The Rise of Primitive Tribes Farming

Chapter 267 Sister Flower

Chapter 267 Sister Flower


In the breeding area of ​​the Mang tribe, more than a dozen big fat pigs were protesting at people in the pigsty. They kept backing away because they saw a few people with knives opening the door of the pigsty and walking towards them.

"Boss, do you really want to kill a pig?"

"Nonsense, it's spring plowing now, everyone is working so hard, how can we not eat some meat?"

Holding a sharp stone knife, Chen Bei was a little excited. The killing of pigs reminded him of the killing of pigs during Chinese New Year in his previous life.

At that time, I felt that pig-killing rice was the best meal, because the pigs in the family were fed pure grain, and the meat was very fragrant.

Unlike later, when everyone stopped raising pigs, they were all fed pigs in pig farms, and the meat was fishy and unpalatable.

The pigs of the Mang tribe are domesticated from wild boars. They are fed grass and omnivores every day, and they have been castrated.

Chen Bei personally held the stone knife, and surrounded the big fat pigs together with the totem warriors from several breeding areas.


After a scream of pig slaughter, ten big fat pigs were all slaughtered. The fur was scalded with hot water and then scraped clean. The internal organs were not wasted, and all the pigs were cleaned one by one.

Afterwards, dozens of large cauldrons were set up in the Mang tribe, large chunks of pork were thrown into it, salt and spices were added, some dried vegetables were added in, and then the cauldron was covered and stewed.

The Mang tribe not only killed pigs, but also slaughtered three-cornered green sheep, colorful pheasants, red ducks, fish, etc., all of which were stewed.

Not long after, the whole Mang tribe wafted a smell of meat. The smell was so gluttonous that the children in the tribe gathered around the cauldron, drooling and helping to light the fire.

Lie's son Yu was also among them. He was five years old this year, and because he had a good father, he ate well, dressed well, lived well, and was well-raised.

Yu is very smart, he is beside Chen Bei, lighting the fire obediently, looking into the cauldron from time to time, his eyes are full of longing.

Because he is the son of the captain of the fishing team, he usually eats mostly fish, and the taste is far worse than Chenbei's stewed meat.

In the entire Mang tribe, apart from Chenbei, where else would they spend a lot of time on how to make their dishes delicious?

Thank God if you can eat enough, how dare you decide whether it is better or not?Forget the days of starvation?
Chen Bei saw Yu looking into the cauldron from time to time, knowing that he was very greedy, he smiled, and directly opened the lid of the cauldron with his hands.

The tripod cover was very hot and heavy, and only Chen Bei dared to take it with his hands.

"smell good!"

Chen Bei fanned the water vapor in the cauldron with his hand, the strong smell of meat made even him a little greedy.

Chen Bei picked up a piece of meat from the cauldron with a pair of chopsticks, put it to his nose, smelled it carefully, and then showed a look of intoxication.


Beside Chen Bei, Lie's son stared at the piece of meat, swallowing continuously.

Chen Bei glanced at him and said with a smile, "Want to eat?"

Yu nodded fiercely, with longing in his eyes.

Chen Bei said with a smirk: "Call Uncle Chen, I'll eat it for you if you call."

Yu hesitated for a while, because everyone usually calls him the leader, but he still couldn't resist the temptation of meat, and called out honestly: "Uncle Chen."

"Hahaha, good boy, let me eat for you."

Chen Bei stuffed the meat into the fish's mouth, and the fish's cheeks were bulging. He chewed it quickly, with a look of satisfaction in his eyes.

Chen Bei also tasted a piece of meat himself, the meat cooked in a big cauldron was indeed different, and it was extremely fragrant.

Yu quickly finished the piece of meat, and looked at Chen Bei eagerly.

Chen Bei patted his head, and said: "We can't steal any more food, and I'll let you eat as much as you want when the meal is served later."

Yu nodded helplessly, continued to light the fire, and waited for the time for dinner to come.

An hour later, the meals were all cooked, and it was finally time to eat.

"dinner's ready!"

Several clansmen ran to the field and yelled loudly.

The clansmen who had worked in the fields all morning were starving, their eyes turned green when they heard the word "serve dinner", and they wanted to run over to eat right away.

"Put away all the tools. Anyone who dares to throw them away will not even think about eating!"

With a roar, Yan managed to calm down those who wanted to run away.

They had to put away their tools obediently, and then ran to eat.

Thousands of people ate together, and the scene was really spectacular. A big pot of food was consumed quickly. Among them, the pork stewed by Yi Chenbei himself was the most popular, and there was not even a bit of soup left.

Chenbei has a great sense of accomplishment for this, and it is also a happy thing to be recognized by everyone.

After eating and resting for half an hour, these people will go to work again until it gets dark.


When the Mang tribe was vigorously carrying out the spring plowing, the soldiers of the Butterfly tribe also escorted the two girls on their way to the Southern Wilderness.

They rode giant butterflies carefully along the way, resting on safe trees when they were tired, and rarely stayed on the ground.

Giant butterflies are not as fast as flying birds, nor are they as durable as birds, and they often need to rest.

Therefore, they did not reach the Mang tribe until three days later.

Today's Mang tribe is really easy to find, because there are so many people who go to the Mang tribe every day to do business, or simply go for refuge.

After arriving at the Mang Tribe, the giant butterfly stopped at the entrance of the Mang Tribe.

The Mang tribe warrior at the door asked: "Which tribe do you belong to? What are you doing in the Mang tribe?"

"We are members of the Butterfly Tribe, and we want to give a big gift to the leader of the Mang Tribe."

"Send a big gift to the leader?"

The soldiers of the Mang Tribe Guard looked at these people, and then conveyed the news to Chen Bei.

"The Butterfly Tribe gave me a gift? This is something new."

"Come on, take me to see it."

Chen Bei walked out of his own yard, walked all the way through the tribe's residence, and arrived outside the stone wall.

The soldiers of the Butterfly Tribe knew Chenbei. At the beginning, Chenbei led people to escort Honghua back to the central part. After entering the central part, the first tribe they encountered was the Butterfly Tribe.

At that time, Chenbei slaughtered the giant bees and warriors of the Bee tribe without any scruples, which left a deep impression on the people of the Butterfly tribe.

"I heard that you are going to give me a big gift, here I am, where is the gift?"

Chen Bei looked at the Butterfly Tribe, but he didn't see any presents, only two tightly wrapped people, and they were not too hot.

"Chief Chen, the gift is here."

The soldiers of the Butterfly Tribe pushed the two tightly wrapped people to the front, and then removed their things.

Two identical twin sisters appeared in front of Chen Bei.

They are not as stout as ordinary tribal women, with very delicate facial features, long hair in shawls, and uneven figures.

They wear animal fur clothing made of deerskin, which gives people a vigorous and wild feeling.

The soldiers of the Mang tribe next to them stared straight at them. Even the tribesmen who regard their beauty as strong and strong have to admit that these two are rare beauties.

The soldiers of the Butterfly Tribe reluctantly pushed them towards Chenbei, saying: "The two of them are the big gift prepared by our Butterfly Tribe, please accept it by Chief Chen."

Flowers for women, or twin sisters.

Chen Bei was a little shocked, this was the first time he was given such a big gift when he came to this world.

Do you want to accept it?
(End of this chapter)

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