Chapter 251

In the third month of autumn, all the grasses are withered and yellow, and the leaves are beginning to fall. The footsteps of winter are approaching unknowingly.

"Everyone work harder, repair the city wall, and everyone can spend the winter inside the city wall."

Early in the morning, Chen Bei went to inspect the construction progress of the city wall, and by the way boosted the morale of those captives and tourists who were repairing the city wall.

Recently, there have been more and more tourists near the Mang Tribe, and more and more of them have escaped from the northern part of the Southern Wilderness.

That side has already been occupied by the three major tribes. They are crazily catching tourists and attacking small tribes in order to obtain a large number of slaves to help them work.

Therefore, many tourists, as well as some small tribes, fled after hearing the news, and ran further south.

Among them, some people heard that the three major tribes suffered a great loss from the Mang tribe, so they gathered around the Mang tribe and wanted to seek the protection of the Mang tribe.

But the Mang Tribe is not a philanthropic hall. Either they choose to join the Mang Tribe, or they have to work for the Mang Tribe.

It is true that a large number of tourists choose to join the Mang tribe, but there are also many people who are afraid that the Mang tribe will make too many enemies and will be treated as cannon fodder after joining.

This part of the tourists who did not join the Mang tribe chose to work for the Mang tribe, that is, to build the city wall.

Naturally, there is no salary, and it is already satisfactory to provide food and accommodation.

With the participation of these tourists, the construction progress of the city wall of the Mang tribe has been greatly improved. The two important positions on the north and east sides have already built the city wall more than two meters high.

"Boss, this speed is still not fast enough. I'm afraid the city wall won't be able to build much height before winter."

Hong Ye followed behind Chen Bei. He was the captain of the guards, so he naturally hoped that the city wall would be built sooner.

Once the city wall is repaired, the workload of the guards will be greatly reduced, and the tribe will be safer.

Chen Beidao: "The construction of the city wall is a huge project. It can't be done in a hurry. If it can be completed within two or three years, it will be considered very fast."

If it weren't for the general physique of the tribesmen, and the inexhaustible labor force of totem warriors, if they wanted to build a city wall around the entire Mang tribe, they might not be able to succeed in ten years.

After all, they can't keep building walls, planting, breeding, hunting, etc., all kinds of things have to be done.

"However, you reminded me, this year's newly awakened totem warriors, don't let them open up wasteland, just dig rocks."

The newly awakened totem warriors of the Mang tribe every year are very important labor force in winter.

Building a city wall requires a lot of stones and burning a lot of lime. This year, Chenbei plans to let these newly awakened totem warriors dig the stones.

Yan is currently in charge of repairing the city wall, because Yan's planting team, after the autumn harvest, has fewer things to do and just came to be responsible for repairing the city wall.

The planting team were all hard-working men, and they didn't complain much. They did what the leader ordered, and it was the same for building walls and farming.

Chen Bei found Yan and talked about the things to pay attention to when building the city wall, such as the gaps between the stones must be filled with lime and so on.

After the chat, Chen Bei didn't stay here for too long, he was quite at ease with Yan and Hongye staring at him.

Chen Bei came to the breeding area to see the thirty little flamingos.


In the breeding area, Honghua flew up again riding the flamingo named "Little Fish".

Over the past few months, this flamingo has grown even bigger, with a height of three meters at the shoulder and about nine meters in the spread of its wings. The growth rate is astonishing.

In the past, it could only run with the safflower on its back, or fly for a short distance, but now, it finally flies higher and farther.

"Little fish, try to fly!"

In the sky, Hong Hua hugged the flamingo's neck and kept encouraging it.

The flamingo's wings flapped harder, and it flew higher and higher, gradually reaching the sky above the Mang Tribe. This was the first time it flew so high.

There is the sound of howling wind in my ear, and the ever-shrinking scenery below. When Honghua looks at the ground, the people on the ground seem to have turned into little ants.

It's a novel experience.

The flamingo flew around the Mang Tribe a few times with her, and then gradually lowered its altitude, because it was exhausted because it was carrying a person.


The flamingo landed on the ground, and it was not very stable when it landed.

Hong Hua got off the crane's back, took a fish, and fed it to the flamingo, saying, "Keep working hard, little fish, and next time I will be able to fly higher and longer."

The flamingo swallowed the fish in one gulp, raised its neck proudly, and paced back and forth in the breeding area.

Among so many flamingos, only it is the first to learn to fly, and the first to fly to the sky, which is something worth showing off.

The IQ of the flamingo is relatively high, and the other flamingos were a little bit unconvinced when they saw it flying here, and they all worked harder to practice flying, and they must catch up with it next time.

Chen Bei walked to Hong Hua's side and said, "These flamingoes grow so fast, I thought they would fly to the sky, at least next year."

Honghua said: "It is true that they grow very fast, but they also eat a lot. If they hadn't learned to forage for themselves recently, the fishing team would have started to complain."

Raising these huge flamingos is not an easy task. They need to eat a lot of food every day. If they are all fed by humans, ordinary tribes really can't afford it.

That is to say, the Mang tribe has sufficient food, which allows them to eat well every day and grow up quickly.

"Grow up early. With the strength of the tribe, there will never be fewer enemies in the future. With these flamingos, at least we will not be so passive in the face of the enemy's flying pets."

Thinking of the overwhelming giant eagles of the Diao tribe, Chen Bei felt that there were too few flamingoes in the Mang tribe.

Honghua said: "Don't worry, the leader, those adult flamingos are growing very well now, and they will definitely lay more eggs next year. By then, there will be more and more flamingos in our tribe."

"I hope so."

Chen Bei looked at Hong Hua and said, "Raising flamingos is very important to the tribe. If you need anything, you must tell me, and I will help you solve it."

Hong Hua smiled and said, "Since the leader has said everything, I will definitely not be polite. I hope the leader will not find me annoying."

"Don't worry, definitely not, just come to me." Chen Bei replied affirmatively.

Honghua smiled even happier. At this moment, she felt that the hard work was worth it.

After watching these flamingos, Chenbei went to other places in the breeding area.

When he walked to the hillside, he saw dozens of big-horned deer grazing leisurely. Among them, on the back of the head deer, there was a teenager sitting leisurely on the deer's back, sleeping with his eyes closed.

"Stone Ball, your elk has run away"

Chen Bei yelled at the boy as a prank.

"Where? Where?"

The boy named Shi Qiu got up hurriedly, looked around, and finally saw Chen Bei smiling beside him.

Shi Qiu blushed, got off the deer's back, ran to Chen Bei, and said, "Boss, I didn't sleep on purpose."

Chen Bei patted Shi Qiu on the shoulder and said, "It doesn't matter if you sleep, as long as you can raise these big-horned deer well."

Shiqiu used to be a member of the "Deer Tribe", and later joined the Mang Tribe. Once a hunting team brought back several big-horned deer, and he volunteered to raise them.

Unexpectedly, after being raised by him for a few years, several big-horned deer have now become a group. This young man is indeed talented in raising deer.

Shi Qiu patted his chest and said: "Don't worry, leader, I will definitely raise the deer herd even bigger!"

"Okay, I like you, keep working hard."

Chen Bei turned around a few times to other places, and the tribe was full of vigor and vitality, which made people feel very comfortable.

(End of this chapter)

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