The Rise of Primitive Tribes Farming

Chapter 252 The Intelligence Network of the Mang Tribe

Chapter 252 The Intelligence Network of the Mang Tribe

In the middle, in a fruit forest far away from the place where the ant tribe lived.

Xixi is painted with the totem pattern of the ant tribe, wears the clothes of the ant tribe, and patrols the fruit trees of the ant tribe.

There are many people dressed like him in the orchard, and more are slaves who work.

Xi is a member of the Mang tribe, an intermediate totem warrior. A year ago, he learned some methods of hiding his totem aura from the people of the Mouse tribe, and was trained by Chen Bei himself for a period of time, and then he was sent to the central region.

There are dozens of people like him, scattered all over the central area, forming a large net, covering the entire central area, and recording all the movements on this net.

Xi was the captain among these people, responsible for gathering information and passing it back to the Mang tribe.

Xixi came to the edge of the fruit trees. There was a slave about 30 years old. He took a hoe and cleared the weeds under the fruit trees.

Xi Xi approached the middle-aged slave, looked around, and then lowered his voice and said: "I have inquired, and tomorrow you will be taken to the place where the ant tribe lives to repair the house. What I told you before, I have thought about it." Yet?"

The middle-aged slave raised his head and glanced at Xi. He found that the person in front of him was very strange, but his voice was very familiar.

"you are?"

Xi said: "I only looked for you two days ago, did I forget so soon?"

The middle-aged slave said awkwardly: "You didn't look like this two days ago, I... I couldn't recognize you at once."

"Don't care what I look like, you just need to answer me immediately, yes or no."

The middle-aged slave hesitated for a while, and said: "As long as I tell you all the news I heard in the ant tribe, can you really let my son leave the ant tribe and stop being a slave in the future?"

Xi nodded and said, "That's right, that's it. If the news you get is important, I can even find a way to rescue your whole family and send them to the Southern Wilderness, which is out of the control of the Ant Tribe, and become a member of our tribe." Normal people."

"This is an opportunity to change the destiny of your family. Think about it carefully. Is it a gamble that you will have the opportunity to become a normal person in the future, or give up the opportunity to be free and be the lowest slave to the ant tribe forever,"

The middle-aged slave was struggling a bit. He didn't want his son to continue to be a slave, but he also knew how cruel the ant tribe was to rebellious slaves.

Seeing this, Xi didn't force him, and said in a nonchalant tone: "Actually, I'm not the only one looking for you. Some of them have already agreed and got rewards. I don't have time to wait for you too long."

When the middle-aged slave heard that other people had already agreed, and that Xi seemed to be giving up on him, he became anxious.

He realized that if he missed this opportunity, he might never have the opportunity to escape from slavery in the future.

"Only...just inquire about news, don't do other dangerous things, right?"

Xi said affirmatively, "That's right, we only want news."

"Then you have to keep your word. If I hear useful news, I must rescue us and go to your tribe to be a normal person."

"Don't worry, I don't have to lie to you, and you have nothing worth lying to me."

The middle-aged slave was right when he thought about it, he was already the lowest slave, and he had nothing to lose except this rotten life.

"Okay, I...I promise you."

Xi nodded in satisfaction, looked around again, took out a small bamboo tube the size of a thumb from his animal skin bag, handed it to the middle-aged slave, and said, "To show my sincerity, I'll give you something good XZ, Eat it yourself, don't be discovered by anyone."

Xi patted the dust, walked to the edge of the fruit forest, and slipped away while no one was looking.

After Xixi left, the middle-aged slave carefully opened the small bamboo tube the size of a thumb, and poured some white powder from it.

He took a little with his finger and put it in his mouth.

Afterwards, his eyes widened, and he covered the small bamboo tube as fast as he could, and hid it well, for fear of being discovered by others.

Because, in this small bamboo tube, there is actually salt!

At this moment, the middle-aged slave no longer doubted Xi's words, because a lowly slave like him could buy one with very little salt.


Two days later, Xi appeared at the home of an ordinary tribe on the outskirts of the Bee Tribe.

This time, he changed into the costume of the Bee Tribe, with the totem pattern of the Bee Tribe painted on his face, and his appearance changed slightly, with long hair covering half of his face.

Inside the honeycomb-shaped house built of yellow mud and branches, a young man with a crippled leg was sharpening a stone knife hard. He had no totem power, so it was more difficult to sharpen.

Xi Xi walked in from the outside and caught the young man's attention.

"Have you thought about what I told you a few days ago?"

The young man looked up at Xi and said, "Can you really kill him for me?"

A few months ago, the young man accidentally injured his leg and lost the ability to do heavy work.

Not long after, his woman was snatched away by a totem warrior in the tribe. Since then, he has been thinking about revenge all the time.

It's just that he not only has the power of the totem, but also has a limped leg, so how can he take revenge?
Until Xi appeared and asked him to inquire about the spider tribe's information, and then avenge him.

"Of course, I always keep my word. If you can provide me with valuable information, I will not only avenge you, but also give you some food so that you can survive this winter."

Xi Xi walked into the honeycomb house and opened the rattan basket containing food. There were only some wild vegetables and wild fruits in it, but no meat.

The tribe's good food, including meat, will be supplied to those big men, followed by totem warriors, and then tribesmen in various important positions. As for ordinary tribesmen, they will get very little food, and starvation is common.

Xi looked at the young man, and said with a half-smile: "If there is no food, I think you will have a hard time this winter, right?"

When it comes to winter, the young man's face also turns pale. This era is very cruel. People like him who don't have much labor ability usually get very little food, let alone winter when there is a lack of food.

Every winter, some people in the tribe would starve to death, and the young man didn't want to be one of those people.

"Have you figured it out? If you don't want to agree, I can go to someone else. I think other people may agree more happily."

The young man struggled for a moment, then gritted his teeth and said, "I promise you, you must keep your word."

"Don't worry, I never lie."

Xi took out a palm-sized piece of animal meat from the animal skin bag he carried, and said, "Have you not eaten meat for a long time? This piece of meat is for you."

"Three days later, you will hear that the guy who snatched your woman died accidentally while hunting."

The young man was holding the piece of meat with an expression of disbelief on his face. This mysterious man was too generous to give away such a big piece of meat.

The lame young man hugged the meat tightly. He hadn't eaten meat for a long time.

Xi left the honeycomb house and walked outside with a smile on his lips.

Seizing the weak point, promising benefits, and giving some sweetness, this set of methods of wooing people was taught to him by Chen Bei, and it is indeed invincible.

It's a pity that the people who can be recruited now are all low-level people, and the valuable information that can be obtained is also very limited.

"Take your time. The leader said that if you want to weave a big net, you must weave it from the corners, and there is no rush."

Xi found a place where no one was around, changed his attire again, and walked to the next target.

Little by little, he will work hard to build up the entire information network of the Mang tribe, so as to live up to the trust of the leader.

 Thanks to the rudder of this book "Huang Aide" for the reward of 500 book coins.

(End of this chapter)

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