Chapter 238
Diao Tribe, a cave on the mountainside of the highest peak.

This is a huge cave, more than 30 meters high and hundreds of meters wide. The witches of the Diao tribe usually live near the entrance of this cave.

The cave was originally only half the size of its current size. After the Diao tribe settled here, this place became the residence of the Diao tribe's totem god.

From then on, every vulture tribal witch would work hard to make the cave wider as long as he had time.

It took hundreds of years of hard work to turn this cave into what it is now.

"Ding, ding, ding!"

The leader of the Eagle Tribe walked outside the cave, and heard rhythmic knocking sounds from inside. He walked in and saw an old man in black plumage, holding a stone chisel and a stone hammer made of high-quality stone, working hard. Continue to widen the cave.

The leader of the Eagle tribe waited quietly by the side without making a sound.

Time passed bit by bit, the rock wall was very hard, and the strength of the old man was not as strong as that of the totem warrior. After chiseling for a long time, he only chiseled a small piece.

Finally, the old man put down the stone chisel and stone hammer, and cleared away the gravel on the ground. Then he stopped and turned to look at the leader of the Diao tribe.

The leader of the Eagle Tribe said respectfully: "Wu, the totem warriors and giant eagles we sent to the Mang Tribe were killed by them, only Chi Yu was released by them, and they warned us not to enter the territory of the Mang Tribe again."

Wu walked into a stone jar next to it. There was a stalactite above the stone jar, and water was dripping slowly until the stone jar was full.

Wu washed his hands in the stone jar and said, "These reckless people are still so reckless after hundreds of years."

Wu looked at the leader of the Eagle Tribe again, and said, "Tell me what you think."

The leader of the Eagle Tribe said solemnly: "We didn't touch the members of the Mang Tribe, but they attacked our people and the giant eagles. This matter must not be left alone. We must teach the Mang Tribe a profound lesson and let them know, Who is the biggest tribe in the Southern Wilderness!"

"What are you going to do?" Wu asked.

The leader of the Eagle tribe said: "I plan to send five hundred giant eagles and a thousand totem warriors to the Mang tribe for revenge."

Wu Danran said: "That rhinoceros is also the totem god of the Great Tribe, unless the Condor God goes there in person, otherwise, it is impossible for you to fight into the Mang Tribe."

"I must remind you that the Southern Wilderness has been targeted by many tribes. The Ant Tribe, Bee Tribe, and Spider Tribe are even grabbing slaves in the Southern Wilderness to expand their territory. At this time, it is impossible for the Condor God to leave the tribe. .”

The collision of the two totem gods, unless the strength is absolutely suppressed, otherwise, it is very likely that both sides will suffer.

Once the totem god is seriously injured, the big tribes in the central region will definitely not miss this opportunity, and the annexation of the eagle tribe's territory is certain.

What's more, they might take the opportunity to besiege the Eagle Tribe, just like they did when they besieged the Mang Tribe, that would be a fatal crisis.

Therefore, it is impossible for the totem god of the eagle tribe to take this risk.

The leader of the Eagle tribe said: "I have no intention of attacking the Mang tribe, but we can block the people of the Mang tribe in the tribe so that they cannot hunt or fish. At that time, there will be no food. Let me see how long they can survive!"

"The giant eagle is our advantage. They don't have flying pets. As long as we don't land, they will lose!"

The Diao tribe witch nodded, and said: "This idea is not bad, so let's make this decision and let the Mang tribe pay for their recklessness!"

"Since Wu has no objection, then I will arrange it immediately."

The Condor Tribe Witch nodded, and said: "If something unexpected happens, don't love to fight, and return to the tribe immediately. The Southern Wilderness is very dangerous now, and we can't lose too much power."


The leader of the Eagle Tribe withdrew. He believed that his plan was foolproof and that there would be no accidents. What Wu said later, he only thought that Wu was old and too cautious.

Soon, the news of going to the Mang tribe for revenge spread in the Eagle tribe.

The totem warriors and giant eagles of the Eagle tribe moved one after another, carrying a large number of weapons and preparing to attack.

One day later, five hundred giant eagles lifted off into the sky and moved towards the Mang tribe like a large cloud, covering even the sun where they passed.

The tribes and tourists who saw these giant eagles along the way were scared and hid. They didn't know how many years they hadn't seen such a large-scale action by the eagle tribe.

The speed of the giant eagle is very fast. Originally, it took more than half a month to travel, but the giant eagle arrived in a day.



In the yard, Qingzhu was suddenly warned by the totem god, and she immediately blew the war horn, calling all the totem warriors of the Mang tribe to return to the tribe to meet the enemy.

In the forest to the west of the Mang tribe, the second hunting team led by Shanwen is hunting a group of giant horned deer. These giant horned deer have been driven into the encirclement, and they can be captured soon.

At this moment, the totem patterns on all the totem warriors lit up instantly, and the power of the totem surged wildly. At the same time, horns sounded in their minds.

"No, something happened, go back quickly!"

Shanwen really gave up on the group of giant horned deer, and led all the soldiers of the second hunting team to rush into the tribe frantically.

At this moment, no matter where they were, all the totem warriors of the Mang tribe heard the sound of the horn and felt the call of the tribe.

Half a day later, a dark cloud composed of five hundred giant eagles quickly approached the Mang tribe, casting large swaths of shadows.

On the highest sentry tower of the Mang tribe, the totem warrior in charge of guarding discovered these giant eagles at the first time, and he immediately blew the bone whistle for warning.

"Beep...enemy attack!"

Sharp whistles and shouts echoed over the Mang tribe, and the totem warriors of the Mang tribe immediately took up their weapons and gathered in the open space in the center of the tribe.

In the room, Chen Bei put on the leather armor made of tough crocodile skin, carried short spears and bone spears on his back, and finally picked up a very heavy horn bow and dozens of bone arrows. .

This bow was tailor-made for him by the weapon workshop, and the materials used are all top-notch.

Because the material is so good, this beast horn bow is not only heavy, but also requires at least the strength of a high-level totem warrior to pull it open.

Only Chen Bei, who is a demigod, can easily display the true power of this top-level animal horn bow.

Ever since Chen Bei had seen many flying battle pets in the central region, he asked the craftsmen in the weapons workshop to make this animal horn bow for him, and he often practiced archery.

Because when facing a tribe with flying pets, only bows and arrows can cause fatal damage to those flying pets.

Now, it's time to test the power of this beast horn bow!

After finishing packing, Chen Bei strode out of the courtyard and walked to the open space in the center of the tribe.

The totem warriors of the Mang tribe are still rushing back one after another, because the hunting team went too far.

Now, the Mang tribe only has [-] totem warriors, and the rest are ordinary tribesmen.

Chen Bei walked up to these clansmen, looked at the familiar faces, and shouted: "The enemy wants to destroy the Mang tribe, what should we do?"

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

All the people in the Mang tribe roared, and the killing sound shook the sky. No matter men, women or children in the tribe, they were fearless.

"Okay, all the captives are locked up. The old, the young, the sick, and the disabled go to the altar to seek the protection of the totem god. The ordinary people stay behind the stone wall. The totem warriors follow me!"

With a wave of Chen Bei's hand, all the members of the Mang tribe started to move one after another, according to Chen Bei's order, they rushed to their positions.

 Thanks to the rudder of this book "Huang Aide" for the reward of 500 book coins.

(End of this chapter)

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