The Rise of Primitive Tribes Farming

Chapter 226 Tourists who went to the Mang Tribe to do business

Chapter 226 Tourists who went to the Mang Tribe to do business
On the outskirts of the Mang tribe's residence, Hongye organized two hundred totem warriors to train and patrol in shifts to guard the safety of the tribe.

breeding area.

Red Flower took fifty totem warriors and stayed with those flamingo chicks all day long, cultivating feelings, and domesticating them to do some things at the same time.

The IQ of flamingos is higher than expected, and within a few days, they can already understand some simple instructions.

The development of the Mang tribe's flying battle pet is just around the corner!
Lobster Riverside.

Chenbei asked the totem warriors of the fishing team to dig a large and deep rectangular artificial lake to connect with the Lobster River.

This artificial lake is specially for the new totem warriors of the fishing team to learn how to control the boat, learn to swim, and fight on the water.

The new sailboats made by the carpenters were also launched into the artificial lake, and the members of the fishing team went to school to learn how to operate this new sailboat, and continued to improve it in the process of using it.

Mang tribe west of the forest,
The second hunting team has already set off. Under the leadership of Shan Wen, they will fight against wild beasts in the forest to train their hunting and fighting skills.

Chenbei placed high hopes on the fishing team, hunting team, and flamingo team, and hoped that they would be able to protect the water, land, and air domains of the Mang tribe in the future.

Although it is still in its infancy, Chenbei believes that if it continues to develop according to the current trend, the future can be expected!
In the seventh year of the establishment of the Mang tribe, in the third month of summer, the Mang tribe faces the mountains and forests to the west.

Dozens of tourists approached the territory of the Mang tribe hesitantly. They were sallow and emaciated, wearing clothes woven from bark and leaves.

However, they did not come here to join the Mang tribe. Although joining the Mang tribe is also a good choice, there are also some tourists who, for various reasons, would rather live in danger in the mountains than join other tribes.

They wanted to use the animal bones and stones they picked up to exchange some salt with the Mang tribe.

In the mountains and forests, without food, you can think of a way, but without salt, it is really difficult.

"Will they really make a deal with us? They won't kill us right away?" A tourist asked very worriedly.

Others also nodded one after another, because the status of the tourists is too low, and they are very weak, so they can be easily killed.

The leader of the tourists was a relatively strong middle-aged man. He had a long scar on his chest, as if a huge centipede was stuck on it, which looked a little scary.

The tourist leader said: "I have asked other tourists. The totem warriors of the Mang tribe never kill tourists indiscriminately, unless they steal things from their tribe."

"We have no other choice. Without salt, we will have no strength, and we will not be able to hunt large beasts. If this continues, we will die."

"I can go over and have a chat with them. If they are willing to trade, you can come here again. If I am killed, you can run away."

The other tourists nodded one after another. This idea is good, as long as they don't go to die by themselves.

As for the leader of the tourists, they will choose another one after they die.

The leader of the tourists is also well aware of their thoughts, but he doesn't care too much. These tourists were originally put together to survive in the mountains and forests, so it is impossible to have much cohesion.

In fact, he could also force the weakest tourist to trade with the Mang tribe, but he did not choose to do that. He believed in his own judgment and decided that he would not die.

If this thing is done, his status among these tourists will be further improved. If he can't do it, he will die anyway, and he will die if he dies.

Tribal people have a relatively indifferent view of life and death, and the tourists who used to be tribal people are the same.

The leader of the tourists wrapped some animal bones, animal teeth, and a few good stones with tattered animal skins, and walked resolutely to the Mang tribe.

He had just walked halfway when he was discovered by the guards of the Mang tribe.


The leader of the tourist hastily raised his hands and said nervously, "I don't mean any harm, I'm here to make a deal with you."

"make a deal?"

The two totem warriors of the guard walked over and checked the things brought by the leader of the tourists. Those animal bones and stones were of medium quality and not bad.

"What deal are you going to do with us?"

Seeing that they had no intention of robbing them, the leader of the tourists heaved a sigh of relief. Fortunately, the information he inquired about was correct, and the Mang tribe would not kill people casually.

This life was finally saved.

The leader of the tourist held the animal bones, teeth, and stones and said, "I want to use these things to exchange some salt with your tribe."


The two totem warriors were obviously displeased. Although the Mang tribe had a lot of salt, they had never thought of doing business with tourists.

It's good for tourists to save their own lives. Where can there be any good things to trade.

The leader of the tourists hurriedly said: "You don't need very good salt, even the worst salt is fine. We still have a lot of animal bones and stones."

The attitude of the leader of the tourist is very humble, even begging, the status of the tourist is like this, there is no way to do it.

The two totem warriors looked at the things in the hands of the tourist leader again, and then exchanged opinions.

One of them said: "You wait here, I will ask our captain."

"Thank you, thank you!" The leader of the tourist thanked him immediately, his attitude made the totem warriors of the guards feel more comfortable.

A totem warrior returned to the stone wall of the Mang tribe and found Hongye, the captain of the guard.

Hongye came to look at the things brought by the leader of the tourists, but what he wanted to trade was salt. Hongye felt that this was a big deal, and he didn't dare to make a claim, so he ran back to the tribe to find Chenbei.

After Chen Bei listened to what Hong Ye said, he said, "Take me to have a look."

The two walked outside the Mang tribe together and met the tourist leader.

Hongye proudly introduced to the leader of the tourists: "This is the leader of our tribe, Chen, if you have anything to say, please tell the leader."

What a young leader!
The leader of the tourist froze for a moment, then thought of the noble status of the other party, so he lowered his head, not daring to look directly at Chen Bei.

"Chief Chen, we want to exchange these animal bones, animal teeth, and medium stones for some salt from your Mang tribe."

The leader of the tourists was afraid that Chen Bei would not agree, so he immediately said: "It doesn't need a lot, and it doesn't need to be very good. We haven't eaten salt for a long time, please."

Chen Bei looked at the vicious-looking tourist leader who was obviously tall, bowing his knees in front of him, and felt quite emotional in his heart. It is too difficult for people without tribes to survive in the forest.

Chen Bei looked at those things, and said: "This is too little, I can only exchange some salt for you."

Chen Bei thought for a while, took out a bamboo tube containing salt from his animal skin bag, and poured out a handful of salt from it, the amount was not much.

The quality of the salt that Chen Bei carried with him is of course of course, the tourist leader couldn't believe his eyes.

Until Chen Bei wrapped the salt in leaves and handed it to him, he still felt like he was dreaming.

Chen Bei signaled Hongye to take away the things brought by the tourist leader, and then said to the tourist leader: "Next time if you have something good, you can take it and exchange it."

Then, Chenbei took Hongye and the totem warriors of the guards away, explaining to them as he walked, and later met tourists who came to trade, as long as the things were good and the Mang tribe could make money, they would make a bold deal.

It wasn't until Chen Bei and the others left that the leader of the tourists came back to his senses. He carefully opened the leaves, dipped some salt into his mouth, and then "swiped" tears down.

"It's salt, it's salt, good salt!"

The leader of the tourist had never eaten such good salt. At this moment, he was sobbing, and his favor for the Mang tribe also rose steadily.

 Thanks to the book's deacon "Huang Aide" for the reward of 500 book coins.

  Thank you book friend "Mo Qinghanmu" for the reward of 100 book coins.

(End of this chapter)

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