The Rise of Primitive Tribes Farming

Chapter 256 The Southern Wilderness Tribe, Will Never Be a Slave

Chapter 256 The Southern Wilderness Tribe, Will Never Be a Slave

At the Ant Tribe stronghold, Chen Bei rode the Rhino King and rushed directly towards the giant ant nest-like buildings.

"Yun, Lie, Shanwen, block the main exit!"


The warriors and giant ants of the ant tribe are all inside the ant nest. As long as a few main exits are blocked, it will be difficult for them to rush out.


Chen Bei blocked an exit by himself, and the Ant Tribe warriors inside rode giant ants and rushed out, but were killed one by one by Chen Bei's bone spear.

The other exits were also guarded by soldiers from the Mang tribe, and the ant nest was in chaos.


Several flamingos flew over the ant nest, where there are several chimney-like vents, which are also the exits of the flying ants.

A flying ant showed its head, and before it could fly out, several short spears flew over at the same time, stabbing the flying ant and the ant tribe warrior above to death.

In the ant nest, giant ants, flying ants, and ant tribe fighters were in a mess. At this moment, they really demonstrated what ants on a hot pot are.

The exits were all blocked, and they couldn't rush out even if they wanted to, but if they didn't go out, they were waiting to die. This was a dilemma.

"Break the wall, break the wall!"

Finally, someone thought of the method of breaking the wall, and those ant tribe fighters hurriedly hacked at the wall with the weapons in their hands as if they had just awakened from a dream.

The walls of the ant nest are very thick, made of yellow mud, branches, and stones, and are very strong.

However, under the frenzied destruction of the ant tribe warriors and giant ants, a gap was still opened.


Teams of warriors riding giant ants rushed out from the inside. They had been aggrieved for a long time, and soon started a desperate struggle with the warriors of the Mang tribe.

Once there was a gap, there were two gaps, and soon, the entire ant nest was riddled with holes, and all the warriors of the ant tribe rushed out.


On the left side of the ant nest, Shanwen didn't ride a rhinoceros. He carried a huge stone axe and walked forward, cutting a bloody path abruptly.

He is a high-level totem warrior, and he is born with supernatural powers. He can split an ant tribe warrior and even giant ants with one axe, which is very powerful.

Outside the ant nest, fighting was everywhere, very chaotic.

And those captured slaves hid on the edge, trembling.

Until a bloody man appeared in front of them riding a huge rhino.

This man is Chen Bei, he has already killed three times in the crowd, the animal skin clothes on his body were stained red with blood, and the bone spear turned dark red.

Chen Bei said to the totem warriors who were following him: "Pass down the order, and each of these slaves will be given a short spear. If you have the courage to take revenge, you can go with us and kill these man-eating ants!"

After Chen Bei finished speaking, he took one of the short spears from his body and threw it in front of a slave first. Looking at him, he said seriously: "Remember, the Southern Wilderness Tribe will never be a slave!"


After Chen Bei finished speaking, he let out a loud roar, and continued to charge while riding the Rhino King.

The soldier immediately conveyed Chen Bei's order, and on the messy battlefield, one after another bloody short spears were thrown in front of these slaves.

Those slaves were at a loss at first, even at a loss, and even a little scared.

But later, seeing the ant tribe warriors who used to use them like livestock were killed one by one, the flame of revenge in their hearts gradually ignited.

They didn't speak, the scene was terrifyingly quiet, but their emotions were infected bit by bit.

"Boom, boom, boom!"

One of the slaves was the first to pick up a stone, put his foot on another stone, and smashed hard on the rope between his feet.

This rope was specially tied by the ant tribe to prevent these slaves from escaping. It was restricted by the rope. These slaves could not run, but could only walk slowly. If they took longer steps, they would trip over the rope.

Soon, the slave broke the rope on his feet, picked up a bloody short spear, and shouted: "The tribe of the Southern Wilderness, never be a slave!"

Afterwards, he rushed towards the battlefield without hesitation, fearless of death.

With the first man taking the lead, the other slaves were finally mobilized.

They looked for stones everywhere, then broke the ropes on their feet, then picked up the short spears, and rushed towards the warriors of the ant tribe crazily, shouting the same sentence:

"The Southern Wilderness Tribe will never be a slave!"

"The Southern Wilderness Tribe will never be a slave!"

"The Southern Wilderness Tribe will never be a slave!"


Those members of the Ant Tribe, who were usually aloof, would never have imagined that the slaves who were usually beating and killing would suddenly rebel.

They were red-eyed, fearless and fearless, and caused a lot of trouble to the people of the ant tribe with their short spears.

"Hahaha, everyone, follow me!"

Sitting on the back of the Rhino King, Chen Bei laughed happily. He guessed right, these slaves were still bloody, not comparable to those in the middle who were numb.

With a large number of slaves joining, the ant tribe couldn't hold on any longer. They were terrified, and some people had already started to run away.

Escaping before a battle is the most morale-destroying thing, because if there is one, there will be two, and then the entire team will be completely defeated.

Soon, almost all the warriors of the ant tribe lost their determination to fight and fled one after another.

"Chase, don't let them get away!"

Chen Bei would not let them go at all, he just rode the Rhino King and led people to chase them up. Some shot arrows, some threw spears, and those fleeing Ant tribe soldiers died even faster.

After the battle, of the more than 500 warriors of the ant tribe, only a few escaped by riding flying ants, and the rest were wiped out.

After the soldiers of the Mang tribe defeated the strongholds of the Ant tribe, the Elephant tribe, the Bear tribe, and some treants, they also destroyed the strongholds of the Spider tribe and the Bee tribe.

They fought hard for the food and supplies, and lost many people in the battle.

Fortunately, the results were good, and all three strongholds were successfully pulled out.

At the stronghold of the Spider Tribe, the leader of the Bear Tribe commanded his soldiers to start collecting spoils.

"Move out all the food and supplies inside, don't waste those big spiders, take them all back!"

The giant panda next to him has completely lost its stupid and cute appearance, its body is covered in blood, the hair around its mouth is all stained red, and there are even pieces of meat between its fangs, it is extremely fierce.

In the battle just now, this giant panda culled as many giant spiders and spider tribe fighters as the leader Ao.

Not long after, Ao discovered that Chen Bei had arrived on the Rhino King, and he knew that the battle at the ant tribe's stronghold was also over.

"Boss Chen, you are right. There is a lot of food and other supplies in the spider nest, hahaha."

Chen Bei said with a smile: "We also have a lot of harvest over there. We will transport all of them back first, and then divide them."

Hearing Chen Bei's words, his face became a little stiff. Obviously, he didn't want to share what he had already got.

When Chen Bei saw this, how could he not know what he was thinking?
Chen Beidao: "Don't worry, leader, I said that our Mang tribe doesn't want these food and supplies, as long as slaves, what we harvested from the ant tribe's stronghold will also be taken out and distributed to you."

Aw secretly heaved a sigh of relief, he thought Chen Bei was about to change his mind.

"Okay, since Chief Chen is so forthright, let's go back to the Mang Tribe and divide."

Several tribes moved all the things in the three strongholds, even the big spiders, giant bees, and giant ants, and pulled them all back to the Mang tribe.

Those slaves were also untied, and most of them were willing to follow the Mang tribe because they were homeless.

 Thanks to the rudder of this book "Huang Aide" for the reward of 500 book coins.

  Thanks to the book friend "Ji Yuan" for the 200 book coins.

(End of this chapter)

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