Chapter 255 Battle
In the southern wilderness, there is a bear tribe.

"Is that what your leader said? You don't want food and supplies?"

There is the leader of the Bear Tribe, with an incredible expression on his face. He is worried that there will not be enough food for this winter.

"That's right, our leader said that we only want slaves."

The soldier who sent the letter from the Mang tribe replied in the affirmative.

"What's so funny about that?"

The leader's face almost turned into a flower with a smile. He thought in his heart that the three major tribes had been looting all over the Southern Wilderness for so long. Even if they sent some back to the central region, there must still be a lot of good things in the stronghold.

After thinking about it for a while, no matter how I think about it, this is a very profitable business.

Chenbei's prediction was good. Regarding the arrival of the three major tribes, all the tribes in the southern wilderness are facing a big enemy, because if they are allowed to develop, they will conflict and collide with these tribes sooner or later.

"Hahaha, go back and tell your leader that since our Bear Tribe has formed an alliance with the Mang Tribe, the two tribes are brothers. In this battle, we will definitely support the Bear Tribe with all our strength!"

"Within seven days, our warriors from the Bear Tribe will arrive!"

"Thank you, chief, then I'll go back first."

After receiving the reply, the warrior of the Mang tribe who sent the letter rejected the hospitality of the Xiong tribe, and immediately returned to his command on a flamingo.

Ao watched the flamingo flying farther and farther, and then shouted at the totem warriors outside: "Pass my order, all the totem warriors of the hunting team, bring all the weapons and food, and go to the Mang tribe to help in the battle. Come back with a handful of food for the winter!"


Soon, bears roared from all over the Youxiong tribe, and half of the tribe's totem warriors gathered, armed with weapons, riding bears, and followed Ao to the Mang tribe to join the battle.

Aw, I once again used my advantage to invite out the giant panda that is very good at fighting and eating.

The giant panda licked a mouthful of honey, stuffed some pieces of meat into its mouth, and then carried the leader Ao towards the direction of the Mang tribe.

The other warriors of the Xiong tribe rode on bears to keep up. Everyone had a high fighting spirit. The warriors of the Xiong tribe were never afraid of fighting.

The same situation is also happening in the elephant tribe.

When Ze, the leader of the Elephant Tribe, heard that Chenbei didn't want food and supplies, he wanted to jump on the spot. The mammoths of their Elephant Tribe don't hibernate, and they need to consume a lot of food in winter.

Elephant tribes are more food-deprived than bear tribes.

Afterwards, half of the warriors and mammoths of the Elephant Tribe set off immediately, eager to make a fortune before winter.

Only the blood vine tribe had relatively little demand for ordinary food and supplies, and the combat power of the treants would be greatly reduced in late autumn. They only sent some treants that were more resistant to cold to help in the battle.

On the third day after the Mang tribe sent the letter, the tree men from the Bloodvine tribe arrived first and lived temporarily outside the Mang tribe, waiting for the war to start.

On the seventh day, soldiers from the Xiong tribe arrived first and gathered outside the Mang tribe. Tourists who were not aware of the situation thought they were going to attack the Mang tribe, and fled in fright.

On the eighth day, the warriors of the Elephant Tribe also arrived, and the sound of those huge mammoths walking could be heard from a long distance away.

Including half of the totem warriors of the Mang tribe, the four tribes gathered a total of more than 3000 totem warriors and battle pets, and the momentum was huge.

"Now that you're all here, let's go!"


After Chen Bei gave an order, the Rhino King roared up to the sky, and then led Chen Bei to charge forward with his head bowed, followed by the totem warriors of the Mang tribe, followed by a dozen rhinos and twelve adult flamingos.


The giant panda of the Bear Tribe seemed to be stimulated by the Rhino King. It roared up to the sky, showing its sharp fangs. Its usual cuteness disappeared and was replaced by extreme ferocity. It carried the leader of the Bear Tribe and ran fast .

Not to be outdone, the tallest mammoth of the Elephant Tribe raised his nose and roared, shaking the ground with every step he took.

Only those treants were the most silent. They pulled out the roots from the ground and ran like feet, without speaking or barking, and followed them dully.

The four tribes joined forces, which is extremely rare in the Southern Wilderness. The small tribes along the way were scared and hid. They didn't know what happened, and they didn't dare to join in the fun.

Ten days later, Chen Bei and others appeared near the strongholds of the three major tribes.

The strongholds of the three major tribes are not very far apart, because they have suffered a lot in the Southern Wilderness. Although there are many conflicts with each other, in this strange land, they can obviously deal with more dangers when united. .

The strongholds of the three major tribes have their own characteristics, and the differences can be seen at a glance.

The house of the ant tribe is more like a giant ant nest, one next to the other, connected to each other, and everyone lives in this giant ant nest.

The houses of the bee tribe are like hornet's nests, with more than a dozen living in each room, and dozens of larger ones. They don't live together like the ant tribe.

The spider tribe is the most different. They live in independent wooden houses, and only a few people live in one room, plus their own big spiders.

As for those slaves, they are naturally not qualified to live in ant nests or beehives. Slaves can only live in dilapidated thatched huts. Many people live next to each other, so that they can keep each other warm, and it is not so easy to freeze to death.

The weather this year is colder than usual. Winter is approaching and the temperature is already very low. It won't be long before the ground will start to frost.

The warriors of the three major tribes no longer go out to capture slaves or plunder supplies, because their war pets have dropped significantly in strength as the weather gets colder, and they need to hide to survive the cold winter.

Even so, those slaves still had to work. They were dressed in rags, their noses were freezing in the cold wind, and they were working with hunger.

As the weather turned colder, slaves died almost every day, and their corpses became food for those giant bees, giant spiders, or giant ants.

Here, their lives are worthless and have no dignity. They are just the most humble slaves, not as humble as ants.

The cold wind continued to howl, and a soldier of the ant tribe came out of the giant warm ant nest cursing, brandishing a whip, and commanding the slaves to work.

Suddenly, a beast horn appeared in the nearby bushes, and then a huge rhinoceros head. When it came out completely, the warriors of the ant tribe saw Chenbei on the back of the rhinoceros.

"Are you...from the Mang tribe?"

The soldiers of the Ant tribe obviously knew the rhinoceros, not to mention the totem pattern of the Mang tribe already displayed on Chen Bei's body.

As soon as he finished speaking, more rhinos and Mang tribesmen rushed out of the woods, so densely packed that they could hardly be counted.


In the sky, more than a dozen flamingo cranes also flew over. They swooped down towards the ground and grabbed the warriors of the ant tribe with their sharp claws.

"Enemy attack!"

The ant tribe warrior finally came to his senses, and he yelled in horror.

"call out!"

A sharp arrow suddenly pierced his throat, blocking his subsequent voice. It was an arrow shot by Xian, a marksman of the Mang tribe.


Chen Bei brandished the bone spear and rushed forward first. For a moment, the shouts of killing shook the sky, and the strongholds of the three tribes were attacked at the same time, and they became a mess.

(End of this chapter)

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