Chapter 239

Outside the Mang tribe, 20 huge giant eagles seem to occupy half of the sky. They are really too huge, each with a wingspan of more than [-] meters, they are real fierce birds.

On the back of each giant eagle, there are two totem warriors of the Eagle tribe. They hold weapons and stare at the Mang tribe below.

All the captives of the Mang tribe working outside were taken back and locked in cells.

The ordinary clansmen who were working also all entered the stone wall, looking nervously at the enemy in the sky.

Immediately afterwards, Chen Bei appeared riding the Rhino King, followed by more than 800 totem warriors of the Mang tribe.

In the sky, the leader of the eagle tribe sat on the largest giant eagle, looking at Chen Bei below. This was the first time the two met.

very young!This was the first reaction of the leader of the Eagle Tribe when he saw Chen Bei. Chen Bei was much younger than he imagined, only about 20 years old.

So strong!This was the second reaction of the leader of the Eagle Tribe.Even though it was far away, the leader of the Eagle tribe could feel the terrifying power coming from Chen Bei.

This kind of power made the leader of the eagle tribe feel a huge threat.

But even so, the momentum must not be lost.

The leader of the Diao tribe pointed at Chen Bei from the air, and said: "Boy, if you dare to kill people from my Diao tribe, disaster is imminent for your Mang tribe!"

On the ground, Chen Bei sneered and said, "With just you birds, can we bring disaster to our Mang tribe? You think too highly of yourself."


The leader of the Eagle tribe was irritated by Chen Bei's words. It was the first time that the Eagle tribe had run rampant in the Southern Wilderness for so many years, such a crazy tribe and such a crazy person.

Chen Bei raised his bone spear, pointed at the leader of the Diao tribe, and said, "If you have the guts, come down and fight with me, dare you?"

The face of the leader of the Eagle Tribe turned green and white for a while, and then turned gloomy. The Eagle Tribe's advantage lies in these giant eagles that can fly, and Chen Bei's strong evil nature, how could he go down and fight with Chen Bei.

"Hmph, a trap has been set up below, do you think I'll be fooled by you? Come up if you have the ability!"

Chen Bei sneered and said, "I didn't expect that the leader of the big tribe would be so cowardly that he wouldn't dare to come down to fight me, the leader of a medium tribe."

The leader of the Diao tribe pretended that he didn't hear Chen Bei's words, and he shouted loudly: "I'm too lazy to argue with you kid, the Diao tribe fighters obey the order and throw stones!"

In the sky, the warriors of the Eagle tribe lifted up the stones they had prepared long ago, and threw them all at the totem warriors of the Mang tribe on the ground.


Chen Bei had never seen this kind of attack before, but he reacted quickly and immediately shouted: "Shield!"

The totem warriors of the Mang tribe would carry shields when they went into battle. These shields were all made by the weapon workshop. The outer layer was made of three layers of animal skin, and the inner layer was made of wood, which was very strong.

He himself also raised a huge shield hanging on the Rhino King's body, protecting himself and the Rhino King's vital parts.

"Dong dong dong..."

Countless stones fell from the sky, and the totem warriors of the Mang tribe had just raised their shields before the stones fell down.

The stone itself was very heavy, and in addition to falling from a high altitude, even if the totem warriors of the Mang tribe had shields, their arms were numb from the impact, and the shield almost fell out of their hands.

Although the shields wrapped in three layers of animal skins were strong enough and had a certain ability to resist deformation, many wooden boards in the shields were still broken.

Chen Bei was not injured, his strength was so great that even a stone falling from the sky could not shake the huge shield in his hand.


Seeing that the Diao tribe was about to start throwing stones again, Chen Bei decisively ordered to withdraw the tribe and stand in place to resist the stones falling from the sky. It was really not a wise choice.

The totem warriors of the Mang tribe have undergone long-term training. Unlike other tribes, they are more disciplined. When Chen Bei said to withdraw, everyone immediately retreated in an orderly manner, and there was no swarm of bees running around.

In the sky, the leader of the Eagle tribe saw that the people of the Mang tribe had run away, and ordered again: "Throw the spear, don't let them run so comfortably!"

"Whoosh whoosh..."

In a blink of an eye, countless short spears fell from the sky and flew towards the retreating totem warriors of the Mang tribe, which was no different from knives falling from the sky.

Chen Bei shouted again: "Squat down on the spot, shield!"

The totem warriors of the Mang tribe had a kind of blind worship and trust in Chen Bei. When Chen Bei shouted, everyone squatted down immediately and raised their shields to protect themselves as much as possible.

"Duh huh..."

The short spear that fell from the sky pierced the shield. Even the shield with three layers of animal skin was pierced. The spear tip pierced the shield several inches.


Some unlucky totem warriors just happened to be pierced by short spears in the hand holding the shield, and screamed.


Chen Bei was furious, wishing to kill all those birdmen in the sky.

But he knew that if he didn't withdraw to the tribe, he would continue to be targeted, so he could only grit his teeth and continue to withdraw.

Whether injured or not, the totem warriors of the Mang tribe continued to stand up and run with all their strength, and finally entered the stone wall before the second wave of short spears arrived.

The stone wall is a relatively safe distance, because the totem god of the Mang tribe will protect everyone within this range. If the people of the Diao tribe dare to chase after them, they will definitely be attacked by the totem god.

"Hahaha, these reckless people, have they finally tasted the power of our Eagle tribe? Look at how they fled, will they still be crazy in the future?"

In the sky, the leader of the Eagle tribe finally let out a bad breath and laughed happily.

Inside the stone wall, Chen Bei's expression turned extremely ugly. During the retreat just now, more than a dozen totem warriors from the Mang tribe lost their lives, and their bodies were still outside.

"It was I who harmed you!"

Chen Bei gritted his teeth, clenched his fists, and his joints made a crisp sound.

He had never encountered the eagle tribe's way of fighting before, so he led people out to fight rashly, which resulted in a big loss and lost more than a dozen lives.

Outside, the people of the eagle tribe were still laughing wantonly, they didn't chase after them, and those giant eagles flew so high that ordinary bows and arrows couldn't shoot them at all.

It seems that the leader of the Eagle Tribe has achieved his goal. As long as he blocks the Mang Tribe with these giant eagles, the Mang Tribe will feel very uncomfortable.

"Boss, what should I do?"

Hongye looked at Chenbei, and everyone looked at Chenbei. They didn't know how to deal with such an enemy.

Hong Hua gritted her teeth and said, "Unfortunately, our flamingos are not yet adults and cannot fly high. Otherwise, they would never dare to be so confident."

"There is only one way now!"

Chen Bei picked up the heavy animal horn bow, and placed a bone arrow on it. The power of the totem surged wildly in his body, pouring it into his arms.


The animal horn bow was pulled away little by little until it was fully drawn, and then Chen Bei aimed at a giant eagle in the sky and shot an arrow.

"call out!"

In the sky, two totem warriors on a gigantic eagle were laughing. Suddenly, a bone arrow pierced through the clouds and shot through the giant eagle's head in an instant!

"How could this be, no!"

The totem warriors of the two eagle tribes had no time to react, and the giant eagle had already brought them both to the ground quickly.


The giant eagle finally landed on the ground, with a muffled sound, a shallow pit was smashed into the ground, and the two totem warriors who fell together were thrown to death.

For a moment, the laughter above the sky stopped abruptly, and there was no sound.

(End of this chapter)

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