The Rise of Primitive Tribes Farming

Chapter 222 The Return of the Demigod

Chapter 222 The Return of the Demigod
Chen Bei had been soaking in the magma for a day and a night, his eyes were tightly closed and he didn't move.

He wanted to break through, and felt that he had already reached that critical point, but he couldn't break through.

It's as uncomfortable as a person whose eyes are covered by a thin piece of paper, but cannot pierce the thin paper.

Chen Bei didn't force any more, he slowly opened his eyes, and saw the Rhino King who had been guarding not far away.

The Rhino King looked inquiringly.

Chen Bei said in a hoarse voice: "I can't really calm down. When I close my eyes, I keep thinking about the scene where the clansmen were killed. That kind of powerlessness makes me want to go crazy."

Strictly speaking, since Chen Bei came to this world, he has never encountered such a powerless situation. He walked all the way, although it was difficult, but it was smooth.

He desperately wanted to break through, but he couldn't break through no matter what. The potential of the Sun Eucharist could not be tapped out, and the anxiety in his heart could be imagined.

If he can't break through to the demigod, he has no hope of defeating the enemy, not to mention revenge, he can't even save his own life and the Rhino King's life.

The more anxious you are, the more mistakes you make, and the more mistakes you make, the more impatient you are. This is a vicious circle.

The Rhinoceros King didn't communicate directly with Chen Bei, even though it could do it, it just looked at Chen Bei quietly, with firm trust in its eyes.

Under the gaze of Rhino King, Chen Bei gradually calmed down, and he whispered: "" "Thank you for believing in me, I will not let you down."

Chen Bei closed his eyes again. This time, he still saw the scene of the clansman being killed, but he no longer avoided it, but carefully recalled every detail, the state of each clansman before death, and his eyes.

After facing all this, his heart gradually calmed down. He saw the eyes of those clansmen before they died. They seemed to be saying to Chen Bei: Chief, run!
No one is cowardly.

"thank you all."

Two crystal clear tears flowed from the corners of Chen Bei's eyes, and were instantly turned into steam by the fiery magma.

"The leader will surely avenge you and bring your bones and souls home."

After Chen Bei finished speaking, his mind gradually emptied, and his heart truly calmed down, carefully feeling every inch of his body's changes.

He gradually felt something different. There seemed to be a door in his body. The door opened a crack, and pure fire-attribute energy, hotter than magma, gushed out from the door.

It was this surge of energy that protected his body, including his hair, from being intact in such a terrifyingly hot magma.

At the same time, this energy changed his body, allowing every pore of him to breathe freely in the flames and even in the magma.

Wisps of fire-attributed energy were sucked into Chen Bei's body from the pores, making the energy in his body stronger and stronger, and even turned into waves, hitting a barrier in his body.

This barrier seems real and unreal, but Chen Bei knows very well that as long as he pushes open that door, obtains enough fire attribute energy, and then breaks through the barrier, he is a demigod!

After realizing all this, Chen Bei was no longer in a daze. He absorbed the fire energy from the magma with all his strength to make the power in his body stronger, until he opened the door and broke the barrier!

Time passed bit by bit, and the rhinoceros king who was standing next to him found that Chenbei's aura became more and more terrifying. He was surrounded by flames. This flame was different from magma. It belonged to Chenbei's flame. .

At the same time, the totem pattern on Chen Bei's body was undergoing subtle changes, and a new totem pattern gradually emerged among the totem patterns of the Mang tribe.

This totem pattern is constantly twisting, and it looks like a person, bending over, waving a farm tool to dig the ground.

If the green bamboo is here, you will definitely recognize it. This totem pattern is very similar to a character: the oldest and most primitive character Chen!

The two totem patterns do not conflict, but interweave and coexist, spreading all over Chen Bei's body.

There was a look of surprise in the eyes of the Rhinoceros King, Chen Bei was really going to succeed!

After another day and night, the door in Chen Bei's body suddenly opened, and a massive amount of pure fire-attributed energy surged out, roaring endlessly like a surging river in his body.

Then, under the guidance of Chen Bei, this huge energy, together with the power of Chen Bei's totem, rushed towards the barrier that became a demigod.


The roaring sound from Chen Bei's body even spread outside, and the magma began to roll. At this moment, Chen Bei's whole body was wrapped in flames. The dazzling flames made the Rhinoceros King dare not look directly at them.

Under the impact of one wave after another, the barrier was gradually covered with cracks, and then shattered!


Chen Bei opened his eyes, there were two groups of flames burning in his eyes, the surrounding magma was boiling, and a massive amount of fire attribute energy rushed towards Chen Bei crazily, making his momentum rise steadily.

"I, succeeded!"

Chen Bei announced in a low voice that he was like a Vulcan. Although he was not as good as a real totem god, his power far surpassed any high-level totem warrior.

At the same time, Chen Bei naturally realized the last form of the Mang tribe's totem supernatural power, the "flame cage"!
It turned out that this type of totem supernatural power must have the power to be released. No wonder he couldn't cultivate it no matter how hard he tried before.

"Flame Cage!"

Chen Bei stretched out his hand towards the magma in front of him, and a flame gushed out from his hand, turning into a boxy cage, enveloping a mass of magma. The magma was isolated and could not be together with other magma. flowing.


The Rhino King stood up and roared excitedly.

The Rhino King intuitively felt that although Chen Bei had just broken through to the demigod, he was stronger than the demigod from the spider tribe outside.

No wonder the totem god of the Mang tribe valued Chenbei and the Holy Body of the Sun so much. Although it was not until the demigods that they truly revealed their magic, once awakened, it would be very terrifying!
After a long time, the flames on Chen Bei's body surface gradually became restrained, but his temperament was already different, like a dormant beast, as long as it showed killing intent, it would make people terrified!

Chen Bei left the Magma River, walked to the Rhino King's side, touched the Rhino King's horn, and said, "Let's go out for revenge."

The Rhino King nodded, and then signaled Chen Bei to ride on its back.

Chen Bei jumped up and rode on Rhino King's broad back, but it felt weird.

Because the animal skin clothes on his body, including the bone knife and bone spear, were all burned in the magma, and now he is naked with nothing.

The same is true for the Rhinoceros King, whose thick fur has been burned off, revealing a smooth, thick hide that is as hard as a slate.

Fortunately, no one saw it, otherwise it would be too embarrassing.

But now is not the time to pay attention to these details. What Chen Bei is thinking about now is to go out and kill the poisonous stinger to avenge the dead clansmen!

"Dong dong dong..."

The rhinoceros king ran excitedly in the cave. Not only Chenbei had harvested in the magma river, but the rhinoceros king also had it. Its blood was much stronger than before.

When the Rhino King was running, because there was no barrier of thick fur, Chen Bei could clearly see that pieces of totem patterns covered the Rhino King's whole body, which not only provided it with protection, but also provided it with powerful strength!
In the hot spring valley, the poisonous stinger has been waiting outside the cave for two days and two nights, and he has eaten many small animals in the valley.

On the second day, there were constant roars in the cave, like thunder, and a strong aura emanating from it.

Stinger was very disturbed, because of this change in breath, he actually felt a little familiar, it was the breath of someone breaking through the demigod!
"Impossible, even if it breaks through the demigod, it is impossible to make such a big commotion. How old is that brat from the Mang tribe, how can he break through the demigod? Absolutely impossible!"

In this uneasy mood, Stinger waited all day and night. He was very anxious and wanted to enter the cave to find out, but he was scared away by the lava river before he could go far.

Until the early morning of the third day, when the first ray of sunlight pierced through the clouds and shone into the cave, a man, riding a huge rhinoceros, appeared!
"Half... half god..."

The moment Stinger saw this person, his face turned pale, and he staggered back two steps. Some of the illusions and pride in his heart were shattered at this moment.

 Thanks to the book's deacon "Huang Aide" for the reward of 500 book coins.

  Thanks to the book friend "Lianzhan Fusheng" for the reward of 100 book coins.


  Breaking through the demigod, I deliberately updated it in advance, and went back to farming after revenge.

  All for the rise of the tribe!
(End of this chapter)

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