Chapter 245

Nanhuang, Mang tribe, No.13 days under siege.


In the center of the Mang Tribe, a flamingo soared into the sky, with faint totem patterns appearing on its forehead, and its feathers were like burning flames, ready to burn the sky.

Chen Bei sat on the back of the flamingo, and the scenery in front of him quickly passed by, but he easily locked on to a flying bird in the distance, and shot it with an arrow.

"call out!"

The bone arrow directly penetrated the flying bird, and the flying bird fell, but the bone arrow remained undiminished. It flew into a forest, and deeply penetrated into the top of a big tree.

Chen Bei returned by riding a flamingo. After three days of running-in, he has adapted to shooting arrows or throwing spears on the back of a flamingo, and his accuracy is very high.

"It's almost time."

When the flamingo landed, the totem warriors of the Mang tribe surrounded them, looking at Chen Bei with burning eyes.

Chen Bei didn't get off the flamingo's back. He looked at the crowd and said, "We have been surrounded by the Eagle tribe for thirteen days. Now, it's time to fight back!"

"it is good!"

Everyone cheered. They have been waiting for this moment for a long time. If they wait any longer, they will go crazy.

"Yun, Lie, Shanwen, you are high-level totem warriors, charge forward with me, red flowers, red leaves, white grass, you lead others to follow!"


Twelve adult flamingo cranes from the Mang tribe, carrying Chen Bei and others, soared into the sky, burning towards the giant eagles of the Diao tribe like blazing flames.


On the top of the northern mountain of the Mang tribe, the leader of the Eagle tribe walked up and down on the boulder restlessly, looking towards the Mang tribe from time to time.

His patience is running out, today is the last day they will besiege the Mang tribe, if the Mang tribe is still huddled inside the tribe, then after today, they will return to the Eagle tribe.

"Leader, look, what is that?"

Suddenly, a totem warrior of the Eagle tribe called out.

The leaders of the eagle tribe and the totem warriors looked over there one after another.

Twelve big red birds flew up from the Mang Tribe like flames. This time, they no longer circled the Mang Tribe, but left the Mang Tribe and flew towards a mountaintop in the west forest.

On the top of the mountain, there are dozens of giant eagles and hundreds of totem warriors from the Eagle tribe.

"They couldn't bear it anymore, and finally came out to fight!"

The leader of the Eagle Tribe wanted to look up to the sky and laugh a few times. In his opinion, there were only a few big red birds in the Eagle Tribe, and rushing out was an act of death.

Afterwards, the leader of the Eagle Tribe said with a ferocious face: "Blow the bone flute, surround them, kill them and those big red birds, don't let any of them escape!"

Among the totem warriors of the Eagle tribe, someone took out a slender bone flute.

This bone flute is extremely primitive, polished from the hollow leg bones of birds, with only four holes on it.


Unlike the bone whistle, the sound of the bone flute is longer and less sharp, and can make several sounds, much like the sound of some kind of bird.

When the sound of the bone flute sounded, more than 400 giant eagles of the Eagle tribe all stood up, and took off immediately after the totem warrior climbed onto their backs!

More than 400 giant eagles flew together, covering the sky and covering the sky. They were like a circle of dark clouds. Compared with the twelve flamingos of the Mang tribe, there was a huge gap in numbers.

Seeing that the dark clouds were about to cover those small flames.


A bone whistle appeared from Chen Bei's mouth, making a sharp sound, completely different from the sound of the bone flute, which could be heard by nearby flamingos.

The twelve flamingos rose again, and before the giant eagles encircled them, they rushed up from the center.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa..."

The place where the twelve flamingos were before was covered by countless arrows and short spears. If they flew a little late, they would have been sieved by the range now.

"Damn it, why are these big red birds so fast! Blow again, chase me!"

The leader of the eagle tribe was furious. It was too shameful for the dozen or so flamingoes to run away from the encirclement formed by so many giant eagles.


Behind the leader of the Eagle Tribe, the warrior with the bone flute played again, and the sound of the bone flute spread rapidly in the air.

Those giant eagles hovered into the air, and they were so huge that they could only fly to high altitudes by circling in circles.

However, those flamingos are different. Flamingos can change their flight direction at will in the air. Their speed is faster than giant eagles, and they are also more flexible than giant eagles.

High in the sky, Chen Bei saw those giant eagles chasing up again, he laughed, bent his bow and set an arrow, and started to shoot those giant eagles condescendingly.

During this process, the flamingo still flew extremely fast.

"call out!"

Chen Bei shot an arrow, the bone arrow pierced the sky, and shot at a giant eagle flying in front.


On the giant eagle, the two totem warriors watched the bone arrow fly over, but they had no time to react, they could only watch the giant eagle's head being shot through.


The giant eagle's eyes lost their brilliance, flapped its wings randomly a few times in the air, and then fell straight down like a kite with a broken string.

During this process, because there were too many giant sculptures, this dead giant sculpture also smashed two of the two giant sculptures below, and one of the totem warriors fell from the back of the giant sculpture.

"Hahaha, happy!"

Chen Bei opened his mouth and shouted, but the sound didn't spread very far, his mouth was filled by the howling wind from high above.

This is why the bone flute or bone whistle is used to fight at high altitude while riding a bird.

After Chenbei launched his attack, the rest of the Mang tribe also started to attack one after another. The arrows they shot, or the short spears they threw, were not as accurate as Chenbei's.

But I can't stand the large number and size of those giant sculptures!

A condescending attack is too advantageous.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa..."

Several arrows flew towards those giant sculptures, especially the arrows shot by a sharpshooter like Xian, those giant sculptures were simply miserable.

"Whoosh whoosh..."

Not to be outdone, Shan Wen and the others threw short spears one after another. As long as they hit those giant eagles, they would be severely injured, or even killed.

In a blink of an eye, more than a dozen giant eagles died, and even the totem warriors on the giant eagles were not spared.

"Ahhh, I'm so mad..."

The leader of the Eagle tribe was furious. He clearly had a huge advantage on his side, but he was at a disadvantage in the battle. No one person or bird from the Mang tribe was injured.

This result was simply unacceptable to him.

Soon, his mouth was also filled with the wind, and he was so confused that he forgot to fly high in the air, so he had better not open his mouth wide.

In the final analysis, those flamingoes were still flying too fast, much faster than the giant eagles, and the giant eagles couldn't catch up to them at all.

But the leader of the Eagle Tribe was unwilling to give up. He had waited for so many days, and now he still suffered such a big loss. How could he give up?

The giant eagle continued to chase those flamingos, but the flamingos led them around the Mang tribe, which was also a habit the flamingos had developed these days.

On the ground, the members of the Mang tribe watched the giant eagles fall and applauded one after another. The whole tribe, all the tribesmen wished they could fly to the sky and participate in this battle.

In the forest to the northeast of the Mang tribe, a hundred tall treants led two hundred giant insects, and they were almost there.

In the south of the Mang tribe, a group of mammoths also arrived, and they were running, shaking the mountains along the way.

 Thanks to the book friend "Reggie Ace i" for the 500 book coins.

(End of this chapter)

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