The Rise of Primitive Tribes Farming

Chapter 246 A Great Victory

Chapter 246 A Great Victory

More than 200 giant insects flew over together, and the formation was still very strong. They attacked the giant sculptures behind them, especially the jasper mantis at the front, whose scythe-like forelimbs were extremely threatening.

"Go away, go away!"

The totem warriors on the giant eagle's back panicked and kept waving their spears, but there were too many bugs, and they had awakened the power of their blood, so their strength was no worse than that of the totem warriors.


A jasper mantis swung its sickle-like forelimbs, and first cut off the wooden handle of the spear of the totem warrior of the Condor tribe, and then another jasper mantis rushed over, cutting him in half.


The giant eagle turned its head and pecked fiercely at a bug with its sharp hooked mouth, biting the giant bug in the middle.

But in this way, other giant bugs attacked frantically, and soon, this giant eagle became covered with scars. No matter how powerful it was, it was impossible to fight against the large number of bugs.

Ordinary worms are not worth mentioning in front of giant eagles, but after awakening the power of blood, the huge worms have amazing fighting power.

In the sky, the leader of the Eagle Tribe also noticed these giant insects. There were flamingos from the Mang Tribe in front of them, but they couldn't catch up. There were also a large number of giant insects attacking behind them. The leader of the Eagle Tribe almost vomited blood in anger.

"The blood vine tribe is here to help!"

In the forest, the treant Thornwood led hundreds of treants while running and shouting, and ran to the vicinity of the Mang tribe, and immediately ordered the treants to find a place to attack.

These treants are more than ten meters tall, and all of them possess unique skills.

A green treant with a gourd-shaped trunk. Its trunk shrinks sharply, accumulating terrifying power. When it shrinks to the extreme, it releases immediately, and a wooden thorn in the center of the trunk suddenly shoots out.

This wooden thorn was more than one meter long and very sharp. After shooting out, because of the terrible energy accumulated, the speed was extremely fast.


The wooden thorn pierced a giant eagle far away, and the giant eagle screamed and wobbled down.

The other treants also displayed their unique skills. Although not all the treants had the ability to attack long-range targets, the momentum was great.

A tree man like a bamboo pole picked up a stone from the ground, placed it on the "treetop", and then planted its roots in the soil. Its treetop bent back desperately until it touched the ground.


Afterwards, the tree man straightened up suddenly, the stone was thrown out, flew very far, and passed by a giant eagle, which made the giant eagle tremble with fright.

"Damn tree people, how could they help the Mang tribe, how dare they help the Mang tribe?"

In the sky, the leader of the Eagle tribe was so angry that he was about to smoke. Because of the appearance of the Bloodvine tribe, it was difficult for him to continue chasing the flamingos of the Mang tribe.

What's more, even if they chase them with all their strength, they may not be able to catch up. The twelve flamingoes are flying too fast.

As the saying goes, the leak in the house happened to rain overnight, and at this moment, another group of people from outside the Mang tribe arrived.

"Dong dong dong..."

The sound of heavy footsteps came from far and near, and the ground trembled.

"The Elephant Tribe is here to help!"

Ze Yuan, the leader of the elephant tribe, started to shout, because he found that he was not the only reinforcement of the Mang tribe, and those treants and giant insects had already preempted them.

In the Mang tribe, the clansmen cheered loudly. No one expected that the Mang tribe would have reinforcements coming. This battle is definitely won!
In the altar of the Mang tribe, the totem god has long since awakened, but he has not made a move. He is observing the battle.

When the reinforcements from the two tribes appeared, his mood was very complicated.

"If the Mang tribe also had reinforcements, would the result be different?"

Although the main reason for the destruction of the Mang tribe was their inability to adapt to the climate, their isolation and helplessness was also another important reason.

The people of the Mang tribe hundreds of years ago were so reckless that they offended almost all the tribes in the central region.

Even if it is the Xiang tribe, the relationship with the Mang tribe can only be regarded as mediocre.

Now, under the leadership of Chen Bei, the Mang tribe has a good relationship with many tribes, and it is getting stronger day by day. The Totem God is very pleased.

The Mang tribe in the future will no longer be isolated and helpless like before.

In the sky, the giant eagles of the Eagle tribe were shot and fell one by one, and the totem warriors also died one by one.

The leader of the eagle tribe looked at the ground, and saw that the people of the elephant tribe had also arrived, and they were climbing up the mountain quickly, intending to attack the giant eagle on the top of the mountain.

The barbarians of the Elephant tribe are famous for their great strength. As long as they climb to the top of the mountain, they will definitely pose a threat to the nearby giant eagles.


The leader of the Eagle tribe was filled with grief and indignation, but he had to admit that in this situation, there was no way to win again.

If it continues to drag on, the losses will be even greater.

The leader of the Eagle Tribe didn't hesitate too much, and said to the person holding the bone flute behind: "Order, withdraw."

The sound of the bone flute sounded in the air soon, and the warriors of the eagle tribe felt relieved, and the giant eagles turned around one after another, and stopped chasing the flamingos.

The giant insects of the tree tribe were not stupid either. Seeing so many giant eagles flying over, they ran away decisively and did not force them to stay.

In the distance, Chen Bei rode a flamingo and looked back, watching the people of the Eagle tribe retreat, he was also relieved, this battle was finally over.

Although there is a huge gap in the number of people between the two sides, judging from the results, the Mang tribe undoubtedly won a complete victory.


Chen Bei blew his bone whistle, then rode the flamingo down to the ground, and the other flamingos also landed after receiving the signal.


"The leader is mighty!"


In the Mang tribe, those clansmen who had been watching the battle with their necks up all the time cheered, and a few bold women even rushed towards Chen Bei, seemingly wanting to suffocate Chen Bei to death.

Chen Bei managed to push these women away, and hurried out of the tribe. These mature women of the tribe were too scary.

When Chen Bei walked outside the tribe, the first thing he saw were those extremely tall treants and giant insects flying around in the sky.

Chen Bei tidied up his clothes, walked in front of the tree man Thornwood, and said sincerely: "From today onwards, the Blood Vine Tribe is the true friend of the Mang Tribe, thank you for coming to help."

Thornwood patted his solid chest, and said in a low voice, "Friend!"

Chen Bei smiled and said: "Don't go back in a hurry, since you are here, we must let our Mang tribe treat you well."

"We have good fertilizer here, you must like it."

Hearing that there was good fertilizer, Thornwood nodded and grinned, and the tree men behind it waved their branches excitedly.

Chenbei will not treat those giant insects badly either. Those who eat meat will give them animal meat, and those who eat vegetarian will give them green vegetables. In short, they must be treated well.

Afterwards, Chen Bei walked up to Ze, the leader of the Xiang tribe, and gave him a warm hug.

Chen Bei patted Ze on the shoulder and said: "I am very happy that you can come to help the battle. Let the soldiers come down and taste the delicacies of our Mang tribe. If you don't eat enough, you are not allowed to go back."

Ze Da laughed and said: "We are allies. The Mang tribe is in danger. Why not come? I heard that Chief Chen has a good thing called 'wine'. Can you take it out and try it?"

Chen Bei said boldly: "Boss Ze has already spoken, how can he not take it? Just drink enough!"

"Hahaha, okay, that's what you said!"

The two hooked their shoulders together, greeted the treants and giant insects, and entered the Mang tribe together.

That night, the Mang tribe lit a bonfire and celebrated all night long, and everyone had a great time.

 Thanks to the rudder of this book "Huang Aide" for the reward of 500 book coins.

(End of this chapter)

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