Chapter 266
The two giant eagles were escorted back to the Mang tribe by the flamingo, flying over many places along the way, and many people saw them, including people from the Eagle tribe.

After the Eagle Tribe inquired clearly, the news reached the ears of the leader of the Eagle Tribe.


In the Diao tribe, the leader punched the stone wall with a fist, knocking down countless broken stones.

"Too much bullying, too much bullying! These reckless people are too bullying!"

The leader of the Eagle tribe was walking back and forth in place, his seven orifices were filled with smoke, and he was gnashing his teeth, wanting to kill the Mang tribe.

He kicked on the tree stump next to him again, vented his anger, and then gradually calmed down.

Although two giant eagles and four warriors were captured by the Mang tribe, and the source of the salt of the Eagle tribe was discovered, he still did not dare to go directly to the Mang tribe.

The last failure is still vivid in his memory, and the current situation is complicated. Even if he wants to attack the Mang tribe, Wu will not support him.

The leader of the Eagle tribe sat down depressed. This feeling is really uncomfortable. If there is a chance in the future, the Mang tribe must repay it twice.

After calming down, the leader of the eagle tribe sent people to dig salt again. However, in order to ensure that they would not be robbed again, this time they dispatched hundreds of giant eagles to dig salt once, and they would not have to go for a year.


The people of the Diao tribe are angry, but the Mang tribe is full of joy.

When Chen Bei went out for a trip, he not only brought back two giant eagles and four captives, but the most important thing was seven or eight hundred catties of good salt. If these salts were traded, how many good things could they exchange for?

But only Chenbei and Honghua knew that the biggest gain this time was actually the location of the salt lake, where there was so much salt that it was almost inexhaustible.

The Mang tribe now has flamingos and these two giant eagles, so they can go back and forth freely in the future, instead of digging salt soil, filtering, and boiling salt, they can go directly to the salt lake to dig salt.

As the weather got hotter, the Mang tribe became very busy again, because it was time for spring plowing.

Spring plowing is a major event related to the year's grain harvest. The whole tribe, as long as they are free, will go to help.

Chen Bei also turned over all the land in his own yard, and also turned over the land in the green bamboo yard.


Just as Chen Bei put down his hoe, before he had time to take a sip of water, a "strange bird" fell from the sky and landed in Chen Bei's yard.

If you look carefully, you will find that this is not a strange bird, but a flamingo from the Mang tribe, but the red feathers are dyed dark brown.

This flamingo was specially responsible for conveying information from the central region. In order not to be easily recognized by others, it dyed its feathers black and became a black crane.

"Boss, I have important information."

A warrior from the Mang tribe got off the back of the flamingo and hurried towards Chenbei.

"Speak." Chen Bei listened to the information while washing the mud on his feet.

"Many people from the jackal tribe in the northern plains have entered the central region and slaughtered several small tribes in the central region."

"According to some traveling teams in the central part, the northern plains have become less and less suitable for people to live in in the past two years. The winter is terribly cold, and the jackal tribe has been migrating to the central part."

"The big tribes in the central region are very wary now, thinking that they are likely to make a big attack."

Chen Bei washed his feet, wiped his hands, and his face became serious.

The jackal tribe is the largest tribe in the northern plains. They live as nomads, with a population of more than [-], and their combat effectiveness is very strong. If they attack the central region aggressively, no tribe in the central region will be able to resist them alone.

The totem warrior finished all the information, including the movements of several major tribes in the central region, and said, "There is one more thing, that is, some small tribes in the central region are already migrating to the southern wilderness."

"Has the migration started so soon?"

Chen Bei was silent for a while, and said: "I understand, you have worked hard, go back and rest."


The totem warrior left with the flamingo. He was also very tired from flying around in the sky. He needed to go back and take a good rest.

"The jackal tribe attacked the central part. It seems that the weather in Beiyuan is worse than I expected. They can't stay in Beiyuan any longer."

The jackal tribe is a nomadic tribe. Their favorite is the grassland, not the forest. If they are not forced to do so, they will not attack the central part.

"This is a bad thing for the tribes in the central region, but it may not be a bad thing for our Mang tribe."

Chen Bei thought about it carefully, and found that if the jackal tribe aggressively attacked the central area, then the several large tribes in the central area would definitely focus on the north.

Then, the Mang tribe will have a rare development opportunity. As long as the Mang tribe develops smoothly, they will no longer be afraid of any enemies!

Of course, preparations still need to be made. This jackal tribe is not good at stubble. Although the Mang tribe is far away in the southern wilderness, it is impossible for them to be safe all the time.

It is still necessary to let the intelligence network of the Mang tribe pay close attention to all the dynamics of the Jackal tribe and the central region, and at the same time speed up the construction of the defense system of the Mang tribe.

The city wall is a cross-age defensive building. Once the Mang tribe's city wall is really built, and the moat is dug, and the totem god is in charge, the Mang tribe will be difficult to break through.

"Keep working hard!"

Chen Bei clenched his fists, thought for a while, and walked to the weapon workshop. He had asked the weapon workshop to develop bows and crossbows for a long time, but it was still unsuccessful.

However, Chen Bei also knew that it was not an easy task to make a real bow and crossbow with such crude conditions of the Mang tribe and without detailed production methods and blueprints.

The main problem is that the tools are too backward. For the time being, there is no good way to solve this problem. We can only patiently manufacture and upgrade.


Central, butterfly tribe.

"Butterfly God, do you really want to migrate to the Southern Wilderness?"

In a sea of ​​flowers, the butterfly tribe witch faced a huge butterfly with a tangled and bitter expression on his face.

"The central part is getting colder and colder. This place is no longer suitable for our butterfly tribe to survive. We must migrate to the southern wilderness."

"The bee tribe comes to plunder more and more frequently. If we don't leave, the people in our tribe will starve to death, and the butterfly larvae will be eaten up by them."

The totem god of the butterfly tribe is very calm, because it has been thinking about moving the tribe to the Southern Wilderness for a long time, but it has been hesitating before and does not want to give up this sea of ​​flowers.

But now, a trade-off must be made, otherwise a small tribe like the Butterfly tribe would be wiped out too easily.

The Butterfly Tribe witch asked again: "But the southern wilderness is said to be very dangerous, where should we migrate?"

The huge butterfly replied: "Go to the vicinity of the Mang tribe and seek their shelter."

"Will they agree?" Wu was very skeptical about this. Wouldn't it be beneficial for a tribe with such a weak fighting force like the Butterfly tribe?Why should the Mang tribe protect you?
The butterfly said: "I heard that the leader of the Mang tribe doesn't have any women yet, so we'll give him two."

Wu was shocked and said: "The Butterfly God said, which twin sisters in the tribe?"

"Yes, he will love it."

There is a pair of twin sisters in the Butterfly Tribe, who have been very beautiful since they were young. They have been hidden by the Butterfly Tribe and have not been revealed in front of people. Otherwise, they would have been snatched away.

Now, in order to seek the protection of the Mang tribe, the totem god of the Die tribe decided to give the pair of sisters to Chenbei.

 Thanks to the rudder of this book "Huang Aide" for the reward of 500 book coins.

  Thanks for the 200 book coins rewarded by book friends who "shut up and can't beat".

(End of this chapter)

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