope, and it is impossible for it to climb to the top of the mountain.

In the rear, the stinger was even more dissatisfied. This kind of behavior of the rhinoceros king was not only a waste of effort, but also made him spend some effort, which is really hateful.

But the stinger still climbed up with the rhino king, and had to avoid the rubble that was trampled by the rhino king along the way, and the speed was greatly affected.

The Rhino King climbed about 30 meters, and when he climbed to the side of a large pile of boulders, a dark cave suddenly appeared in front of him.

There is a heat wave rising from the entrance of the cave, and the smell of sulfur is stronger than the hot spring below.

Without the slightest hesitation, the Rhino King led Chen Bei directly into this very hot cave.

Stinger also chased after him. When facing this cave, he hesitated for the first time.

If the level of discomfort given to Stinger by the hot spring below is level one, the level of discomfort this cave gave him is level ten.

"Do you think that you can escape the fate of death? I will only make your death more painful!"

The poisonous thorn gritted his teeth, and then followed into the cave. His murderous intentions towards Chen Bei and the Rhino King had reached the extreme.

However, after entering the cave, Stinger's face became more and more ugly, because he found that the further he went inside, the higher the temperature, and he didn't like this high temperature environment.

But the rhinoceros ran fast with Chen Bei. The high temperature environment not only did not affect it, but made it more comfortable.

After chasing for a while, a bright light suddenly appeared in front of him. At this time, the air was extremely hot, and waves of heat wave after wave rushed out.

Stinger passed a corner in the cave, and a lava river appeared in front of him!

The fiery red magma was flowing slowly, and the terrifying high temperature rushed towards his face. The poisonous stinger was covered with black totem patterns, otherwise he would not be able to stay in this place for a moment.

On the other hand, the rhinoceros stood beside the lava river, and then it made a move that made the poisonous stinger's jaw drop.


It actually took Chen Bei to jump into the magma river, just jumped in so casually, one person and one rhinoceros, all of them were on fire, and it seemed that they would be burned to ashes soon!
"You are cruel!"

Stinger turned around and left. Although he was a demigod, he couldn't enter the magma. Not to mention him, even the totem god of the bee tribe would be greatly reduced in this environment.

Stinger quickly left the cave, went down the mountain, and returned to the hot spring. He looked at the tumbling hot spring, frowned, and retreated a distance, and didn't stop until he was stepping on green grass.

"I don't believe you will seek your own death."

Stinger's face was so gloomy that it was almost dripping water.

He thought of another thing. Last year, Chenbei led people into the central region and burned thousands of soldiers from the Bee, Ant, and Spider tribes to death with the help of a sea of ​​fire, but there was no trace of the Mang tribe.

Therefore, he speculated that the people of the Mang tribe were probably not afraid of fire, so they used this method to avoid his pursuit.

"Even if you are not afraid of fire, but there is no food in it, not even water, I don't believe how long you can last in it."

"As long as you come out, you still have to die!"

The stinger decided to stay outside and wait for the work at leisure. When the rhinoceros and Chenbei couldn't hold on and came out of the cave, he would not hesitate to kill Chenbei with the bone spur!

The stinger just stayed in the hot spring valley, and the small animals in the valley suffered and became his food.

In the cave, Chen Bei and Rhino King were not feeling well right now.

The terrifying high temperature of the magma instantly burned off the thick long hair on Rhino King's body, and the animal skin coat on Chen Bei's body was also burned.

That's why the Stinger saw them on fire earlier.

However, the totem pattern on the Rhino King's body appeared. Apart from burning off the thick hair, the magma would not be able to hurt it for a while, it just made it very uncomfortable.

The totem god of the Mang tribe is the flame rhinoceros, and the blood power of the rhinoceros king comes from the totem god, so naturally he will not be hurt by the flames.

The same is true for Chen Bei, besides being naked, his hair isn't even burning, which he didn't even think of.

After jumping into the magma, apart from the totem lines that appeared on his body, he felt that there was a hidden power in his body, which seemed to be stimulated. This power diffused, as long as it was a part of his body, it would not be destroyed by the flames. Injury, including hair.

"What power is this?"

Chen Bei frowned. He didn't even think that there was such a power hidden in his body, but usually his totem power was enough, and this power never appeared.

He thought carefully for a while, and suddenly thought of something, and his eyes lit up.

"Could this be the characteristic of the Sun Eucharist that the Totem God said?"

When he had just awakened the power of the totem, the totem god said that he was the one-in-a-kind sun body, but for so long, the so-called sun body has not shown any special abilities.

It wasn't until today that he suddenly realized that it wasn't that the Sun Eucharist couldn't do it, but that he had never really activated the Sun Eucharist, so he didn't show much miraculousness.

Right now, he has entered an extreme environment, but accidentally activated the hidden power of the Sun Sacrament!

"The person from the bee tribe outside seems to be the legendary demigod, and I have been in the realm of advanced totem warriors for the past few years, and there is no sign of breakthrough."

"Perhaps, right now is an opportunity. I hope this opportunity will allow me to truly have my own power and become a demigod!"

"As long as I become a demigod, I don't have to be afraid of him, and I can even take revenge!"

The scene in the chestnut forest appeared again in Chen Bei's mind. Dozens of totem warriors fell in a pool of blood one by one in front of him, but he was helpless.

Thinking of this, Chen Bei gritted his teeth, and his hatred and anger reached the peak. He roared: "We must break through, kill him and avenge the people of the Mang tribe!"

Chen Bei closed his eyes and let the magma wrap him and flow with him. He tried to give up the protection of the power of the totem, and instead searched for his own power.

The magma river flowed to a relatively gentle place, and the Rhino King pushed Chen Bei aside to prevent him from being taken to a deeper place by the magma, and it would not be easy to find the way out.

After ensuring that Chenbei would not continue to be washed away, the Rhino King went ashore and did not stay in the magma any longer.

Because the temperature of the magma was too high, even if the rhinoceros king was protected by the power of blood, he couldn't persist like Chen Bei. It lay on the shore, just guarding Chen Bei, waiting for him to break through.

(End of this chapter)

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